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[–] 6 pts (edited )

He sounds like the conversations in my home at family functions!

I like to enhance my vocabulary and liberally pepper in :

  • kike
  • shylock
  • jew
  • Heeb
  • jesuskiller
  • ovendodger
  • kikey
  • Sheeny
  • Dreidl
  • Big Nose
  • Hymie
  • 10% Off
  • Bible-Shortener
  • ChristKiller
  • Hooknose
  • Circle-K
  • Zionist
  • Cliptip
  • Bagelnigger
  • German Candle
  • Goldberg
  • Jew Yorker
  • Matza-Gobbler
  • Lamp Shade
  • Penny Chaser
  • yid

because of the new NFL Football song "taking back" the word Nigger, I now use the replacement phrase :

  • Dirty Niggers

NFL pre-game anthem now takes back the word "Nigger" in the musical part of this broadcast clip :



Too many blacks claim the word "nigger" by itself is affectionate, so you need to clarify with "Dirty Nigger" or "Filthy Nigger". My sister calls them "Rocket Scientists" but the TV likes to call niggers these words on TV news :

  • Youths
  • Hoods
  • Teens
  • Thugs
  • Gangs
  • Felons
  • Strangers (new for 2021!)
  • Punks
  • Belligerent
  • Vicious
  • Violent Mob
  • Vile
  • Criminals
  • Rioters
  • Young Men
  • Looters
  • Mostly Peaceful Protesters
  • Inner City Kids
  • Sketchy People
  • Combative
  • Unruly
  • Animals
  • Young People
  • Thieves
  • Rival Gang Members
  • Teen Mob
  • Troubled Youths
  • Unruly Crowd
  • Urban Youths

I don't like the (((TV))) ruining America's vocabulary like that, so I think the (((TV news))) should use the proper phrase :


[–] 4 pts

Don't forget jigaboo.

[–] 2 pts

Jam-face was always a favorite of mine.

[–] 0 pt

I just call them blacks. Why beat around the bush?

[–] 0 pt

It doesn't make them recoil by calling them "blacks" like calling a jew "jew" does, though. Plus there a plethora of fun names to call them by, why not keep them alive?

[–] 0 pt

What if I wrote an Asian-american national anthem?

We wok hard. We wok rong. We go school. We get good guades.

Sons is docta. Daughteh run restauwant We have prospa. We have no want

Life is good. Life is great. We have food. Niggas only have hate.