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I might buy it now. I don't even give a shit about Harry Potter.

I might buy it now. I don't even give a shit about Harry Potter.

(post is archived)

[–] 10 pts

At this point, it might have been their advertising campaign.

[–] 2 pts

"Expellijudeus" - The 'Unjewing Charm', as the name implies, enables the user to disable a jew or shabbos goy by forcing them out of the country. With enough power behind it, the spell can also knock them off of their feet and send them flying back to israel.

"jedeus revelio" - this spell reveals the presence of any nearby jews that may be hidden anywhere around you so you can protect yourself.

"jewmorphus" - 'jew-Shape' forces any shape-shifter or other creature disguised as a human to reveal their true nature by reverting to their true jew shape.

"jewpello" - Repels jews

"jewvelio" - Causes something that has been hidden by jews to be revealed to the goyim.

"jewdikulus" - Causes a jew to be revealed in a 'ridiculous' form, causing any goyim who see it to laugh at it.

[–] 8 pts

Why do they want to cancel it? Because Whites are in it?

Ah well searched it:

The Harry Potter books, and the universe they spawned, are beloved by millions. It’s so unfortunate, then, that the franchise’s creator, author J.K. Rowling, has repeatedly proven herself to be the worst kind of anti-transgender bigot. That bigotry is in the spotlight once again as the big-ticket Harry Potter game Hogwarts Legacy is due out soon. It’s also likely why the popular left-leaning subreddit r/GamingCircleJerk basically just exploded in anti-Hogwarts Legacy sentiment.

Fucking retards. The left is cancer.

[–] 6 pts (edited )

I really don't understand how stating the fact that there are only two genders makes you a bigot.

[–] 4 pts

She's just an old school feminist and rightly points out that lesbians aren't "bigots" because they don't want to date "trans women."

I dislike the woman, but I respect her standing her ground on that one.

[–] 3 pts

She already has fuck you money, but I agree I respect her standing her ground.

[–] 1 pt

I can hate everything about her but being willing to die on that hill is admirable. I wish all of my enemies had something redeeming about them unlike a certain race.

[–] 1 pt

It isn't.

But ill explain what many on the left think, because knowing what the opposition thinks is a good thing. Doesnt mean I have to agree.

It is the mark of an enlightened mind to entertain a concept, without necessarily accepting it

According to the left there are more than two genders, AND biological sex has nothing to do with this fact.Since this is true, someone who denies this is harming people who belong to whatever that third group is. And since this group is not the majority, it must be a minority.

Therefore if this person is treated as either a man, or a woman, they are being discriminated against, and that is the offense of bigotry.

[–] 1 pt

AND biological sex has nothing to do with this fact

This is only a thing when it is convenient. If gender and sex are not the same then it should be perfectly fine to refer to someone's sex regardless of what their gender is.

It would also be absurd for them to not only have surgery but call it gender reassignment surgery.

They don't really believe anything concrete or logical, instead they run on emotion.

[–] 1 pt

Lol then I’m a bigot. IDGAF.

By their logic, they’d also say “oh you don’t want to let this trans woman babysit your kids? You’re a bigot.” Or “Oh you don’t want to date or fuck this trans woman?” You’re a bigot.”

Yep, I’m a bigot.

[–] 1 pt

That’s because you’re a bigot.

[–] 2 pts

She's a 'TERF' aka a feminist retard who doesn't want men in her dressing room. She still holds every other retarded, feminist, leftwing, britbong belief.

The left is just eating it's own.

[–] 1 pt

Here's the post -


Basically hilarious.

Also "r/Gamingcirclejerk" appears to be a real world / based sub pretending to insult itself as a means to not get banned.

[–] 1 pt

Also "r/Gamingcirclejerk" appears to be a real world / based sub pretending to insult itself as a means to not get banned.

You are smarter than I am then. Very strange subreddit. With that much trollish and shitpostish language I have difficulty to understand what they are trying to really say :p

[–] 1 pt

It's a thing they do on reddit and elsewhere.

Ie there is a sub there called I think "therightcantmeme" or something. They put really good, undebatable memes that rise to the front page of reddit under the guise of "insulting the meme". Where as clearly they are just doing what is needed to get the meme exposure. Insulting it will mean nothing as it will "deliver the payload" if seen anyways.

