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[–] 8 pts

I pledge to emit 20 times less carbon than Al Gore. (dailysignal.com)

According to the report, compiled from public records requests and information from the Nashville Electric Service, Gore’s 20-room, 10,070-square-foot, Colonial-style mansion consumed an average of 19,241 kilowatt-hours per month—more than 21.3 times that of the U.S. household average of 901 kilowatt-hours monthly.

I pledge to use 10 thousand times less energy than Bill Gates (tomshardware.com)

[–] 6 pts (edited )

Ok now do an average Amazon data center. I'll save you the trouble, one data center consumes enough energy to power ~100k homes. But it's you who is the problem, you are the one who consumes too much energy pleb.

[–] 5 pts

Yeah and crypto mining is the problem!

[–] 2 pts

That too. And it's also the reason gas prices have increased.

Dementia Joe and his pedo handlers(big tech) want NFTs crypto etc to be cheaper so they can make more profits. That is literally why they chase green tech, they hope to spend less shekels with big oil to increase their bottom line. Their energy consumption is astronomical and the real reason for anthropomorphic climate change if any exist.

They don't give a shit about you or the environment. Sustainability is an euphemism, the only thing they want to sustain is their socialism.

[–] 1 pt

Please don't take my airconditioner away!

[–] 1 pt

Netflix needs more profits, get in your pod and eat your bugs.

[–] 4 pts

Non only did they spill oil, they also poured unspeakable amounts of toxic cleanup chemicals that forever scarred and mutated the wildlife and destroyed the ecosystems for hundreds of years, all so they could hide the damage and claim they did a good job managing it.

[–] 0 pt

Oh please I go to the gulf regularly. Tampa and New Orleans sea water is the same as its ever been.

Why does your eye twitch like that every 2 seconds?

[–] 0 pt

It doesn't. No flutter no stutter no twitch. Whatchu talking about willis.

[–] 1 pt

we need a platform for a collective rebuttal on all their bullshit. they centralize a message like this that is complete garbage but only in small pockets like poal is there any actual response/commenting. that's why their totally hollow message takes hold with a decent percentage of the population.

is there a way to have HONEST debates about energy consumption? can the common man do better, sure not doubt, but exactly as many of the comments here have pointed out the hypocrisy is just off the fucking charts. it's the embodiment of the clown world we live in.

Energy is a racket and there's a big corporate fascist push for unsustainable green energy for the reasons of subsistence and to monopolize energy for the elite upper class. When they take away cheap, useful and healthy products like oil then the world will fall

[–] 1 pt

totally agree. it's a control mechanism. being completely green would be great, but we simply aren't there yet, maybe 20-30 years.

simply legislating green energy that's not a mature industry yet over tried and true methods is knowingly disastrous. they are well aware of what they're doing and who it will hurt and who it benefits.

imo this is a crime since its causing and will continue to cause much devastation and havoc to tens/hundreds of millions.

[–] 0 pt

You can clearly see it's a self destructive belief by simply observing the fruits of their labor.

[–] 1 pt

They didn't spill it they just acccelerated it coming out of the ground. Also managed to prove how irrelevant oil spills are

I'll try my best to increase my carbon footprint. Got to take up the slacks that these sheeps left off.

[–] 1 pt

14 3090ti at full blast hashing in parallel, while making bonfires out of used tires to power your home.

I pledge not to keep making war with Iran because they broke the predatory oil contract we made and then would not give them more than the peanuts they without realizing it gave their national treasure to this company and for some reason the US by way of the CIA keeps trying to get us back into wars with them over an oil contract made a century ago. I say we make a contract that BP can never pump another drop of oil from Iran till the end of time and then see how many wars our country tries to start. A contract like the record industry should be burned and the lawyer that drew it up have their license to practice law revoked forever since they are more of a crook aka shyster then a lawyer. BP fucking the world in the ass for over a century and counting and BP stands for bastard peckerheads or maybe bullshit protagonist. I'm sure it's another country they are really loyal to that the regulars here can figure out since those are the only people that have a psychotic ocd level of possessiveness that would make the safest move of putting them all in the nuthouse sedated.

[–] 2 pts

Except for the pallets of hard cold cash Obama gave them? I have zero shits for Iran. Fuk those moslem freaks.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Bro, what are you on about?! The U.S. has zero need for middle east oil, we can produce and make all the petroleum we will ever need. The energy independence we can have would make America the greatest country on earth. We have so many good hard working folks here with their heads screwed on straight despite all the mass media conditioning and food poisoning pointing to the contrary. This goes for Europe as well.

Trump was making peace deals with the middle east because he knew we could be energy independent, Biden is reversing that, he's going back to energy dependence. Russia's riches come from gas and energy, the only reason the left pushed Russian collusion in the Trump admin is because Trump was on the side of big oil not big tech.

Trump is in real estate development, actual tangible structures that are constructed with diesel fuel. It makes his real estate business more profitable if energy is cheaper, because it will cost less in construction, less in materials, and he can offset that by increasing the wages of the laborers. Win win, everyone is happy.

The energy dependence has reversed that trend, energy is more expensive, construction costs more, materials costs more, and that's being offset by lower wages for laborers, lose lose for everyone. Except the owners of the materials.

I was saying we've been starting fights for Britain and Rothchild's to force their predatory contracts for oil from Iran.

[–] 0 pt

It's cute that you think they spilled a fixed amount. It's still leaking. Right now.

It fissured, remember?

It's cute that you think your comment matters

It's cute that cuteness is cute that's kinda an acute approximation.

[–] -1 pt

Oil seeps from the ground naturally. Haven't you ever stepped on tar at the beach?

I think I've step on a few black people.

[–] 0 pt

Step or stomp?

[–] 0 pt

They tried to block the pressure and cracked the earth. There's now a fault on the ocean floor, miles long, continuously spilling oil.

[–] 0 pt

A reasonable goal.