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[–] 15 pts

Virgin is a slur? These dumb whorecunts can't come up with something that is not about sexuality. Virgin. Small dick. No one is gonna fuck you. That's it. Their small brain is pathetic. Probably their brain is also located somewhere is the vicinity of their used up cunts.

But still, snitches deserve rope.

[–] 11 pts

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin though - it means that one is pure and not ruled by their desires, and is saving that gift of virginity for someone who is truly worth it.

To a mindless whore who is the opposite of "purity" and values themselves so little that they'll fuck anything with a dick for validation purposes, I can see why these dumb cunts view virginity as an insult - the thing is, the insult is actually towards themselves.

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

If you make whoredom a virtue, virginity becomes a vice.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

Their brains have been turned to mush by STDs

[–] 2 pts

"Woo! STDs!" - Homer Simpson

[–] 4 pts

Fuck those girls. Ill bet theyll go on and on all day about how important more government services are, but they certainly dont want to pay a fucking dime towards it.

[–] 3 pts

Fucking virgin. One or the other bitch.

[–] 13 pts

Careful when reporting people to the IRS.

If the IRS Audits someone who you turn in and they find that person evaded taxes you will get a cut from IRS. But, if they Audit and find no fault then the IRS will turn around and charge and audit the person who made the initial report as a means to recoup the costs of the Audit.

Either way the IRS is getting paid. If you turn someone into the Man, make damn well fucking sure they are guilty.

[–] 7 pts (edited )

Easy fix: report people to IRS anonymously from behind a VPN + Tor using throwaway Protonmail, fake name etc.

Sure, you won't get a cut, but you also won't get audited.

[–] 5 pts

Yup, that's pretty fucking obvious. Great contribution.

Except, most people who report to the IRS want the reward (bribery) money. I know a chick who made close to $500k after reporting a guy she worked for. So you are correct in that you could report anonymously, but 99% of people are greedy and are just doing it for the bribery money.

[–] 10 pts

Doing it to whores is mostly for entertainment and a form of legally fucking them over though.

[–] 5 pts

I didn't know this. With all the web-sluts these days, one could make a handsome living reporting the ho's.

[–] 2 pts

I've read the IRS is not so good at paying up.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

I think I read that in Norway you can request the tax records of anyone you want free of charge. The catch is that the person whose records you requested also automatically gets sent a copy of your records. It's sort of a self regulating system but probably helps to foster mutual trust and responsibility.

[–] 8 pts

Maybe we should have no taxes at all, end this ridiculous charade.

[–] 2 pts

But then who is going to pay to keep the idiots from killing the idiots in charge?

[–] 0 pt

Idiots are killing idiots right now. That can't be where the money goes.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 3 pts

The service they use to get paid probably already reports them. Still funny.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Looser cunt? That's some Freudian projection. The jew psychology double whammy!

[–] 2 pts

That picture is too huge. Can you make it smaller?

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

If I had a nickel for every pixel in that picture I'd have $1

[–] 2 pts

Pretty sure she has the looser cunt.

She keeps using "Virgin" like she thinks it's going to work, by the way, humans would like to be able to read the image too, not just ants.

[–] 1 pt

I see your good intentions, but would counter with " does helping the government steal peoples money make the situation better? If you're in the US or a western country where the government is controlled by sjws or jews, is this counter productive perhaps?

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