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[–] 8 pts

I haven't drank a soda since I was like 15 and a high school chemistry teacher showed us how much sugar was in soda by dumping an equivalent amount of raw sugar on the table.

[–] 9 pts

Real teachers are rare these days.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

it's not even real sugar now.

I know it was weird the front row had a lot of energy after 30 seconds. There was a weird cloud of dust that came off the pile of sugar. He repeatedly corrected himself from saying nose candy to sugar.....odd.

[–] 3 pts

That’s why I switched to meth. You barely need any food when you’re doing it. No sleep. You have all this energy and focus. I lost so much weight with meth. Lost my mind a few times too many but that’s ok.

Did you take any dick pics while you were looking for your mind?

[–] 0 pt

Why you want them? Huh? You gay now? Fag.

[–] 2 pts

Did he show how much sugar was in orange juice, by comparison?

[–] 3 pts

That's about the most inane and ridiculous argument I've heard from people who say fruit juice contains sugar also. Blah blah.

It's NOT the same thing at all and just lumping all sugars together to conflate the issue is a non argument.

"Unlike table sugar, which only provides calories, the natural sugar in 100% orange juice comes with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Orange juice is one of nature’s nutrient-rich foods! And a convenient way to reach one’s daily fruit intake recommendations."

The main sugar is fructose which doesn't have near the same effect on metabolism and doesn't cause type two diabetes. As well, if you juice your own oranges you get fiber. Let's not forget about all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements contained in natural juices.

Most soda contains sucrose which has been processed from sugar beets or cane. It's been treated to remove any "contaminants" such as vitamins and minerals and trace elements. To use the sugar your body must use it's own stores of vitamins and minerals so it's basically causing you to be malnourished.

[–] 4 pts

All sugars are bad in liquid form, really bad and most juices today have added HFCS.

Glucose is what powers all cells, sucrose is a glucose and fructose bonded with a spare carbon which will decompose in stomach acid back to a glucose and fructose, fructose is poison, it has all the same effects as alcohol on your body the difference being it isn't metabolized in the brain so you don't experience the effects of drunkenness in your brain, just your liver, it just goes straight into viscera after the liver tries to process it a few times, the liver tries to process alcohol too but can't manage it and so it winds up in your blood and then goes to the brain which does manage to decompose it into terrible toxic junk that sits around until you get enough sleep and the brain cleans itself up.

HFCS is just a higher fructose concentration I think the limit is 65% over 1:1 with glucose.

This is all in contrast to how nature packages it's sweets in nature you get roughly a proportional amount of glucose to fructose something like 70:30 and a proportional amount of fiber over all of 1:1 or higher in most fruits with higher fructose. The freaks of nature in this regard are apples, sugar beets and sugar cane. The sugar crops really stand out as fructose producers but sugar beets are the most out of proportion for fiber followed by the apple.

Fiber is critical for satiation, our bodies are made to crave easy calories to help us gorge when we have the opportunity to fatten us up for leaner times, with leaner times largely in the rear view our bodies don't grasp that we no longer should gorge on sugars and starches(branch chains of glucose) combine this with a high sugar diet we can keep more sugar craving gut flora alive for longer making massive colonies of angry gut bacteria that make us feel like absolute shit when we don't feed them and you get a society of helpless fatasses who unwittingly abdicate notions of self control to single celled organisms that use chemical agents they synthesize to get us to feed them.

Glucose is a processable sugar in the body because every cell needs it, the fat it makes when in surplus is far easier to access and burn than that made by fructose which is not needed by any cells in the body fructose is like a plastic the body hangs on to because it looks so much like glucose, it can be used for energy if it gets metabolized enough but it seems to require a high fiber compliment in digestion to aid metabolization, some bacteria can process fructose but you would need a colony the size if a kidney to handle the amount of it people get today and its far harder to burn off the visceral fat it is stored as. Glucose by weight creates less fat by the nature of it's universal utility. Glucose is responsible for mostly subcutaneous fat deposits which has a significantly lower correlation to poor health than visceral fat while fructose is mostly deposited as visceral fats, and as fat deposits stuck in the liver, excessive visceral fat is a curse, it clings to organs protective membranes weighing them down or impeding movement, causing inflammation and making healing of these organs slower which can cause cortisol spikes(hormonal signal to store fat) and depression which often creates food dependency it makes your bowels, stomach, diaphragm, lungs and heart less efficient and effective just by being in the way and hanging from them, various disorders are borne from or exacerbated by this fat from fatty liver disease to pelvic floor collapse. All fat creates female hormones in the body making fat storage easier and pacifying men, this was likely meant to save lives in winter by bulking and storing fat and leeching estrogens to keep men docile when stuck inside during winter.

