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[–] [deleted] 14 pts

Oh, man, I remember those days. Summers were spent defending a number of well secluded forts in the forest.

I was a huge fucking nerd. Picked on all the time in the hallway at school. But in the forest, I remembered who I was. I don't know what the difference was, but in the forest I was the fucking Alpha, and you DID NOT fuck with my forts.

[–] 5 pts

Reading that other people also had these fort wars just brightened my day.

Reminds me of the times me and my friends would dig tunnels and bunkers and cover them with pallets and excess 2x4s we found in the woods. We would meet and plan our infiltration of the forts on the other side of the forest; Scouts were sent out to bring back intel, and some even betrayed us and gave intel to the other forts. Great memories.

[–] 1 pt

Summers we were isolated in a rural farmhouse with weekly trips to town, pop. About 3000. My brother and I dug about four feet down to create our underground fort of about six by three feet and covered it with boards and dirt. No need for security as no one came near it. Even my older brother lost interest when it was finished. What intrigued me was the number and variety rodents that fell in and couldn't escape.

[–] 5 pts

I had hope then saw it was from '93. There is probably a new version of this floating around by some sandnigger official scolding everyone for not using mentally ill pronouns

[–] 1 pt

Or warning the children that living up in the trees is cultural appropriation from their melanated simian neighbours.

[–] 4 pts

These boys really need to be taught the importance entraping their enimes for further interrogation

[–] 1 pt

Us mates used to shoot rockets and Joey guns at ourselves.

No one lost an eye but that was just dumb luck.

Shit loads of fun. Just remember to keep your head down.

[–] 1 pt

These are children of British Military. Like father like son.

too bad these kids aren't in charge of border enforcement.

Yes, a steel pike falling 18 feet onto some poor kid ain't no joke..

We never booby trapped our forts, nor do I remember encountering any. Exact same historical timeframe as the letter in the post.

The area I grew up had neighborhoods full of kids surrounded by plenty of woods, so the woods had "fort neighborhoods." Tree forts, ground forts, even an impressive dug-in fort. There was also a large abandoned and empty building that used to be a hall of some sort, which contained several forts within built of discarded bricks, and boards of wood laid across up in the rusty steel beams holding the roof up.

[–] 1 pt

Children: Come and take it!

[–] 0 pt

How the fuck else are they gonna kill predators? They can't have guns.

[–] 0 pt

Must be a nosey neighbor trying to steal from a bunch of boys, or a non-friend that got jealous.

[–] [deleted] -3 pt

These kids are retarded.