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Short but funny. Stolen from Voat.

Short but funny. Stolen from Voat.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

I guess being self-aware of the role she plays in totally fucking over society is a first step...

[–] 6 pts

Women having careers doesn’t fuck over society at all. Society can benefit massively from tapping into the intellectual capacities of women. Women’s careers being expected to mirror those of men with no consideration of the impact on families is where the problems lie. Look at the impact women have had in medicine in the past few decades - you don’t see that as a benefit to society as a whole?

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

Society can benefit massively from tapping into the intellectual capacities of women



[–] 3 pts

It was such a dumb post I have to assume it's a shill/troll account.

"Fellow whites! We need to make room at work for the greater intellectual capacities of our white women! It's time for us to step aside!"

Usual black pill BS.

[–] 1 pt

It’s almost like you thought you had a point to make, but then realised you were incapable of making it. I’m guessing you think society has something to gain from your intellectual capabilities though...

I know right!! Pelosi AOC Kamala they have such a division err vision for the future!!

[–] 4 pts

You do realize that medical malpractice is like the number three leading cause of death in the US?

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

yeah, i know. when my mom's male gyno misdiagnosed her ovarian cancer and she died 6 months after finally being diagnosed correctly, we were pissed about that.

[–] 1 pt

And you think that’s due to declining standards in medicine rather than an increasing level of judaism in the legal field? Have a glance at life expectancy increases over the past century, that might help you decide which has been the driving force.

Impressive! I guess as they say, malpractice makes perfect.

[–] 2 pts

I dont agree. The patriarchy developed because males used agriculture as a ‘trick’ to get females to mate with them. Men then developed a complex economy in which wealth was produced, traded, and inherited from father to son. In a sense, our entire civilization was developed as a scam to get laid. Thats why men are so good in the professional sphere.

Females have one main focus. It aint glamorous. Make babies, keep them alive. Educate them in important cultural information. Manage the household. Maybe care for sick and elderly.

Are we women doing any of these things? No. We’ve forgotten to have babies or we aren’t having enough of them. The ones we have we have farmed out to the pozzed commie school system to raise. The communist state is raising our kids. Wonder why they’re such a mess?

Weve inflated the bureacracy— fake jobs the depend on government regulation to exist and produce NO WEALTH— and who is working in these bureacratic jobs? Ladies, thats who. Along with a pack of blacks and cripples and LGBTs and immigrants. Because the bureacracy is a scam of wealth redistribution. The majority of women’s jobs are fake jobs that produce no wealth. They just show up at 9am an faff about with paper for communists and get 50,000/annum.

Its just wealth redistribution for women. Fake jobs.

What about the few really useful jobs that women do? Is that helpful? No. Its just driving down the cost of labor. Same thing that happens when you import Indians and Mexicans to the country. We already have enough competant workers for those jobs. They are called white men.

But what about those super smart ladies in the sciences. Alot of them are super smart. (I used to be one.) They do good work right?

Just look at the state of science today. You call that objectivity? Im loathe to say it. But it looks to me like as soon as women got to some significant percentage in decision making positions in science the whole field seem to go absolutely medieval. Fucking pre-galileo. Bitches are saying certain kinds of research just cannot be done. Certain data cant be collected. Hysterical zealots that have a political agenda and go about their science like it was a religion. Pushing feminism and racial justice in to the field. Its fucking disgusting and the whole thing smells like estrogen. Like mommy has taken over the science lab.

Im not saying no women should ever participate in science again but clearly its been a mistake to let them get to 40% or so. Yeah. We’re not naturally objective. We dont seem to be good at this shit on average. We’re fucking it up.

And we’ve fucked up the government.

And we’ve fucked up the law.

And we’ve fucked up the kids.

It doesnt make me happy to acknowlege any of this.

[–] 1 pt

Look at the impact women have had in medicine in the past few decades

They didn't have the impact you think they did. It's like the woman who wrote the code to develop an image of the first black hole, only to later find out she wrote a few hundred lines of code while her male counter parts wrote the other thousands of lines of code. She got all of the credit while they received none.

[–] 0 pt

That’s not a valid comparison. I’m not talking about the role of women in medical research in recent decades (although they have had a great impact in that area too), I’m just talking about women as physicians. In my country we’ve had to start actively discriminating against young women in medicine to try to ensure we maintain something close to a 50/50 split of men and women becoming doctors. Women have really come to dominate that field, and they’ve achieved that without any of the positive discrimination nonsense we see in other areas (and being “positively” discriminated against in my country as mentioned). Society benefits from a shitload more capable doctors I’m sure you’ll agree.

[–] 0 pt

I tend to agree with you regarding where the problem may be but it's still a negative imo. The number of women in science related fields that peace out of their careers after starting a family is kinda crazy. So you have a bunch of women that have a shit ton of education and experience invested in them and the field as a whole and, they just leave and never return to continue their careers. This isn't just my personal experience, there are a number of studies that document this issue.

[–] 1 pt

This is an excellent point. It’s also one of the main reasons why in my country we have had to start actively discriminating against women in medicine as I mentioned in another comment. I’m not sure what the answer is here. Should we not educate women to a high standard because so many of them will drop out so soon? Should we encourage women at a young age to decide whether family or career will be the path they thread (and would making careers more family friendly even make much difference here)? Should we educate women anyway in spite of the cost in the hope that the benefit of those that don’t drop out outweighs the cost of those that do?

Whatever the answer, and I certainly don’t know what it is, this is the best point raised in opposition to my point.

[–] 0 pt

Your ideas are contrary to the Word of God.

[–] 1 pt

Nonsense. Women have always worked. Do you think when Europeans lived as serfs, engaging in subsistence farming that could barely see their families survive, that the women stayed home because that was their role as God intended? Of course not, women tilled the fields and harvested the crops as was necessary, as did children. Fucks sake, one or two generations of opulence in the 20th century and you have a bunch of colonials thinking that minuscule period is reflective of European history and philosophy.