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[–] 9 pts

I've never seen such an eloquent, beautiful way of criticizing the GDP metric.

[–] 0 pt

How would that increase GDP? If they already had the money in the first place wouldn’t the $40k have already been counted in the GDP?

[–] 9 pts

Gdp doesn't measure productivity. Yet another lie.

Gdp now measures expenditure.

Why? Because then they can count debt. Loss of savings. Inflation. As part of Gdp.


[–] 5 pts

It's almost like there's a reason math and critical thinking education have been and are being further targeted for erosion by (((academia))).

[–] 3 pts

Learning how a proper scientific study is done, and how math proofs are completed, and practicing each on your own and with others is a key component in knowing how it all works.

And then you know exactly how fucked up any of the "studies" and "statistics" that are coming out are.

It's several layers of stupid piled upon each other, like a drunken house of cards where half of them are on fire, there's a cat pissing on the other half, and somebody's screaming about capitalism=bad.

[–] -2 pt

All of this is happening because capitalism though. Markets are saturated. The only way for mega corps to grow at this point is to entrench themselves in rent seeking endeavors. Capitalism fosters growth, but when markets are saturated it turns to cancer.

[–] 3 pts

They loan you the money out of the thin air, which creates money. That's how most cash is made. The rest is printed at the Fed and given to you know who.

[–] 1 pt

If I buy a stock for $100 but the valuation of the company increases to $200, did the fed create that money?

[–] 2 pts

Yep. The fed prints. Loans to the state as bonds which then buys stock which creates demand driving up prices.

Usa government is basivallyniwnationalizibg industries through the stock market.

Worse all this capital is destroying the economy because capital isn't going to where consumers demand it to go. Rather its going to defunct companies for political reasons

[–] 1 pt

you only get the $200 when you sell so it comes from the buyer it doesn’t create more money

[–] 0 pt

Thats a differenr process. A stock does increase by magic. The orice reflect the amiunt of the last buy order. The more owiple buy, the higher the peice goes

[–] 0 pt

That's not how most money is created

[–] 0 pt

If I buy a stock for $100 but the valuation of the company increases to $200, did the fed create that money?

The Fed injects trillions into the stock market by buying up corporate stocks. So that rise from $100 to $200 was probably heavily influenced by Fed purchases (using printed money).

[–] 0 pt

Maybe. If the fed printed a bunch of stimulus money and gave it to people who didn't actually need it. Then those people buy shares of Gamestop and other companies you might agrue the Fed helped to inflate the stock price.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

We have nearly trillion dollar industries dedicated to building trinkets that don't create trillions in increased productivity (IPhones). In fact, I would wager that smartphones probably decrease productivity. A society of slaves creating the technological equivalent of pyramids.

Explains why despite record high GDP our longevity is decreasing and we're inundated with societal problems that were virtually non-existent 50 years back. Our elite jock for supremacy of the shit pile that this planet has become.

[–] 2 pts

If you don’t think an iphone increases productivity you are truly fucking retarded.

Examples: Getting a cab, finding a babysitter, communicating with friends/family/work, listening to podcasts, monitoring your security system…

Do I need to go on? Do you realize how much more efficient these things make us?

Cry about how we don’t need it.. okay. Talk about how it’s used to track you..fine. Just don’t say they don’t make adults more productive because that’s just flat out moronic.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

As lepersbell has pointed out, these are manufactured problems that a product of a technology obsessed society. The low-tech solution had worked just fine in the past. While things may seem more convenient, the question is, has society benefited? Do people have:

-More free time? -A higher standard of living? -A longer longevity? -Better educated? -Better cultured? -Better informed? -More free?

The answer is no. All of these standards have declined. One might surmise that we have become enslaved by technology. That, perhaps, Ted Kaczynski was correct all along.


At 35,000 words, Industrial Society and Its Future lays very detailed blame on technology for destroying human-scale communities.[5] Kaczynski contends that the Industrial Revolution harmed the human race by developing into a sociopolitical order that subjugates human needs beneath its own. This system, he wrote, destroys nature and suppresses individual freedom. In short, humans adapt to machines rather than vice versa, resulting in a society hostile to human potential.[7]

Kaczynski indicts technological progress with the destruction of small human communities and rise of uninhabitable cities controlled by an unaccountable state. He contends that this relentless technological progress will not dissipate on its own because individual technological advancements are seen as good despite the sum effects of this progress. Kaczynski describes modern society as defending this order against dissent, in which individuals are adjusted to fit the system and those outside it are seen as bad. This tendency, he says, gives rise to expansive police powers, mind-numbing mass media, and indiscriminate promotion of drugs.[7] He criticizes both big government and big business as the ineluctable result of industrialization,[5] and holds scientists and "technophiles" responsible for recklessly pursuing power through technological advancements.[7]

He argues that this industrialized system's collapse will be devastating and that quickening the collapse will mitigate the devastation's impact.

Ideas that matter.

[–] 1 pt

Yes he was spot on. Even just refrigeration trucks. Imagine how many people could find both a living and some zen in the simple life of making butter for your local market if there wasn’t any long distance shipping of butter.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

Because Americans are fat blobs who chug down sugar, flour, and corn by products with no self-control. Smartphones are not the reason Americans and so many others are fatties and getting fatter.

[–] 1 pt


The artist counts.

Also, reminds me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4gZGHP1y8U

[–] 2 pts

Schiff is pretty based.

[–] 0 pt

I agree, I listen to his podcast religiously.

[–] 1 pt

I'd love to see Krugman at the back of an oven.

I got banned on Twatter for telling Krugman he has no idea what the fuck he was talking on a tweet he made that showed he has no fucking idea what he was talking about. It wasn't as bad as Biden saying adding 3 trillion to the economy will reduce inflation but it was almost as bad.

[–] 1 pt

The income tax is actually a 100% tax. It just needs to exchange a few hands before it's all in the government's hands.

IE at 30% income tax, at just 6 times people trying to exchange $100 back and forth, the government will have $88.24 of it.

[–] 0 pt

You don't suggest that jews own the economy?

[–] 0 pt

After all the taxes, each Jew will end up with about 5,000 and the government will have 30,000 to waste.

[–] 0 pt

Not how the GDP is counted.

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