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[–] 1 pt (edited )

More ad-hominems on your part. You were the one who started with the ad-hominems first, so you are incorrect on that part. The only cuckold here is yourself, who cannot control himself from slamming the downvote button because someone had a difference of opinion - which isn't the purpose of downvotes in the first instance. Go back to plebbit if that's what you think the downvote button is for. Why do I keep responding? Because I find it entertaining that you're downvoting me over something you disagree with. Don't be a faggot.

Edit: Outside of this though, I did notice that you're having problems with the vaccine and jobs as a result of said jab, and wanted a doctor to tick you off. Are you in the US? If so, I think this will help you. (files.catbox.moe) Several states don't have immunisation databases, you could just get your jab from there. You'll need to find batch numbers, but depending on what state they are given in, you can find out that info too. Despite our disagreement, I don't want to see you out on your arse because of this. I'm in the same boat but I've already got paperwork stating otherwise.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Not on plebbit. If you don't like being downvoted, don't call people fuckwits. Call them pussy faggots or kikes. :D But fine, have your imaginary points back. Grow some thicker skin. Admit that you are wrong and don't get butt hurt about that. Seriously. This all started because you couldn't accept that you were wrong, then you doubled down on being wrong, then you winged about it.

Yeah, already way ahead of you on that. Problem is my state does in fact have a database so I need to be on it if I want to change jobs. It's a real hassle. But thanks.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I didn't "whinge" about it - I said it was a metaphor and that they needed to have similar attributes, not literally be them. You are correct that nobody can be them.

You need to find a state that doesn't have a database. Go to a vaccination provider and say "I need these jabs in our database for work reasons, can you add them? I got them in (insert state with no database here)" And voila, problem solved.

[–] 0 pt

I want to put this behind us. Maybe I was a teeny bit fuckwit>

I know it's a metaphor, but it's a bad one. The attributes of Freya and teh Valkyries are not what you want in a wife. Freya is not loyal, dismissive of men, furious, mercurial, and cheats on her man.

So if a man is looking for a wife, these are not attributes he wants her to have. Even metaphorically. And that was my point.

Hmmm.... Oh that's a good idea.