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Typical midwit cunt.

Typical midwit cunt.

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts

Actually 112 is pretty retarded. The scores of modern tests are inflated so niggers can get over 100. 100 being "average" is kind of a meme, it's the kind of people who spend their entire paycheck at the bar. The average in the US is 99 despite 40% of the country being shitskins. What you think of as average is 115-120, these are the people who think the holocaust is real and ZOG is a conspiracy theory, but can change their own oil and have $5k in the bank. Four people from my class in high school got over 165, which is mathematically impossible.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Agreed. Shave 25 points and you’ve probably got accurate figures.

[–] -1 pt

I can guess your iq based on your dick pics. The shading and angle etc. would you like an iq test?

That makes so much sense. Their scores looked way too inflated. She sounded like she has an IQ of 90.

[–] 1 pt

She's brown so that's a safe bet anyway. 99.99% of shitskins don't have IQ above 90. On the whole fucking PLANET.

[–] 0 pt

I don’t think 165 is impossible. I’m in the 140s and there are plenty of people smarter than me. Probably depends on the test quite a bit though.

[–] 1 pt

It's not that 165 is impossible, it's that statistically 165+ should be less than 1 in 100k people, so in a class of ~100 to have 4 is a as likely as getting hit be lighting every day for the rest of your life.

Take 20-25 points off any reported score and it will be more in line with reality.

[–] 0 pt

Ah. You didn’t mention how many people were in your class. I was imagining the typical American high school with 1000-2000 students. Even still, a class of 100 has a small sample size that can skew pretty far in one direction if it is white/Asian and/or particularly wealthy.

What’s your IQ? Ever been tested? Are you white?

[–] 0 pt

I've only ever taken 1 IQ test my husband pulled up, it was some weird german test that said I was 110. I remember it had a lot of pattern recogniton, some random math, etc. I always thought that I'd at least score a bit higher but didnt know if different tests have different scores but for sure now I do realize. I'm only half white so I guess I blame my native side for being so dumb. 🤣

[–] 0 pt

You did sell your women for glass beads and smallpox. Not surprised