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[–] 7 pts

Bill Gates never created viruses in windows. He made one virus with Paul Allen nearly a decade before he founded microsoft. And microsoft never charged for antivirus software.... Damn the amount easily debunked information on here is staggering. So the guy in the tweet is a liar because you can't remember shit that never happened

[–] 0 pt

never charged for antivirus software

If you are referring to Windows Defender, it is impossible to use it on anything other than Windows, and one requires a purchased license to use Windows, so one is indirectly paying for Windows Defenders when buying a Windows license.

[–] 0 pt

Windows defender may have been after Gates' time. Either way: The vast majority of money made on antivirus was other people, enabled by Microsoft.

Windows defender is free. They don't have to include it with Windows. I think they do because anti virus software, well and the necessity of installing such, made Windows worse.

[–] 0 pt

Bill Gates wrote his own History Or probably had people write it.. He never completed University Elites ( Rich Royalty ) don't need to worry about that...they get Titles and appointed to Boards as part of their Entitlements.... Fantasy is easily made up Where Reality is hidden... Being Rich doesn't make you Better than anyone....but many admire " Famous " people with incredible back stories ...

[–] 0 pt

It was a Joke... Like your comment is... Bill Gates is a Con Man He isn't who people think he is... Like Suckerburg.... Rich kids given a title.. Ohh..Royalty..... They laugh at us...well.. Mainly people like You..! Who defend them from your brainwashing... Were you building computers in 1990?? I was....

[–] 3 pts

I've been building PCs since the late 80s. I think you might just be a fucking moron. You type like a schizo retard despite having decades of experience with computers.

[–] 0 pt

If he's a con man then stick to the facts. Don't make up bullshit that's easily debunked. It discredits your argument. And I'm sure you were building amazing computers in '90 boomer

[–] 0 pt

Yep...i am a Boomer...like your a piece of shit kid...grow up turd... I build more than just computers in my life too...your generation is using what " BOOMERS " made .... What is your Generations greatest achievement ???
We made life easier for ungrateful punks who complain and whine about Old People.... Your going to be one too... Idiot

[–] 3 pts

Doing your tribes bidding, (((Osman)))..

[–] 0 pt

Poisoning boomers minds through facebook memes.

[–] 1 pt

Same as with the anti-virus software, his gene therapy poison is crashing the whole system. I don't want to find out if the "blue screen of death" is displayed with this version.

[–] 1 pt

I used to build computers starting in the early 90's ....Virus fear was used then too....I found removing ( or not installing Antivirus from Day 1 ) was the best defense for issues that were caused by having Antivirus software installed..How do you get a steady stream of income from customers?? Fear works easily on low IQ's and when your selling virus or virus warnings it makes the weak minded do what they want ... Bill Gates sold a Operating System and the weak entry points it had...did he sell Anti virus software?? Not directly...the Joke flew past some like Jets ... The point of the joke is Valid...as Bill Gates sold Lies and made Profit from his products...just like he is doing TODAY ...Selling a CURE...When No Cure is needed...CON GAME....only the lowest IQ's can't figure it Out...or get this " JOKE " ??? Anti Virus Software was the Virus..... And the Control factor to sell you something.. Standard Sales Gimmick Sell the Problem and THE CURE WIN WIN STUPID PEOPLE FALL FOR IT....

[–] 1 pt

I agree with all of what you said, other than people being stupid. People are ignorant, naive, gullible, and most often mislead by untruthful others. The only way to know truth is to know Jesus Christ.

[–] 0 pt

People in general are Stupid and religion is another control method they use to make you follow... Who is the " Chosen " tribe in the Bible??? If there is a " God " ?? Why does he have favorites?? Who found the scrolls? The average fool will believe anything that is repeated... Soon it becomes Fact Think about what you hear or are told...most doesn't make sense if your able to Think...

[–] 0 pt

Many people live in this lost world with no absolute truth, such as yourself. No absolute truth= no hope. My heart goes out to people like you. Jesus Christ is our hope and deliverer. He is absolute Truth. Believe in Him and repent, you will know the truth. God bless.

[–] 0 pt

fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: LOL NO ONE HAS SEEN THIS!!!

Come on conspirologist. You're better than this.

What do you mean?

[–] 0 pt

This EXACT thing has been posted for decades. Maybe not this specific screencap: obviously, but what the twitter post says. I get dupe posts happen, not eveyone has seen everything. But literally everyone has seen this. It's been posted at least a dozen times in fewer days.

[–] 0 pt

I ask myself that too.

[–] 0 pt

What antivirus software did he sell?

[–] 3 pts

Windows Operating Systems were designed with flaws ..open back doors to use when needed... Anti Virus Software was a Scam used to sell you a product you really didn't need.. If the Operating System was designed properly and SECURE... i removed the Antivirus or mainly never installed it...back in the 90's and since.... Waste of money and just made your system unstable and stupid messages popping up constantly.... Like the Idiot light on your Car does... When the " Check Engine " light goes on.. Cash registers ring all over... Most times it is a minor issue easily resolved by the owner ( we used to fix our own vehicles and I still do ..) But PANIC sets in with most people.... Educated or Not Lol

[–] 0 pt

Windows was originally designed as a single user operating system, in a world where most computers weren't on any sort of network. My point is: the design "back doors" were front doors for the user to get stuff done.

[–] 0 pt

Well, antivirus in Windows 10, Windows Defender, is free.

It's not free, moron. It's included in Windows price.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

By free I mean you don´t pay extra, use your brain a little bit, if you don´t pay extra for Windows Defender there is no point in creating viruses for people to buy it.

[–] 0 pt

And Windows is the original virus.

No, that would be the same antivirus companies creating viruses and then selling the solution, not Microsoft themselves.