We need to ban HFCS, set legal limits on sugars in drinks, incentivise companies to use glucose over sucrose and fructose, and fund research into safe chemical satiators and chemical counter agents to those our gut flora will release to cause or exacerbate cravings, we may even be able to mandate their inclusion in sugary foods which exceed a certain amount of sugar.

I always get some ancap or libertarian faggot telling me regulation is always bad and that people should just develop self control but I'm a realist and know even intelligent kids with good gene expression can have lame parents that let them get fat, stay fat, and slip into the mindset of the spiteful mutant who rips at society's fabric because he knows he could be better but is afraid of being forced to confront his own weakness. Anachronistic instincts and up jumped protozoa are wrecking the youth and society, I don't give a fuck about coke or hershey's bottom line or market principles, I care that white children grow up healthy without delusions invented to protect the ego of addicts and the lifecycle of bacteria.

Also softdrinks only have so much HFCS to cover the salt, the salt is mostly there to make people thirstier so they keep drinking. You can cut the salt by 80% and replace the HFCS with an 80:20 mixture of glucose and sucrose and cut that syrup by a volume of 30% or more and you'll cut the calories.

The fastest dietary paths to obesity are eating anything with sugar after or at the end of a meal, starches will displace it and all that sugar will wind up as fat. By weight ketchup and other sauces similarly suggested will wind up as roughly 25% fat. Sucrose. By weight should wind up about 50% fat, glucose by weight is gona be about 20% fat so long as it isn't desert, and fructose will wind up about 80% fat by weight and most of that sticks to your guts, not between muscles and skin like healthier easier to burn subcutaneous fat.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 3 pts (edited )

Are you fucking retarded? You do not get fiber from juicing oranges. You are extracting only the sugar and water from fruit when juicing them. the fiber and majority of the vitamins are being left behind.

Also, your assertion about fructose completely ignores that its effects on the body are more closely associated with alcohol consumption which also includes the proliferation of non alcoholic fatty liver disease. On top of that, the metabolism of fructose increases the concentration of other substances that can cause health problems like gout from the overproduction of uric acid which is a prominent byproduct of fructose metabolism.

On top of that, the chemical breakdown of sucrose is fructose and glucose, this must occur before it can be absorbed into the blood stream.

I have never heard of needing vitamins and minerals to use your own sugar. Maybe as cofactors or coenzymes. You completely ignored how the body requires insulin to increase glucose uptake in the cells for it to be used as fuel or converted to fat or glycogen to be stored for future use.

Excessive sugar intake, regardless of what kind, will lead to insulin resistance and lead to all manner of issues like type 2 diabetes. What we know of as 'obesity-related' health problems are now being rebranded as insulin-resistant-related health problems because of its link with several health issues. Among them is hypertension, according to my research, 3 different mechanisms have been proposed that establishes the relationship between insulin and hypertension with respect to its effect on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and its ability to needlessly retain sodium ions.

I have never heard of anyone try so hard to talk about sugar and not make one reference to the hormonal impacts of sugar on the body and the associated health problems chronic over consumption of all manner of sugars.

It would do you some good if you took a goddamn anatomy and physiology class before you come on here and act like a jackass spewing innane paltitudes without putting any effort to put it into the proper context.

[–] 3 pts

Most soda today contains corn syrup, boomer.

[–] 3 pts

Yes it is. Fruit juice has a lot of sugar as well. Eat the fruit itself. You won't be able to eat 6 oranges even though you could drink the juice from them easily. Also, fruits have been selected over time to have more and more sugar (e.g. pineapples).

I guess it's the white vs wheat argument

[–] 1 pt

My chemistry teacher wild have then mixed the sugar with Potassium Nitrate and made a sugar rocket.

[–] 2 pts

My English teacher would stop traffic.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Part time crossing guard?

Had absolutely zero hottie teachers growing up. Pretty much all of my school teachers in the 90's had their job there since the 70's. Not even a hottie sub..

I feel cheated.

[–] 0 pt

If only it were raw sugar, instead of HFCS.

Only the kikes get the real sugar in their Coke.