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Short but funny. Stolen from Voat.

Short but funny. Stolen from Voat.

(post is archived)

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Your ideas are contrary to the Word of God.

[–] 1 pt

Nonsense. Women have always worked. Do you think when Europeans lived as serfs, engaging in subsistence farming that could barely see their families survive, that the women stayed home because that was their role as God intended? Of course not, women tilled the fields and harvested the crops as was necessary, as did children. Fucks sake, one or two generations of opulence in the 20th century and you have a bunch of colonials thinking that minuscule period is reflective of European history and philosophy.

[–] 0 pt

Would you happen to be jewish?

@Voat_refugee_irl is right. Each individual family was like a small business that made clothes, produced food, sold goods etc etc. Children were employed in this small business and take over duties once the parents are old. They didn't have the luxury for women to not work for most of human history, except maybe the obscenely wealthy.

[–] 1 pt

No. Would you happen to be a deluded colonial with at best a rudimentary understanding of European history and guiding philosophy?

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Those women worked close to the home in support of the home. No one is arguing against that. We are arguing FOR that, actually.

Women were not intended to leave their kids in daycare and jet off on 2 week business trips.

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I agree. I’m not saying women’s careers need to imitate those of men. I’m saying women pursuing professional and academic goals can, and has, contributed greatly to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding in recent decades. Those advancements have come at an unfortunate cost to family life and children however. The answer to those costs is to accommodate women’s familial responsibilities within their professional or academic careers rather than expecting their careers to mirror those of men, not to force them to choose one or the other.

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The problem is that they were essentially assistants to their husbands in that work.

Now women work for the government or some corporation— their overall contribution is questionable but theyve managed to eliminate the need for husbands, the state just enslaves men and steals all their wealth and redistributes it to single women who aren’t even raising their kids, if they even have them.

This is a societal disaster. This economy is causing women to transfer their allegiance from male breadwinners to the state and corporations, which positively discourage females from having babies and from raising the ones the have.

If all the women suddenly stayed home it would cut back on massive government bureacracy, and reduce the power of giant corporations. Food and fuel would still get produced. There would still be policemen and firemen and soldiers. Their would still be doctors. Roads would get paved. Cars would get fixed. Houses would get build.

Oh yeah salaries would go way up. We have too many workers and not enough moms.

[–] 0 pt

It's amazing to me how many modern women reject God's instruction for them. They put forth strange doctrine that claims the Word needs to change with the times; as if God changes. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. God's Word is eternal and never changes. The so called "intelligence" of many will be exactly what condemns them. Their ignorance of scripture and God's ways leads them astray, as well as the multitude of false teachers. There is hope for those with a humble heart and a willingness to sacrifice this world, and all it has to offer, in exchange for eternal life and true knowledge of Christ's love. Repent and believe in Jesus for today is the day of salvation. Don't wait; your soul depends on it. God bless.