[–] 3 pts

Keep in mind - it’s set in 1800s England, and the game is chalk full of niggers.

[–] 2 pts

They slaves though right?

Lol, I already know the answer. Sad face

[–] 2 pts

Niggers, pajeets, chinks, and other assortments of non-whites. On top of the stupid amounts of diversity, you can essentially larp as a troon as the game allows you to use male voices with female bodies and vice versa. And they don't even call the body types male and female, but rather body types 1 and 2. It's also being published by (((warner brothers))). Sail the high seas if you must play this for some inexplicable reason, but do not feed the beast with your hard-earned shekels. I repeat, DO NOT SUPPORT THIS SHIT!

[–] 0 pt

And they don't even call the body types male and female, but rather body types 1 and 2.

Yikes! Let me guess female body is body type 1?

[–] 0 pt

Hmm looks like I was somewhat wrong. You select a preset character (which includes both males and females) then you can choose the voice. Voice 1 is male, voice 2 is female. Here's a character creation video if you're curious (warning, excessive amounts of literal niggerfaggotry ahead): https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wK0yK_AUwOk

[–] 0 pt

SMH….. and suddenly, for no reason at all….

[–] 3 pts (edited )

What is it exactly? The wife is a book worm but Harry Potter has always been her favorite. I might see about getting it for her.

Edit: Nevermind. I looked it up. Open world RPG.

[–] 2 pts

Cool! I didn't even look to see what kind of game it was.

[–] 3 pts

Yeah. I guess if it would probably be a good game for anyone that was into Everquest or Warcraft type games.

[–] 2 pts

It's more along the lines of Witcher 3/Assassins Creed style of open world (i.e. single player). The ones you mentioned are MMORPG's which are online and require intense time and grinding to get through.

[–] 1 pt

On high end systems the graphics do look good. But I didn't see the game play as compelling or interesting. Maybe I'm wrong, but looks like the same old wrapped with Harry Potterness.

[–] 1 pt

looks like the same old wrapped with

Aren't they all...

[–] 1 pt

I have a nice PC. If nothing else I'm sure my son would like it.

[–] 0 pt

If your wife enjoys young adult fantasy have her read (or listen to) His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. Tales of Narnia is complex and deeply symbolic. The stories of "The Giver" by Lois Lowry is well done. Actually that's three or four books that are very different; The Giver is the best and actually scarily dystopic.

[–] 0 pt

I'll definitely let her know. Thanks for the recommendations.

[–] 0 pt

If your wife enjoys young adult fantasy have her read (or listen to) His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman.

That series, while well-written, is intentionally leftist. It celebrates impurity ("Dust", daemons touching) instead of virginity. Christianity is portrayed as evil. Non-White sources of wisdom are elevated. Individual ability is denigrated in comparison to the bicycle women community.

[–] 2 pts

Probably the point of it, to get you to buy it. worked for Kanye.

[–] 2 pts

My undersrsnding is that most Harry Potter games up to this pint have been movie tie in games (so trash). This is the first one that looks like it will actually be good. I'll probably end up buying it for my fiance because she wants it, but it'll almost certainly have the medieval English castle filled with shitskins.

[–] 1 pt

Movie tie in games don't have to be trash of there is a 500 page book to pull ideas from. They needed to figure out a quidditch and wizard chess stand alones and the fact that they didn't is criminal me mismanagement of the IP, especially since you could make a f2p and there are what, at least 32 character/pieces to collect

The books are all trash and the movies are slightly more tolerable. I don't know why anyone likes the books. They're not very good. Rowling might be based on the tranny shit, but she still is globo-homo by post-post making her Gandalf ripoff a faggot.

She's flaming left, just not left enough for the LGBTQ-Pedo-WTF-Mafia.

[–] 0 pt

There is nothing glaringly off in the books, except for inability to make a proper and proportionate economy for prices and house points. She's of course going to be leftist, she was a welfare recipient who won the lottery of being published at the right time and by the right company.

[–] 1 pt

We should make a house

[–] 0 pt

Expecto Genus Binarii is performed by St Mungo's for 1.1% of the magical community. It produces a shiny whispy rainbow colored rope that hangs them if they don't cut the shit (stop being a moron)