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[–] 4 pts (edited )

They're probably putting on a skit, going thru the motions. Kyle's trial felt like a cartoon, I could only stand to watch about an hour total. I'm just floored that these traitorous crooks tied Kyle The Kid up in litigation for a year, dragged his and his families names thru the mud, and had an utter disregard for his God-given human and constitutional rights. They initially ignored the smoking gun evidence footage that proved that the 3 convicts were the violent aggressors and were obviously going to kill him if he hadn't exercised 2A (in such a beautifully stunning fashion like a god damn legend); it shouldn've been an open shut, clear case of self-defense. But, Jews are gonna Jew I guess. I wonder what all ulterior motives they had for dragging his case out? Pandering to the niggers? Pissing off the patriots? Keeping the attention off of them and their jewy ways while they're busy setting up the next false flag? Further dividing the nation, creating racial tension, fanning the overly sensitive niggers flames? Ugh.. Too much man too much... It's kinda bewildering. Can't even wrap my mind around all the red flags and evil agendas being carried out right now. Meanwhile the majority of people are just so hypnotically blissfully unaware of literally anything important happening in the world right now and it makes me sick. Look, I'm down to join or start a militia and start training towards the 14 words. I got nothing holding me down right now. I could pack up and leave my life where I'm at tomorrow and join the cause. I'm done.

[–] 1 pt

That's what it's boiling down to. The people can only tolerate so much unnecessary tyranny, control and fear tactics for so long as they enslave the innocent while being the guilty themselves to push a globalist agenda.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] -2 pt

this post is somewhat glowly. if you arent a fed you need to quit reading headlines for a couple months and do some wilderness shit before feds start egging you to join one of their honeypots.

[–] 1 pt

Omg.. He actually wants to make things different so he must be a glowie.

I bet you're waiting for the next election to vote for the change you want?

[–] 1 pt

YOU get it! Thank you! I'm just tired of doing nothing but talk, talk, talk, talk. Meanwhile our mortal enemies are busy at work, work, work, work.

[–] 0 pt

Dude, I'm as far from a fucking fed as one can possibly be. So, because I was brutally honest in a public forum full of like-minded people, I'm automatically a fucking fed? Sure, whatever you wanna think pal. That's your problem. But I'll keep on being brutally honest with ya since ya already think so highly of me... First off, I'm not going to quit reading headlines, fuck you don't tell me what to do. Second, I am the fucking wilderness bro. I'm a hybrid between the school of hard knocks and corn-fed country boy.. I grew up in the woods outside city limits, it's in my veins. Went through a bad divorce, bitch ripped my heart and soul out through my scrotum, and "Voila," here I am. Since then I've spent the last 15 years being homeless, on again off again, because I've got a fucking problem with authority and have a difficult time holding down a job for more than 6 months at a time. Doesn't help that I'm a high-functioning drug addict (but most of the time I'm just a high drug addict). I've got an active warrant out for failure to comply, fail to pay. I've got shit tons of skeletons in my closet. You have NO idea. I have zero friends, zero family left, x-wife moved 2 states away with my kids. All I have left is my word, the love for my Aryan brothers and sisters, an orgasmic passion for truth and goodness, my pure hatred for evil and injustice, my pos truck, my self-preservation/survival skills, my trade skills, and a bunch of tools and a laptop, oh, and a couple of bad habits I'm trying to kick. That's what I got buddy. Now, listen to me. When I say "Look, I'm down to join or start a militia and start training towards the 14 words. I got nothing holding me down right now. I could pack up and leave my life where I'm at tomorrow and join the cause. I'm done." I mean what I say. I don't play games.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

your not helping your arguement lassie