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[–] [deleted] 3 pts


I'm scared bros. Pups look serious.

[–] 3 pts

puppy gates to heck


[–] 2 pts

Gates to Heck

I fucking hate McReddit.

[–] 3 pts

That's 90% of the joke you stupid nigger. They're puppies. They represent innocence. WHILE GUARDING HELL. Thus "heck". Fuck you are truly one of the most retarded individuals I have ever read a post by.

[–] 0 pt
[–] 2 pts

Report the post if it's spam you stupid nigger. Spam is against the TOS. See how that does you. The yellow hummer + flip image was posted like 3 times in the last two weeks. Go kvetch about those as well.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, and the retarded toddler level "humor" you love so much originated on Mc-fucking-Reddit, you spoon. Go back and cuck out with the rest of them.

[–] 2 pts

99% of the fucking posts on poal's /funny/ /memes/ etc. subs source from reddit. Yet you're here bitching about it instead of just moving on. You derive no humor from this, as is clear. Yet you're here. Calling me a cuck because I derived humor from it and had to explain this to you. Fairly certain that makes you the cuck. But okay moshe.

[–] 1 pt

"Whose the cute puppy? You-all are, you-all are."

[–] 1 pt

H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

[–] 0 pt

One time I did a few hits of acid and drank a case of beer and after looking in the mirror for a while I had 3 heads. I could see one head looking to the left. One head looking straight on, another head looking to the right. Then of course things started getting weird so I stopped looking

[–] 0 pt

In heck you cant pick up the stick, you cant dig the ground, the ball goes nowhere, and youre not a good boy.

[–] 0 pt

Anyone play the game Hades? It's fucking awesome. You play as Zagreus, the son of Hades, and you are trying to escape the Underworld. When you get killed, you immediately come back to life in what is essentially your father's office. There is a great sense of humor for the whole game.

One of my favorite parts, is that Cerberus is your doge. And you can pet him whenever you want (only his left head, though- don't pet the other two. Just... don't), and over time it's clear that there's a very sweet relationship between doggo and boyo.

But when you reach the end area of the game finally, you reach the gates of the underworld.. and there is Cerberus, standing guard. Zagreus walks up to him. There's this haunting moment where Zagreus is like "Well, I suppose we both knew it would come to this eventually..." It's very sad.... until Zagreus bursts into laughter, and says "Lol j/k, you know we could never hurt each other. I know you can't leave your post, but if I found you something tasty, maybe you'll just look the other way for me?" Cerberus barks his approval, and steps aside after you brought him a sack of satyr guts.

Go get the game, seriously it's one of the best to be released in decades.

[–] 2 pts

My issue with it is how a lot of the gods look like niggers (especially Athena) and the few times this has been brought up on the steam forums the thread gets shut down and the OP banned. If it wasn't for that I'd have purchased the game already.

[–] 0 pt

You're really going to get bent out of shape over the appearance of characters in a game as highly stylized as Hades?

[–] 1 pt

Read my 2nd post below about how the director deliberately race swapped the gods because of woke globohomo bs. I hate this jewish race swapping garbage in media (especially when it comes to figures in white people's history, culture, religion, etc) and will not support it.

[–] 0 pt

Not sure what you're talking about. Only person who looks like a nigger in the game is Patroclus, for some reason- Achilles is White. Athena looks nothing like a sheboon, I think you were looking at the wrong thing. Oh, Eurydice sort of looks like a negress- because her skin is made of bark and her hair is a puff of leaves. Athena has skin of BRONZE, her whole thing is defense bonuses and shielding. She certainly does not speak like a nigger.

Hades has like... gray-ish White skin. He is voiced by a nigger but you can't tell. None of the Olympian gods are portrayed as niggers.

[–] 2 pts

When was the last time you played this game? Go look at Athena again and tell me that's a tanned white.

And the director of the game said that they were going for muh diversity. Here's a kotaku article with quotes of what he said: https://archive.is/UNv86