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[–] 12 pts

He's running a 50/50 chance of eating a bullet. Gay fucking tranny better get upbeat fast or those odds are going to get worse. Also, anal bloody shit is not a period.

[–] 0 pt

Actually 53/47 - greater likelihood of eating bullet then continuing to pack and dilate for the rest of its miserable God forsaken life.

[–] 10 pts (edited )

What a retard. Trannies are literally mentally challenged. All kids should be forced to watch the original Frankenstein and taught if they try to "transition" they will become a weird, creepy and strange monster who people will be concerned for/with or angry and chase it out of town.

Fun fact: all trannies only live in very large liberal metropolises. You're not gonna find a tranny in rural places or States like Montana.

[–] 2 pts

Frankenstein was more about bad parenting, creating a new life and then forcing it to fend for itself because you didn't want to put any more effort into it than just the fun part. Perhaps applicable to trannies, but not a perfect fit.

Is there a version of The Ugly Duckling where he smashes his face on rocks and stains his feathers until he looks a little bit like a duck, then he finds other swans and realizes his mistake?

[–] 5 pts

Whatever it is I don't want it dumped on me!

[–] 4 pts

Yes, periods effect the intestinal system. But no, not for a trans person. Female bodies produce a special hormone that triggers shedding of the uterus, the hormone sometimes gets into the intestines. It can't possibly be the case because his body doesn't make that hormone. The only time I've heard of exogenous use of this hormone is to induce miscarriages in 3rd/4th world where abortion is illegal. Sorry bro, you need to lay off the taco bell and spend some time developing shame.

Someone needs to tell him pus is not a period and that his gash must be infected. The irritability is probably sepsis taking root.

I wish I was into Twitter so I could tell this man not to speak over female voices with his male experiences.

[–] 4 pts

I'd imagine it happened from being fucked in the ass too much.

[–] 7 pts

In my humble opinion, anytime a guy is getting fucked in the ass it's too much.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

That's not an opinion; it's a fact.

[–] 1 pt

Women too. Stop having faggot sex with your wife.

[–] 0 pt

Sodomy. It’s not sex

[–] 3 pts

For those that think she is being sarcastic. She is not.

Doctors literally advocate and yoy may confirm in the NHS, that "just like all vaginas, it is natural for your vagina to produce blood and excrements".

Dont you know guys? That all vaginas produce excrements and blood. It oa natural

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

That's no woman, and that's certainly not a vagina.

[–] 0 pt

Pretty sure women's vaginas have blood coming out of them occasionally.

Excrement? No, don't think so.

That's an anus.

[–] 2 pts

That is not how menstration works. If you are going to play dress up at least do some research first.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

With all the information available about the catastrophes of genital mutilation, the depression and humiliation, the suicides. It’s a fucking wonder anyone goes through with it anymore.

Really disgusting how they are preying on the mentally ill.

[–] 2 pts

It's even more shocking that doctors go through with it. If you want proof that doctors don't care about your health, and care more about covering there asses against the tides of medical politics, there it is. Gave bad advice to him, will give bad advice to you.

Maybe medical politics coincidentally line up with good heath practices some of the time, when it's a less political issue, but you have no guarantee that will always be the case.

You would think if you were considering a permanent life altering procedure you’d want to understand it at an expert level.

But there I go again, applying logic and reason where there was never any to begin with.

[–] 0 pt

jewish DRs, no surprise there.

[–] 0 pt

Politics seem to have gotten into every place they should not be: employment, medical system, judicial system, sciences and mathematics, the military- the push for "political correctness" in the late 80s-early 90s set the stage for this insanity.

I remember being a kid and hearing that term "political correctness" all the time growing up. I didn't understand what it meant until I was a preteen, and I didn't understand the insidious, destructive, divisive nature of it until after I was out of public school and the military. Once I was no longer under the "care/employ" of the government, a lot of things became clear to me.

[–] 0 pt

My impression of most doctors is they're in it for the money and pride. The well being of the patient is irrelevant.

[–] 1 pt

He’s probably bleeding from his ass from constantly getting fucked in his ass, fucking tranny faggot!

[–] 0 pt

Trannies are fucking idiots. If he killed himself with a rope or a gunshot to the head it would be "because of covid-19.

[–] 0 pt

will someone please put that thing out of our misery?

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