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[–] 10 pts (edited )

I’m going to fucking say Merry Christmas. Nowhere else made a “Happy Holidays” equivalent for us with any of their holidays so why should we?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Write down the names of those who take offense to merry Christmas.

Let them know that they are now on a list

[–] 2 pts

But who's checking it twice?

[–] 5 pts

Happy Hilodays everyone!

[–] 6 pts

Celebrate send me your nudes in a card

[–] 1 pt

Post your address so I can

[–] 2 pts


[–] 5 pts

I have adopted to use Merry Christmas and none of that happy holidays crap. I do like the idea that the hidden meaning is Heil Hitler.

[–] 5 pts

"This is America. Christmas is the holiday. Merry Christmas."

[–] 0 pt

I’ve never not said Merry Christmas. What was wrong with you before?

[–] 4 pts

It was always Merry Christmas for me. I just used to answer Merry Christmas loudly and distinctly to the Happy Holidays crowd to annoy them. Or ask them what holidays were they talking about? If they said Hanukah I would say if it wasn't for Christmas jews wouldn't care about the day. Same with Kwanza. Total fake holiday made up by some crazy black guy at Cal State Long Beach. He was so crazy he thought the black panthers were pussies compared to his united slaves group.

I refused to go to the "Holiday" party at my work. The planners decided to change the name from Christmas to Holiday because of a jewish woman and a Jehovah's witness at my work, just to get them to attend. And guess what, those two didn't go anyway in spite of the name change. They knew it was a Christmas Party.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Happy Holodays!

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Do Muslims celebrate Christmas?

"Najran has the protection of God and the pledges of Muhammad, the Prophet, to protect their (the Christians') lives, faith, land, property, those who are absent and those who are present, and their clan and allies. They need not change anything of their past customs. No right of theirs or their religion shall be altered. No church leader, monk or church guard shall be removed from his position."

It was this historical commitment towards people of other faiths that formed the ideals of Islam.


So....which group/s are really behind the idea to get rid of Christmas?

[–] 4 pts

Meanwhile in reality, sandjews constantly attack Christians and Christian churches.

[–] 3 pts

Naaaah, muslims lie. I reality they suppress all other religion. My country was almost 6 century under muslim occupation, so I know something about this. Also don't forget that modern muslims are more radical than muslims which live in Mohamed time. So maybe is real question who radicalize muslims? If you take look many muslim "artists" attack Christianity like... forever. They make anti Christian - white - western culture... "artworks" movies, books, etc. ..... also they are more than happy to work on such projects ( which mostly are jew sponsored ). In short, they will do everything to destroy western/white culture, and attack on Christianity is good starting point. Although I don't have good opinion about jew sect called Christianity, I defend this abomination, simply because white heritage is destroyed long time ago. We can't simply go back and adopt old values again. Christianity is all we now have, this is our reality. Cutting people from his roots ( history, culture, identity, etc. ) is one of best ways to fuck them for good.

[–] 1 pt

Pajeet, India was under Islamic rule for almost 1000 years.

[–] 0 pt

Spain and South-eastern Europe were occupied for similar time frames to his post. Spain is almost 800 years, but depending on the region he's taking about 600 would make sense.

[–] 0 pt

Cat lovers are the masterminds behind all evils of the world

[–] 0 pt

Agreed Toxoplasmosis whores are more of a threat than commie pinkos.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Hulk Hogan, brother.

[–] 3 pts

I like the idea of giving unsuspecting HH to gouls. Idea adopted

[–] 2 pts

If someone says happy holidays to me I'll say "Merry Christmas to You, HH".

[–] 2 pts

The kikes that push this anti-Christmas shit will not revert to "Merry Christmas", they'll come up with something extremely gay and retarded like "happy december global holidays".

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! May your "holiday" last a thousand years! A holiday of iron and blood.

[–] 1 pt

Happy Holidays!

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