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Where’d the time go?

Where’d the time go?

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

getting old has its recompense. stuff that would agitate me, doesn't even ruffle me anymore. those random feelings of where i wanted to bust out of my skin, ennui, etc...all gone. and i never was the extreme adrenaline type either. i could sit at home and enjoy the simple good things but dang, sometimes this almost destructive urge would surface. all that is gone.

every beautiful fragrance is that much more sweet. every lovely thing is that much more beautiful, as if bathed in diffused light. i have more patience. i learned to love myself and enjoy my own solitude. i'm not dead by a longshot, but my "alive" is more purposeful.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

TV I think because of stimulation over and over overtaxes without reason the Adrenal glands. No TV, working out after work get up to 300lb bench press when started at 60lbs just over a year earlier.

Buy TV, gains stop still working out though, bored, don't go out, don't go see friends, and talk to people about stupid shit seen on idiot box.

TV is there to fuck your social life and health up and I know that now.

[–] 0 pt

60 to 300 in a year is crazy good. You mind saying what your height and weight are?

I was at the time 5'8" fat 230lbs, was later bulked "wish I went for ripped" 230lbs of muscle eating around 10k calories, curled 160lbs slowly so all work no swing, 180lb inclined press also.

Diet is everything I made for 2 meals 2 lbs of skinless chicken, large box uncle bens brown rice and family sized can cream of mush room soup. I made a casarole and was described as inhaling it.

I could eat anything and not gain a pound. Later after injury so lifting out went up to 260 fat and weak, now just over 210 leaned to drink water often and accidentally that fasting works when done fasting by changing stomach bacterial makeup to more fat then sugar urges.

I still can't do a pushup but I'm making myself do stuff even with pain. It's like the old joke. It's all mind over matter, it I don't mind then it doesn't matter. Just work through it since if it doesn't injure you then you gained for the next time.

Huge warning since many think like I did it doesn't matter. Exercise carefully your rotor cuff muscle groups. If your shoulders get worn then you cannot just fix them then forget about them.

Make sure you care for those joints since if they're weak and you're pressing you could be wearing them out and not even realizing it till they pop and grind daily and ache all the time.

Also I found flexing to warm up but avoiding stretching works for me best BUT you must do full range motion as in let that bar sit on you chest to stretch when warm or hot to make sure you're not over tight and can swing arms loosely without tightness, very big oversite for myself.

Now hamstrings they say toe touches, well try instead my own method, bend 90 degrees at the waist with knees slightly bent and then do squats no weight, you then stretch the hamstrings painlessly and you don't put wear on lower back disks with the hip movement.

Try this once when not tight and you'll see bent over squats I'll call them don't exercise the back or injure it but will loosen back of leg painlessly with far less effort then toe touches do and you can touch your toes this way also.

If you have pain in top of buttocks "beltline then squat down and sit on heels and just stay like that.

Told by doctors to do this or that stretch and get injured doing their perfect routine, just squat fully and stop at bottom or even touch floor with hands in front of you.

[–] 1 pt

I get what you mean. Life experience is like a blacksmith’s forge and anvil: it’ll burn you and hammer you into shape, leaving you completely changed (for better or worse).

I pray for all the young kids out there that aren’t being given the challenges they need to grow up and be shaped into respectable adults. So many need to learn shit the hard way...

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

"aren't being given the challenges" nail on head.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Almost but understandable, they are avoiding the challenges and taking the easy road and missing the lessons learned when taking on with a passion. I worked at a small factory. I had like 12 positions including shipping and recieving.

I was the circuit board tester and we used templates "flat plexiglass drilled to test with". Well they were all on 3 shelves and it took almost 20 minutes to find one of them.

Well one day I was walking to the office to ask where they wanted me to cover for on orders since I could do a dozen machines or acid baths. Well those templates had been bugging the fuck out of me. I knew if I asked I would be told no "cheap not seeing profit of spending a little to gain a lot". I had an old heavy desk. There were like 3000 of these with old masking tape with marker to ID them quick but most were faded totally.

I got a marker , roll of tape, and then picked them up 20 at a time and put them around my desk on the floor. I then started sorting them like cards by 100's so a pile of 0 to 100 another of 101 to 200.

It was like sorting books in a library to me. I was 3/4 done and my boss asked what I was doing wasting all this time. I showed him and promised him if he let me take another hour to finish it would save him money as in more than it cost for paying my low pay to do this.

I finished and these were stacked with the newest high number ones on top and I would sort the 100's piles as I was about to put them on the shelf so they were all in order. So like cards on edge in a 10 ft long row/shelf 3 levels high.

