it frosted friday morning, not bad, but its why we can’t plant most shit up here until may/june. gotta tip my hat to you zone 3 warriors.
asparagus is almost harvestable. rhubarb is getting big. garlic is starting to scape.
Onions have been planted outside. they can handle cool weather and light frost. Its gonna be a big year, i have about 200 in the ground.
peas, carrots, spinach, turnips, and parsnips have all been direct-seeded outside and are sprouting.
Superhot pepper seeds inside almost all sprouted this year, so i’ll be looking for good homes for many of them. They are doing good, and on schedule for a June 1 planting. If june is warm and sunny, the peppers will produce well. if june is wet and cool, the peppers will not have enough time to mature before october frost.
we have a ton of basil going inside. i’d like to have 3-4 quarts of pesto in the freezer this fall. our pesto seems to be popular with the neighbors too. makes a great gift.
tomatoes were all planted inside two weeks ago, and are doing great. we are going 100% san marzanos this year.
may 1, i started my squash family seeds in cups. you can direct seed them outside in mid-may, but i still get a couple going early inside.
expecting the strawberry patch to go gangbusters this year. we will also be propagating raspberry plants for more of that. we have a lot of wild blueberries in the woods i am also trying to propagate for more productions. wild blueberries >> high bush blueberries.
the chickens are a pain in the ass when they get into the garden, but earn their keep eating most of the bugs and ticks around the yard and edge of the woods. this is also the first year with the chicken poop compost, and its looking like it has already boosted spring growth a lot.
(post is archived)