I’m gonna have to start growing my own food and making my own clothes then.
I protest this whole fucking society. What it’s done is and going to do.
Fuck this place.
Yet I can’t stop working because I can’t simply pick out piece of land and live off it because it’s owned by the fucking system. They’ll come after me if I simply want a life alone in pursuit of my own happiness. They want me slave work, taxed to pay for my civilizations destruction. Can’t pay taxes with out their system. What a trap pos. Ftgp
Voting with your purchasing power. - A potent weapon in the Culture War.
Uh-huh. But in spite of Anheuser-Busch's Market Value Dropping $15.7 Billion since April 1st: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/bud-light-sponsoring-several-pride-events-despite-anheuser/
Because in clown world jewGloboHomoPedo doesn't give a shit about your opinion, or your money. In fact they dare not even acknowledge that you have one and that it differs from theirs. They are commited to pushing the message all the way up to their own crashing, burning, fiery, through-the-guardrail-and-off-a-cliff death, because they know that they will continued to be financed and supported by worldwide jewGloboHomoPedo all the way to the end.
I'm not saying don't boycott them. By all means continue to do so. But you should also understand what you are really dealing with here.
It's a commited death cult and The Agenda is more important than any other consideration.
This is true, you vote with your dollars.
(post is archived)