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[–] 5 pts

religious texts were not written for women

It's weird, but: I actually get the same heebiejeebies reading The Daily Stormer Tranny Watch, as I do reading the Bible. It's just pure, unabashed, unadulterated truth. You read it, and the level of bluntness and truth just shakes you in a way you cannot unhear. Those who have eyes to see and ears that hear are truly blessed, let me tell you; it's only our own sense of despair that turns said ability in to a curse. The more we embrace this almost autistic penchant for truth-seeking, and keep opening our big fat mouths: the better the world will be for it.

I believe that there's probably only a handful of women left in this world, with the capability of reading either and not getting butthurt: let alone fully grasping the implications of them.