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(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

No faggot. Literally every jew ever is bad and the enemy.

Rofl this comment chain after Hexploits is just jew A and jew B trying to fool the goyim on poal.

[–] 2 pts

Lol, ok buddy.

I've been on poal and voat from the beginning. I just refuse to let the black pill take me. Constant anger is not the answer. Blanket hate will get us nowhere. Mistrust, yes, but not hate.

As I said, I want them out of my country but I cannot believe all of them are evil, just as I cannot believe all whites are good. Most are, but not all. My concern are the jews in power. The ashkenazi ZOGs. The khazars. Look into the history of the region and how Russia wiped them out. That's likely why they destroyed Russia from the inside and murdered so many of their people. They aren't even really jews.

[–] 0 pt

Anticlutch continues to be a faggot, despite being called out for being a faggot every single day.

[–] 0 pt

Seeing jews behind every disagreement will not serve us. You are acting just like a liberal when confronted with disagreement. REEEEEEEEE, YOU'RE A jew! Just as liberals see Nazis everywhere.

[–] 0 pt

No you're the fagot. What's with every millennial always saying "literally" before their statement? It's how dick suckers and women talk so if you want to be taken seriously, stop talking like a fag.