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[–] [deleted] 10 pts

I hate niggers.

[–] 1 pt

Hate is such a strong word. Do you hate lions just because one escaped the zoo and ate your dog?

I feel pity and a compulsion to help them return to their natural homeland.

Latinos have to go too. (pics.onsizzle.com) Maybe we can keep a few Asians.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The pity will eventually fade and be replaced with that strong word.

I agree the latinos need to go too, but at least they have a culture that revolves around family and most have a strong work ethic. Asians are fine.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Yeah asians are fine, they just buy up all the property in your country and drive young whites to live in caravans, but atleast they don't chimp out since they don't have any recognizable human emotions anyway.

[–] 3 pts

Lions are majestic and beautiful,and demand our reverence and protection. Pity is never a word associated with lions.

Also fuck you for your yellow fever, you race traitor rice fucker

[–] 0 pt

Sir, the polite term is “rice burner.”

[–] 2 pts

Hate isn't strong enough. All niggers need to be either shot into space or exterminated in mass.

[–] 1 pt

Lions do not account for half the murders, they do not demand free gibs, they forage for themselves, they are not demanding we pay them ransom for shit that has nothing to do with them

[–] [deleted] -1 pt (edited )

you can tell where a person is from by how they look. you can tell where a person is going by what they say.

we are born into this world based on principle of karma. many can work on improving the conditions for release from samsara while few can really sit and drop the passion that serves nothing good,, pick up a desire for a longer term safety and realize a better virtue that can lead to that long term safety. the mind can change quick and with some training and cleanliness of the body&mind there is safety from suffering and delusion. really people are sort of nuts haha

but my point was when you meet a black person, or any animal to consider that,, consider the dynamic of karma that is unfolding for them and yourself.

e, a black or a jew isnt an animal. no animal can achieve what one black or jew has been able to, historicaly speaking.

we are born into this world based on principle of karma.

Says you, street shitter. Personally, I was born with a spark of divine Creation within me, and my free will is sacrosanct. You, on the other monkey's paw, are still trying to drag yourself up out of the animal muck, and you require crutches such as silly external codes of conduct, taboos, and patently-false philosophical sand castles such as "kharma" that you can literally see not playing out in real time all around you every day. If the concept of kharma wasn't as fake as a stripper's tits, the world would be a very different place, most likely filled with spacefaring trilobites.

But no, the sudden cold snap kills the innocents in their eggs just as thoroughly as it kills the Sinners and the Saints and the Indifferent. Fate is far more fickle than your street-shitter false religion could ever begin to comprehend. Fate is indifferent to opinion, to right or wrong, to beauty or ugliness, and only bows to Truth. To the objective hard reality of the collapsed probability wave.

the buddha once said that we cry more tears over our births than wter in the ocean

the creator thing is irrelevant.

what isnt irrelevant is if he was a good person or an asshole.

if a creator is to exist, he is an asshole.

its irrelevant if we have a creator or not because we are in a condition where it is up to us to help ourselves. unless you also beleive you can shout hail mary 3 times and get access to a theme park. and that isnt rude at all to say because essentialy that is what it takes to get into heaven for many.

and heaven seperates people from who they love and in heaven you are feeding off nice-itites all the time,, thats the allure of it.

[–] 0 pt

desire for a longer term safety


that distances you from samsara, pajeet.

You are either samsara-ing, doing the birth and death thing,, or not.

There is nirvana that people can experience but that is a separate cosmological structure; if you are in nirvana then you are not samsaraing and if you were to interact with those who are in samsara then Bodhisattva would be the term used for an enlightened one samsaraing..

The last cosmological realm is the deathless and maybe considered not even a realm.

Aall of comes down to like a fat kid liking cake. We are that fat kid. It causes diabetus. We keep fat friends that are no good, take meds that excaberate the problem.. When really we need to.practice a right way of life and shed stress for the sake of excelling on the path not burdened by too much wealth or to much pain. The human birth lies in the middle of births and afford a benifital middle ground between instinctual fear and decadence of the highest order

Morbidly obese with grotesquely long nails and jaundice of the eyes 😂

[–] 0 pt

Almost perfect. Should've had the white cloth tied on her chin instead though.

[–] 0 pt

@AOU please move this from s/Funny to s/SadButTrue

[–] 0 pt

should be holding a bag of paper slips with "food stamphs" on it

[–] 1 pt

That's what I was thinking, but then I realized that one side of a scale is a much better representation of the one-sided approach that America has towards niggers now; It's a pithy, accurate summation of the situation.

[–] 0 pt

>why would I put da blindfo' on? I caen't see wittit on smh whipepo

[–] 0 pt

Unfortunately it is not only in America, same thing happening in Europe.