There's a class of game made out of "found assets" effectively abandoned parts and pieces of stuff. Stuff used as practice, assets never sold, bits of hacked code and so on. Such games are the indiest of indie games. Like a bad 12 year old russian hacker ran out of smokes, spent 5 minutes making one and sold it to his friend for 3 cigarettes. It's about as anti-AAA gaming as it gets.
This game got a bit of traction for being somewhat decent, narrated and a bit thoughtful, and brutally frustrating. Even pewdiepie, a guy who made many millions streaming games making him about as much of a professional as that genre has, had difficulties keeping his cool while streaming live in front of millions. And that's part of it's appeal, watching people slowly lose their cool attempting to play this game.
Thanks for the info.
It didn't look like he moved back very far, how did it take 12.5 hours to get to where he was?
He's got no legs dude. How long would it take you to scale straight up in a fucking pot using a sledge hammer?
Every person I have seen who has no legs, have arms that are very strong and they can throw their weight around like a monkey.
It's a brutally punishing physics game and the path up zigzags, and this was probably his first playthrough. It probably only took him another two hours to get back to where he was.
Even still, fuck this "game". Pretentious artfaggotry pretending to be deep while ripping off the cheapest of cheap trash games.
(post is archived)