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[–] 4 pts

Not all jews are my enemy. ALL of my enemies are jews.

I don't trust any of them, but some are decent people. It's the ZOGs and the ZOGbots that are the problem.

[–] 2 pts

No amount of good jews make up for the bad. Unfortunately the bad have made their problems all jews problems and the 'good' jews dont do nearly enough to call out the bad jews. Brother nathaniel seems pretty good though.

[–] 0 pt

There are now and have never been any good jews. Ever.

[–] -1 pt

Someone who is racially jewish can be good, but not someone who is religiously jewish as the religion itself is evil.

'Can be' doesnt mean they will be, jews prove time and again that if given the chance they would still rather be backstabbing shitstains.

Brother nathaniel still seems pretty good and rejects judaism and embraces christianity. He is one of only a few jews that speaks against them specifically, he has called out trump for being a kikesucker which pretty much nobody else has.

Doesnt mean i suddenly want a kike neighbor or will marry my daughter to one (that will never happen), i dislike the race as a whole and in order to overcome my distrust they would have to do something drastic to prove allegiance against judaism.

Having the option to do good and choosing otherwise is more damning than not having the option to do good at all. Removing the option redeems them, giving the option damns them.

I still believe you should never trust a jew, no matter how 'good' they seem, the bad ones are too numerous and too dishonest and too vain. Id also say that it is better and safer to believe that there is no good jew, the risk of trusting any jew ever is far higher than the reward. It is the trust of honest people that is their greatest weapon.

[–] -1 pt

While I don't disagree, I have to remind myself of this because we are still white and human, and I do not want to lower myself to being an ape in matters like this. However, I do not want ANY of them in my neighborhood/state/country because of the few bad apples, but I will acknowledge that many of them are fine and decent. The threat they pose collectively by shapeshifting is too great though.

[–] -1 pt

If they called out the slimey kikes for what they are then nobody would have a problem with the race as a whole, just like with muslims and blacks, they hide the crimes of their own out of tribal loyalty. Whites are the only race capable of objective reasoning, we are the only race who will arrest and imprison our own for crimes against other groups. If up to blacks they would let the christmas parade murderer off scott free then kill him in a gang fight.

I know that most jews are also victims of jewish lies and wouldnt hate us if not for intensive indoctrination, holocaust films are anti white propaganda but they also brainwash jews intensely.

the only jew i trust is brother nathaniel who calls out jews for what they are and exposes what they do. Hes jewish and i dont hate him, its not a race thing its a character thing, the problem for them is that those two problems overlap.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

No faggot. Literally every jew ever is bad and the enemy.

Rofl this comment chain after Hexploits is just jew A and jew B trying to fool the goyim on poal.

[–] 2 pts

Lol, ok buddy.

I've been on poal and voat from the beginning. I just refuse to let the black pill take me. Constant anger is not the answer. Blanket hate will get us nowhere. Mistrust, yes, but not hate.

As I said, I want them out of my country but I cannot believe all of them are evil, just as I cannot believe all whites are good. Most are, but not all. My concern are the jews in power. The ashkenazi ZOGs. The khazars. Look into the history of the region and how Russia wiped them out. That's likely why they destroyed Russia from the inside and murdered so many of their people. They aren't even really jews.

[–] 0 pt

Anticlutch continues to be a faggot, despite being called out for being a faggot every single day.

[–] 0 pt

Seeing jews behind every disagreement will not serve us. You are acting just like a liberal when confronted with disagreement. REEEEEEEEE, YOU'RE A jew! Just as liberals see Nazis everywhere.

[–] 0 pt

No you're the fagot. What's with every millennial always saying "literally" before their statement? It's how dick suckers and women talk so if you want to be taken seriously, stop talking like a fag.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

They are forever outsiders because of their religious doctrine, which prevents their shattered culture from disappearing into the wind, their culture has adapted to living as they say 'in diaspora' but as Hitler would say 'as parasites.' They are a race that dresses as a religion. They are international and they entrench themselves into the politics and business affairs of many nations, they use their in-group rules and channels to move their host nations toward their own shared goals. They bear no true allegiance but to themselves and are prepared to run to the desert or elsewhere when they are done plundering and the strife begins. Their culture values the letter of the law more than the spirit and they pollute our bureaucracies, political bodies and legal system with this thinking. Their elite hoard gold like dragons and spellbind the powerful with their usury, while dazzling the masses with their propaganda machines. Jews sent our nuclear secrets to Russia, jews sank the USS Liberty, jews are running a multi million dollar political blackmail pedo ring...

I'm in total agreement with Hitler, I don't really hate them (except for the top brass who need to play some minecraft) but they are what they are, what they have always been for 2000 years, they are doing what they need to just like the leech is. I just won't abide them on my skin, 110 and never again.... hell the way things are going they are probably about ready to leave anyway, ehh?

[–] 0 pt

Today, every " jew" is a farce and child of the devil mongrel mamzer abomination.

First place the erroneous term "jews" is used in a kjv is 2Kings 16:6 WHERE THEY ARE AT WAR WITH ISRAYL. Think about that.

The Messiah told you they were of their father the devil because John Hyrcanus invaded Edom and forced them to convert to talmudic judaism ... an impossibility since the covenant is genetic. Esau is Edom... you know,, the one's both Old and new testament says Yahweh hates.. The very reason mongrels are not allowed in the congregation, Duet. 32:2.

[–] 0 pt

Yes,ALL JOOS are the ENEMY!

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