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[–] 5 pts (edited )

“It was all around immigration and religion,” she adds. “I thought this seems very, very out there - very not like him. He did not make racist comments per se. It wasn't so much anti-Islam. It was questioning passages in the Qur'an - saying that they meant something different, and as much as I argued with him, that just created a bigger divide between himself and myself.”

What a disgusting npc.

'Kill the non-believer, and ejaculate in the thigh'. - WTF is this shit Ma?.

'No son, that doesn't actually mean that'.

EDIT: Oh dear, Lucy and her son now volunteer for an organisation called Exit Hate Trust which helps people who want to leave the far right. A literal White-cuckoldry non-profit, run by a former 'Combat 18 - neo-nazi'.

[–] 5 pts


Once you know the truth, there's no going back. There's no "cure" for enlightenment. All he did was learn how to hide his power level in a world full of NPCs.

[–] 1 pt

Brainwashing and psyops are a powerful thing, don't underestimate them. Stupid people are easier to manipulate, but intelligent people do fall for these attacks, especially when specifically targeted.

[–] 3 pts

I cannot believe this. It's hilarious!

[–] 3 pts

Pretty sure they just call that a teenager...

[–] 3 pts

There have been multiple incidents of ethnic minorities being attacked on the streets. In the aftermath of the Southport stabbing, false information spread rapidly online, wrongly claiming the suspect was a Muslim asylum seeker who came to the UK on a small boat crossing.

Like it makes a fucking difference if he is fresh off the boat or the child of a couple from Rwanda. Either way the fucker has no business being in Europe.

[–] 1 pt

"My son was brainwashed by the far-right and now he thinks that there was no masturbation machines in Auschwitz! Were did I go wrong?!?"