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This is turning out like a WH40K campaign in real life.

This is turning out like a WH40K campaign in real life.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

I apologize for not understanding, I work and fuck women etc... What Reddit tier homosexual masturbation manual is this referencing?

[–] 1 pt (edited )

One with lots of sexy post apocalyptic science fantasy waifus in it (western cartoon series with anime style animation, just ignore the occasional sjw bullshit that was recently inserted into it, pretend it's based, because the alien babes are cute uwu)

[–] 7 pts

You don't have a clue what your talking about do you? It's Warhammer 40k, it's basically toxic masculinitys wet dream over the distant future. All male genetically enhanced racist super soldiers have to protect humanity from space niggers (orks) space weeb commies (tau) giant insectoids (Turks?) And an irredeemable demon worshipping cult of degenerates (Jews?). It's based as fuck last I checked. "Kill The Mutant, Burn The Heretic, Purge The Xenos" -the good guys.

[–] 0 pt

I was trolling there, because the guy was saying he didn't know what it was, and that it sounded faggy, I decides to make it sound as foggy as I could to turn him off even further.

[–] 0 pt

I work and fuck women

i am rather sceptical of this claim

[–] 0 pt

Cool. Be skeptical. Also, learn to spell.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Orcs are the pocs and shitskins, the blacks and browns Elves are jews and muslims Tau are liberals and marxists Genesteaker mutants are the cult of covid 19, headed by fauci and taking the mutating vax as their required sacraments of defilement Chaos is the widespread epidemic of normal degeneracy on the surface (such as the LGBT and those SJWs who worship these mental sicknesses in a manner of obsessive fetishism), and as you own deeper you find the Kaballah, Satanism, and left hand occultism of the media and the elites (cultural marxism, pizzagate, elsagate, and the rest of their evil)

[–] 1 pt

Genestealers are the white race traitors that fight for BLM and similar. They will openly say that they're working for white extinction, just as the half breed Tyranids are working for their human hosts to get devoured.

[–] 0 pt

Elves are white people in LOTR analogy Elves in the Santa Inc analogy

[–] 2 pts

I thought everyone was white in LotR analogy. Except orcs maybe.

[–] 0 pt

Oh. Ya that makes sense too.

[–] 1 pt

Purge the unclean (i.pinimg.com)

[–] 0 pt

whys a nigger in full plate armor bothering to carry around a wooden sheild?

[–] 1 pt

to be fair would you rather be a space marine? i mean they literally throw extremely dangerous species onto planets just for the residents to fight and get strong then take the strongest ones and brainwash them. like there is no good race in WH40k almost all extremely evil

[–] 0 pt

Man these associations between elves and jews are ruining the scifi elves for me.

[–] 3 pts

The Eldar were ultra degenerates who engaged in every vice imaginable, and I'm talking stuff like torture and murder of their most innocent just for the cooming here.

They also worshipped vile false idols who told them that they were the shit, and that they could do as they pleased with anyone who wasn't them, so they took slaves from those around them to torture rape to death, and sacrifice to their idols.

Eventually, they were so fucking degenerate that they summond the God of degeneracy into existence, this God destroyed their planet and turned it into a fucking Hellscape dedicated to the sickest fuckery imaginable, like what the Eldar were up to, but this time with the power of reality warping omnipotence to make really sick shit happen.

And of course, this God wanted sacrifices, just like the fake ones the Eldar worshipped.

So now the Eldar go around as nomads, since their souls are dammed, they are scared as shit of dying, and trap their souls in stones to keep the God of ruination from claiming it.

Apart from that, they go in various directions, the differences between these factions and their philosophies are huge, and so they all hate each other, but all of them involve still being pretentious smug manipulative monsters to both each other and especially to anyone who isn't Eldar.

They are devils, every one of them, as if evil is in their very nature, and merely expresses itself in different ways, nature itself abhors them, and do they live on mobile worlds of their own creation, never in one place and always found in a region of space that isn't theirs, being bad news for whoever lives there, universe is better off without them, they seek nothing but to spread their plague of corruption and destruction wherever they go.

They sustain themselves through parasites off of anyone they deem to be lesser, which may include fellow Eldar but always includes all non Eldar, they destroy those they feed off of, then move on, always playing the poor victimized refugee.

Despite their obvious pathetic nature's, they are the most repulsively prideful race out there, even after falling so far, they still think of themselves as the perfect lifeforms, in fact, it is for this reason they have such a hostility towards the humans, who resemble them, but are actually functional and independently successful.

Everyone hates the Eldar, those who don't either learn to, or are destroyed by them before they get the chance.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

The Eldar are jews, tall, skinny, hairless, colorful, weirder looking, but still jews nonetheless.

[–] 1 pt

Mon-keigh = goyim Slaanesh = Baphomet/Satan

It all makes sense.

[–] 0 pt

Yes, those elves do sound quite despicable. I tend to think of elves as the warcraft/LotR varieties.

That's the point. Don't let these jew created memes ruin anything for you. Elves are nothing like kikes.