Next day need to pull 5 templates, remember one took me at least 20 minutes and he realized this. I went back to the office 10 minutes later, Done, he just looked at me confused. Done what? Got all 5 pulled to let you see that the 20 minutes plus for one is now 5 in 10 minutes. Now he knew math as in genius math done without paper for circuit boards with customers over the phone.

Later I got the engineer since the machine had no manual to show me how to troubleshoot or even pull a circuit board acting up on the test unit and then trace errors "old machine breaking and an engineer overworked and paid over double my pay "good friend weed smoking buddy" to fix.

Boss caught me fixing my own machine and freaked since it was vintage early 1980's no parts made anymore. He then was told I was trained by the engineer and that he then told the boss because of me asking for that training he could get to working on the almost a year late dozen projects they were always asking about.

Boss is realizing the stoner drunk is doing 3x more jobs at work, is finding stuff wrong and fixing it to save him 1000's a year and doing it without prodding from anyone.

He didn't realize this and I didn't either at the time but I learned that by stepping up I was also fixing my own attitude and work ethics. I realized that the years spent trying to do the minimum had harmed myself and my growth so I went and looked for challenges or problems everyone was avoiding or ignoring like they didn't exist.

So not only being challenged but searching for challenges and making sure to complete them is what my view is most important for personal growth of men and women.

[–] 0 pt

All I want to do anymore is camp, sail, fish, and relax with my family anymore.

If feels great when you're no longer busting your ass for the next big paycheck or chasing women.

[–] 0 pt

I'm the opposite, too much heartache I guess.

i've had much heartache. lost loved ones. took care of them as they died, as they would share with me their fear and pain. i took it on, took it inside me. i've had a fortune and lost a fortune because of evil people. i even had a rough patch with my kid that i didn't think we would get through. lots of other troubled times i won't get into. i don't know how i rose above all that anger, and swallowed the bitter bile. well, yes i do. i prayed. i submitted and humbled myself and realized i could not go on in that way and prayed for help. and now i pray and give thanks.

try to get back that awe and magic you could feel as a kid. it's okay to be a kid at heart.

i wish you well. i wish you a blessing.

[–] 2 pts

I feel soooooo old lol..

[+] [deleted] 1 pt

Zelda, Link to the past. Got it and the machine for $20 at a yard sale and it was the gold cartridge. I bought that 15 years after the game released, now that's my poor privilege as a pink skinned one. So long ago and wasted 100's of hours sitting in front of a tv screen trying to get a fake character to succeed and win the game while losing time and real life experience. Games how to fuck your life up and think it's fun while not realizing you've wasted time that could be for loving someone or making sure you're prepared when you're old and lame "Inevitable for everyone unless hit by a bus or has evidence on Hillary"

[–] 1 pt

It (files.catbox.moe) happens sooner than you'd like.

I remember playing the table top version at our local pizza parlor for well over an hour on one quarter.

This was shortly after we invented the wheel.

[–] 1 pt

Probably closer to 25 years ago. Yep, just looked it up, came out in 96 .

[–] 1 pt

In about 1 1/2 months it's been 25 years since it released in Japan. September 29. for NA and March next year for us poor EU plebs.

[–] 0 pt

I actually had a Japanese friend that had the Japanese version of the console and many games so I got early access to some of them. The Jap version of the games were slightly different(and better imo) than the US version(names, sounds, game play in some cases). We also had to cut plastic off the US game cartridge in order for it to fit in the Jap console but they worked fine once you got it to fit in.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Mario 64 was in 94. This is Sunshine (2002).

[–] 3 pts

Oh. Well I'm older than dirt I guess because I never even heard of Sunshine.

[–] 4 pts

Its the half-nigger stepchild of the series.

[–] 1 pt

I’m actually playing Sunshine for the first time now.

It’s kind of gay.

[–] 0 pt

You run around squirting everyone and everything with your squirter. You just now realized this?

[–] 1 pt

The two Galaxy games were peak Mario.

[–] 0 pt

I guess I mean more like how they tried to create a new world with all these new characters that I don’t give a crap about and aren’t relevant to the already existing Mario universe.

[–] 0 pt

Woah, never thought I’d hear that from a fan of the series. That was a worry some of the devs had with Paper Mario as well, which is why they stopped adding new characters and lore in the later games.

Personally, I loved all the new content they added, and I thought Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door was the greatest addition to the series. I’m kinda bummed that we’ll never get something like that ever again.

[–] 1 pt

Mane u IGHT u ight brah

[–] 0 pt

Yep, I have not even played the bottom one much. The benefit of getting into it now is that Mario 64 is still fresh in my memory that it will feel like an upgrade.

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