The only safe things you will be allowed to type soon are from the following approved (((Leftist))) mottos and slogans :
- "Black Lives Matter!"
- "Trump is a NAZI!"
- "Justice for Trayvon"
- "A.C.A.B ... All Cops Are Bastards!"
- "Say Breonna Taylor's name!"
- "Punch a NAZI"
- "Diversity is Our Strength"
- "Hands Up, Don't Shoot"
- "I Can't Breath"
- "Unite against Racism!"
- "Stop pretending your racism is Patriotism"
- "Make Racists afraid again"
- "A Border Wall is Racist"
- "Denial of racism is racism"
- "White Privilege is Racism in Action"
- "Math is Racist"
- "Say no to racism! We are all human"
- "Science is Racist"
- "Love comes naturally, Hate is learned"
- "Race equality first"
- "We are the 99%"
- "Defund the Police"
- "Equal pay for all"
- "Color should never divide us"
- "Free Speech is Hate Speech"
- "Eat the Rich"
- "Blacks Deserve Better"
- "Trump Must Go"
- "Smash Racism"
- "White People Stole This Land"
- "Blacks built America"
- "It’s Time to Take Slavery Reparations!"
- "Racists go home"
- "Don’t use free speech for hate"
- "Kill Racist filth"
- "Think global, act local, Race War Now"
- "Black Power"
- "IQ is a Racist Myth"
- "Never Forget the 6 Million"
- "Each for all and all for each"
- "Shoplifting is slavery reparations"
- "Reparations ARE the ANSWER"
- "Africans migrate here because Whites still occupy Africa"
- "You Stole Blacks, You Sold Blacks, You Owe Blacks!
- "Love Trumps Hate"
- "Power to the People"
- "Reparations for Gentrification!"
- "Identity is greater than just a passport"
- "Under our skin, we all bleed red"
- "Revolution is not a dinner party"
- "Cancel White Culture"
- "Racism breeds ignorance"
- "American was Never Great"
- "Better Red than Dead"
- "Equal rights for all, targeted privileges for none"
- "Jails are racist"
- "Tolerating Racism is Racism"
- "Prison is Racist"
- "Traffic Laws are Racist"
- "Racism has no place here"
- "One race: Human"
- "United to end racism"
- "Racism is a horrible disease, a baseball bat is the cure"
- "Racism, Spot it and stop it By ANY MEANS NECESSARY"
- "One Racist White, One Bullet"
- "Put racism offside"
- "Racism is the refuge for the ignorant Whites"
- "Resist racism"
- "Swing the vote by Any Means Necessary"
- "Make racism wrong again"
- "They Are Just Like Us"
Merely naming the Jew, typing "JewGle, JewTube", or raising the "JQ" will get the kike-bot-ai to classify your gaming account as :
"holocaust denier"
"white nationalist"
"hate group member"
"anti jewish organization member"
"hate speech supporter"
"zealot Trump supporter"
"scared White Boomer"
"intolerant hater"
"jingoist whitey"
"christian zealot"
"superpatriot terrorists"
"christian puritan"
"scared white person"
or whatever (((they))) think they can categorize you for being a White straight male who supports the US Constitution.
christian zealot
One Zealot-class Elite standing by to peform God's will. \o
We are the 99%
I'm pretty sure that's considered antisemitic now.
(post is archived)