Epic games launcher is a botnet (pic8.co) -- do not install it
The above is bullshit by someone who is competent enough to start a program, but too dumb to correctly analyse and interpret its output. And the hoarde of stupid reddit kids upvoted it to heavens. If will explain it once again if you ask and give me the full resolution image.
The only valid concern was that they were snooping at Steam' friend lists for whatever shady reason. But it was another person who found it.
I just wanted you to know that, after reading your message, I upvoted picman just because I can...
Also, "epic games" and their supporters can cut off their dick and throw it in a ditch...
I don't like them either, only cool with Steam and hope to support GoG more in the future.
are you....the real notch?
No, nether potato.
(post is archived)