Good grief, reddit just keeps getting worse and worse.
Hey, Fluid_Actuator. Listen up. You are not and never will be a woman.
Good grief, reddit just keeps getting worse and worse.
Hey, Fluid_Actuator. Listen up.
You are not and never will be a woman.
say that to my face, bitch.
-this guy. https://c8.alamy.com/comp/K898YY/young-bearded-male-in-fancy-dress-london-uk-K898YY.jpg
>say that to my face, bitch.
-this guy. https://c8.alamy.com/comp/K898YY/young-bearded-male-in-fancy-dress-london-uk-K898YY.jpg
-this guy.
He's exactly what I pictured.
-this guy.
He's exactly what I pictured.