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“Bvut muh shoah!! Don’t forget muh shoah!”

“Bvut muh shoah!! Don’t forget muh shoah!”

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts

The math looks good....I triple checked it. 300k filthy jews and 85 million unfortunate souls.

[–] 4 pts

Roughly 40 million were Christians. Vast majority Aryan.

But muh 6,000,000 (cough 300,000). Oy vey.

[–] 0 pt

the jews died due to FLEAS (hence the need for those chemicals) + ALLIED BOMBING CUTTING OFF FOOD SUPPLY (no one had food)

[–] 3 pts

300k jews

Also 0 were killed by the state of Nazi Germany. Zero.

I'm German and every 60 square kilometers they have some kind of place where they say "people were shot up by gestapo/ss" or "euthanasia shower rooms by carbon monoxide took place, over ten thousand under a year but the total number of deaths was ten thousand" it's really hard to say zero without doing some major pilpul

Did Germany post-war have a board of history writers who fabricated devastating articles about each of the third empire's state's buildings and hq

They also have random stones on the floor where it says "x person died from nazis on some place", research "Stolpersteine" The majority just seems like normal war stuff still; survivors are also there

[–] 0 pt

it's really hard to say zero without doing some major pilpul

I'm German

No (((you))) aren't.

Zero jews were killed by the state of Nazi Germany. 0

Yeah I'm a second generation immigrant and my lineage is, at least what I know up to my great grandparents, purely slav (I don't know if I like slavs much still they don't seem to be able to just "chill" out)

Anyway I never got to talk to my late great grandmother but her daughter say her Polish village was razed by Germans and women were raped by by Soviets, while her husband apparently didn't care much

But seriously, the amount of brainwashing here im Germany is immense and when I hear the recordings of NSDAP people (not the cut emotional ones) I feel utterly conflicted, they seem like reasonable people until the war

Do you have any good links to destigmatize our past?

Here is the one that totally dropped my confidence, the same day I realized about every public neo-nazi is a faggot



(((HuffPost))) infamous fag's faggot article www.huffpost.com/entry/the-strange-strange-story_b_136697



If you really want to make progress, please help source these images they could have been taken at any year and have a shady history

the first link in particular + Weimar past is the single resource that stands in the way of making self-hating-Germans accept their history.

So far, I believe that when Hitler got dragged into war, his competence was dragged into the mud by putting him against almost the entire world and thus ended up being ironically the biggest modern zionist.

I haven't read Mein Kampf (is there even an uncensored German scan anywhere? The old letters aren't an issue) but the swastika spam in Berlin is really hard on the eyes and just looks like blind idolatry considering they could have done more to make Germany the old Reich, maybe even Flickenteppich again

Was the swastika used to unite Germans and the plan to unite all of Aryans? The design could have had more peaceful optics at least; though the red is classically used for recognizability

[–] 1 pt

Such a statement is just silly. During large scale wars people are executed left and right for the smallest things. Perhaps almost no Jew was killed simply because he was a Jew, but 100% sure plenty were killed for additional reasons.

[–] 0 pt

oy vey, why would they have hospitals, dentists, cantinas, theatres, soccer fields, orchestras, and more at those death camps you bigot

[–] 0 pt

Don't forget the jewess brothels. But if I were forced go cohabitate with a jewess I would likely go jewinsane too.

[–] 1 pt

Where does the 300k number come from? I would like to share this if there are credible sources. I have plenty of sources which clearly refutes 6 million. I need this ammo.

[–] 4 pts

The Red Cross.

[–] 1 pt

Do you have a primary source on this? (Ie the red cross website or similar)

Google only shows Holocaust denial denial pages, and I don't see anywhere official backing this

[–] 1 pt

Codoh.com is a pretty good one to go to. Also Mark Weber for the Institute for Historical Review (IHR.org) is another good one.

[–] 0 pt

700K (i.guim.co.uk)

1.5M & 4M (zionistnarrative.files.wordpress.com)

1,715,000 (img0.newspapers.com)

17 Million (cdn.statcdn.com)

The actual number of people that died from disease and starvation across all concentration worker camps. (qph.fs.quoracdn.net)

Good old (((PEW))) (pewforum.org) They just have to keep pumping those numbers up.

[–] 0 pt

i thought the red cross said 128,000 jews and the remainder was a mix of Russians, Ukrainians, gypsies, etc

[–] 0 pt

That's correct, but lots of times people just use the 271k number.

[–] 0 pt

Guess this worked out real well for the Jewish tribe. This brother war eliminated a huge portion of their very worst enemies.

Never again.

[–] 0 pt

That's total concentration camp deaths...

Not Jewish deaths

[–] 0 pt

Ain't that the fuckin' truth.

These jews and jewlovers would likely say "the Jewish community was affected disproportionately due to its already small size"

but that means they weren't supposed to be at home where the world war was most intense, Europe

the huge mass of casualties there got Europe into a devolution ffs while jews recovered more and zionism advanced on a level never known before