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[–] [deleted] 7 pts

I enjoyed Madden through the early 00s. It's too bad that kids won't get to enjoy simple sports games like that anymore. Perhaps they will find other things to do, like go outside, talk to girls, study something that interests them, etc.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Madden 08 was the shit, man.

That, MLB 2k5, NCAA 07, the Star Wars games of that era (KOTOR, Battlefront, Republic Commando.... Lego Star Wars...), and Need for Speed: Underground.

Never did like the nigger music even when I was a kid though. 😂 I just left the rock tracks on.

Nice. And Kotor STILL rocks. Probably my favorite game of all time.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I'm finishing up a playthrough on PC right now actually. Have been the last couple days. TSLRCM adds so much cut content, it really does fill out the game very well. If you can, play it on PC. You'll be glad you did.

[–] 7 pts

So. Who plays these garbage games? Sports games are hardly different year to year. One dumb nigger passes a ball to another dumb nigger to get the ball on one side to score a point of some sort and try and get the most points possible. I fucking hate professional sports and its a waste of fucking time.

[–] 3 pts

Who plays these garbage games?

Sports games, fighting games, and racing games are appealing to niggers because you can buy one game and your group can play it endlessly.

[–] 6 pts

because you can buy...

Yeah I doubt that.

[–] 2 pts

Game shops know this, discs are locked behind the counter now so niggers cant steal them. And niggers are too stupid to pirate games.

[–] 1 pt

Yes because only niggers are interested in not giving money to kikes for products of decreasing quality. Niggers hate sim racing games as well.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

im not a nigger.

ive bought and played every codemasters f1 game. (not that bobble headed shit btw, loved their older touring car sims, but have only otherwise tried Dirt because it was free, glad it was cos i only played if for 2 hours)

because i like them. at least with racing stuff the cars are generally different from year to year whereas kapernick has been the same bum since he was a teen.

now that codemasters is EA owned i wont be buying them again because i know exactly what EA is going to do to them.

if iRacing wasnt so much of a pain in the ass (you go from spending years in Formula 1 simulators to having to drive a fucking ford focus around a gokart track for months) id be on that. Another big diff between sim racing and playing fifa or nba games with your mates is the top sim racing series prizes often include entries in real road racing events.

i dont do multiplayer tho. once you let other fucking idiots at the end of computers do whatever they want anonymously you end up with a bunch of ppeople at the front trying to 'race' with a bunch of asshats lining up your rear to accelerate through you knowing their car turns into a fucking ghost, or saving time by ricocheting off walls and ridiculous shit. Fucking codemasters shitty flag rules dont help much at times either.... so pro sim type leagues you have to start in slow shit and spend years and dollars on it or game sim leagues you deal with the same fucking retards you deal with in any other shit tier multiplayer game like CS

fight me.

[–] 1 pt

Vroom vroom, nigger.

Forreal though, I'm glad you have something you're enthusiastic about that brings you joy.

Pro sports bring the niggers and the albino niggers together under one stadium roof.

[–] 1 pt

Stats are racist unless blacks have better ones

[–] 0 pt

Exactly. Look at that God loving white dude with the 7 superbowl rings....

[–] 0 pt

i hate afl but everyone knows Adam Goodes gets abused like fuck because hes a shit cunt, the fact that hes a nigger is his problem but 'muhracism'

E..A..Sports, it's in your Ass!

[–] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt (edited )

Niggers always have to be highlighted by (((media))) as perfect heroes.

multimillionaire black Colin is uneducated and tried promoting the jew race war that "AMERICA IS RACIST and NATIONAL ANTHEM IS RACIST"

Its becoming true though slowly.. Amrica is now finally racist... racist AGAINST WHITEY

[–] 0 pt

and retards keep buying ea games while at the same time bitching about lootboxes and how its the same game as last year reskinned..... but they still have to get the game.

hell i cant entirely blame you i buy the F1 games every year which will now stop as those same EA motherfuckers have now bought out Codemasters.

[–] 0 pt

Glad I grew out of video games when I turned 18.

[–] 0 pt

Sportsball lol the epitome of cuckoldry

Yes, give up your activities White man!

Sure. Sports are cucked. That's why the SS trained by playing sports, because we all know those elite troops of the Reich were just cucks after all. Right?


[–] 0 pt

Found the faggot who wasted his entire life running after balls, You suck cock or are a dog.

Perhaps both.

No, most I did was play baseball and I left when it was just a game of "who can suck up to the coach better". I wasn't having it so I quit.

Main sports I enjoy are swimming, airsoft, and ESPORTS.

I'm joking on the last one, lol.

[–] -1 pt

Playing sports isn't cucked. Worshipping "our" team (of niggers and non-locals, owned by jews), watching them on TV, and wearing a jersey with another man's name on it is cucked.

[–] 0 pt

I think the sucking balls and rebelling against his white parents promoted him to legend status