A lot of hate in the comments but I feel bad for her. All these girls were lied to. Somehow being a corporate wage slave is better than taking care of a husband and raising a family.
Older generations sold her out. She didn't ask for this.
We were all sold out. Every generation prior failed every generation after to them. The Jews created all this. Never lose sight of the truth.
What you say is true, so this is a learning experience for her. Her real education is coming now.
But is she going to change? My comment was no, it will push her harder left so she can get her gibs
She is young and cute. She can hit the easy button and find a beta provider male at anytime. Still too many sucker simps out there there.
She even mentions dating, but she probably means hooking up with chad and tyrone, not finding a husband.
Yup, or as somebody else mentions, only fans.
I heard that she was expecting the fairly tale life upon graduation. Mary Tyler more…for thos old enough to remember…or sex in the city. Big job I’m fancy downtown. Drinks and boys at night, fashion and lunches during the day.
She hit a rude awakening and is unaware of how to process.
(post is archived)