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[–] 13 pts

Now do one for Mac

Just kidding macs havent been any good for games since shufflepuck cafe

[–] 6 pts

Even back then the Commodore and any version of the PC(usually IBM) was far superior.

[–] 2 pts

RGB hardware adds bling, which marginally adds cost while significantly justifying increase in price.

AKA, a price-gouging racket.

No more complicated than greed.

[–] 1 pt

C64 was my first computer.

Yes. Yes i was keeping up with the Commodore.

[–] 3 pts

Well actually there was a game called marathon from Bungie before they sold out that had superior mouse controls and had thousands of colors while pc had Doom with only 256 colors and keyboard controls

[–] 5 pts

while pc had Doom

You should've left that bit out, because admitting that one system has Doom and the other does not automatically makes the system that runs Doom infinitely superior.

That means most electronic objects currently in existence are superior to Macs. My old digital watch can literally run Doom. This is more a testament to how well made Doom was, than how awesome my 30ish year old watch is.

[–] 0 pt

What are you on about? Mac did get Doom ports that were inferior in graphics to Marathon. Mac also did get Quake 3 before PC did by the way..

[–] 0 pt

game called what from who now?

/me whistles innocently

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

The one that killed me was RGB RAM. Like come the fuck on man I don't need my RAM sticks to flash colors

[–] 5 pts

Yah. And it tends to go on sale for lower prices than the plain sticks. Got a lot of it in some machines, including ones where there's no chance to see it.

[–] 2 pts

If you saw my RAM, you would completely disagree. When the whole left side of your case is tinted glass, it's nice.

My first computer was a beige steel and plastic case that weighed at least two cars, I'm allowed to have RGB RAM.

You do you man. Personal preference is all.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

i have a nuc because i cant fucking stand the bling and the desk real estate.

i dont think ive owned a full desktop system in over a decade now, i went from meh laptop to gaming laptop to nuc connected to a tv and a surface that goes to work and back. hades canyon a decent unit and if i get some spare cash ill look at the next one.

[–] 1 pt

I prefer consistency in my lighting as to not cause needless strain on the eyes

[–] 8 pts

Last week I got a slamin deal on a gaming laptop. I haven't gamed since Half Life/Early Xbox 360 days.

I loaded up some portal and halflife from my old hard drives and had a absolute blast.

Now I was thinking, let's see what's new today... I downloaded Apex Legends and holy shit how things have changed. Just starting the game presented the Tranny,Gay,Nigger flag and a message about equality. All the easiest to choose characters are women and everything else in that game has that social justice vibe to it.

Afraid to try another modern game... But I will and take one for the team.

[–] 9 pts

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Not one nigger in the game, no faggotry either.

Wow, this game looks great! How did I now know about it?!?!

[–] 1 pt

Because faggot pozzed gaming bloggers didn't want you to know about it, because the developer refused to put niggers in his game set in medieval Bohemia.

[–] 1 pt

One of the best solo game ever made

[–] 0 pt

I found the replayability lacking. Aside from that it was really good and had some challenging combat mechanics (assuming you didn't cheese it).

[–] 1 pt

If you've got a good machine, you can install emulators and play all the old-school console games with max everything. Just installed yuzu to play switch games; been playing Mario Odyssey with my daughter, and she's been playing Harvest Moon.

[–] 0 pt

This. There's finally a workable XBox emu. I need to find an N64 emu that will run Gauntlet Legends (though the Dreamcast is a closer port to the arcade, almost like they are separate games). Playing the N64 Shadowman right now. Need a new laptop so I can play PS2 games (business class integrated GPU just won't do) because there was a sequel (which is inferior in story but still enjoyable).

[–] 1 pt

If you want a good modern game without POZ, try Rune Factory 5 when it launches in September.

[–] 1 pt

Nintendo Switch

Ehhh, maybe when the new platform comes out with BOTW2 I'll pick it up along side it.

[–] 0 pt

Squad. If you are looking for a multiplayer FPS.

Learning curve is steep but that makes the community like 100% asian and Whites.

[–] 0 pt

Will it run Crysis? :P

I know people shit on these but i have got cyberpunk its not bad now for a bit of a blast nothing particularly special, and fallout 4 is moddable enough to pretty much make your own game with. like clone armies of SS soldiiers and a bodyguard of amazons an sheeit.

biggest problem with fallout mods is even there retarded liberal mods cant keep their damn mouths shut so its was at one point a minefield of extra evil and exaggeratedly dumb npcs with names like 'drumpf'

[–] 0 pt

Try hunt showdown. Be ready to lose a lot haha. Great multiplayer game

[–] 0 pt

Hunt is dog shit and crytek are a bunch of cucks that protect cheaters

[–] 0 pt

Are you mad because youre bad at the game?

[–] 5 pts

Just play 5 yr old games and buy non-gay hardware.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

That shit is cancer. I had to manually disconnect the THROBBING FLASHING LIGHTS on my current mouse. It works fine in Linux, but no light control to turn that fucking shit off so I had to unscrew the mouse housing and unplug several LEDs.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Throbbing in your mouse hand

You're doing computers wrong.

[–] 3 pts

unscrew the mouse housing

Also some have removable weights in them. Give me a light mouse for quick acceleration.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Ya, this one had weights but I didn't put any in. I was surprised that the offending lights all had plugs, I was prepared to crunch some LEDs with pliers if need be.

[–] 0 pt


[–] 2 pts

I have a great mouse that I love and if I wasn't able to turn all the light setting off for it(there were at least 3) I would have returned it. I did have to install the software that came with it to do that which was annoying since it worked without it. I didn't even think of what will happen when I plug it into my linux laptop.

[–] 4 pts

Non-RBG Hardware

RBG is dead.

[–] 3 pts

You can set the RBG shit to be any color. My machine glows all red and orange like a fireplace... no need to leave it on unicorn cum mode.

[–] 1 pt

Or even turn it off. On all the devices I have. I leave it on a single color so I can see shit in the dark

[–] 3 pts

It's not that hard at all.

[–] 1 pt

Right? RGB shit usually comes at a premium. Funny I bought an RGB mouse and keyboard (with responsive lighting) and everything is just white. It's a lightning theme. Case fans are white (only come on when they're running above so many RPMs so I can know when the comp is working hard)... only red color is my LED POST debug code indicator... also some green LED on the MoBo.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Well, I'm gonna have to saturate the world with even more RGB..

There's an old Samsung TXG2045 21" CRT on my bench getting RGB-modded right now. But not the gay LED kind. The 75-ohm 0-0.7 Vp-p kind.

[–] 2 pts

Now that Justice Ginsberg is dead it should be a good deal easier to find hardware without her . :D

All kidding aside I will go out of my way to try to find good hardware without all of the RGB bullshit. Are people really this stupid? "Derp, look at the pretty lights!"

The last motherboard I got was a good deal but it had RGB; luckily I could turn it off.

[–] 0 pt

I was waiting for somebody to get the pun, lol. RBG is dead and gay as hell, nigga.

But yeah, thank god for MOBOs that allow you to control that shit.

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