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[–] 3 pts

No, I understand addiction quite well (and know that processed sugars are more addictive than pure cocaine).

I get that, my question is why do people consistently and KNOWINGLY put these poisons into their bodies at such great volume before they become addicted ?

I have 5 or 6 sodas in a year. Maybe fewer as I've gotten older, as I make a conscious effort to have a diet of actual foods. It's not anymore expensive and I know what goes into my body.

Are people so conditioned that they no longer see themselves as human beings ?

People seem so fucking lost and angry and calloused that it boggles my mind into understanding how they can't time figuring out what the actual problem is.

[–] 2 pts

Are people so conditioned that they no longer see themselves as human beings ?

The problem is that people don't see themselves as animals. Would you pour a can of Coke into your dog's bowl? Hell no.

[–] 1 pt

I'd love to see your question put on signs all over the world. It signifies that its not healthy enough to put in your pets dish, so why are you putting it into your body...without having to spell it out.


[–] 0 pt

Thank you, and that's an excellent billboard idea you got there!

Well stated my friend.

[–] 1 pt

I'm just going on what my observations are. I've told my friend what he is doing to his health and he gets it, or says he does but he can't seem to connect his actions to reality. It's like he puts on a show to impress me with what he's learned but he gets to the store and comes back with total crap. He makes excuses trying to say he doesn't do it that often but the reality is totally opposite.

He prefers to go to a fast food venue to get food any time he gets hungry for something real and uses coupons. Well, then he's getting very poor value for his money and it's crap tasting food to begin with. Taco Bell, Arby's, etc. It's almost like he lives in a fog of make believe and I'm guessing that's what most people are doing.

[–] 0 pt

Gonna be honest , if his life choices are this bad with his health. I don't think I'd be hanging around him for any other "insights" he might have. I mean, if he has a trade...really be thorough if you want his help on a project (in that area)

In my 30's I had a "plumber" friend, who I'd known since middle school and when I asked him to help me out on changing out my water heater to a tankless system he said "no problem" and came over having already been a 6 pack in and I had to ask him to not touch anything. I researched it and ended up doing it myself. I then saw his "work truck" and it was indicative of how he lived. He had an apt and so I never bothered ever going there...I'd always meet him in public or he'd come to my home & only after this instance did I re-evaluate what he brought to both myself and the group of friends I'd had for 20+ years. What he brought was drama, alcoholism, and need.

I haven't talked to him now in 10+ years and while I feel bad that his life is shit, it's he who put himself there. Me sticking around him would've only brought me to his level.

[–] 0 pt

This reminds me of the plumber I worked with last year. He was so fat and disabled he couldn't carry his tools and had to have knee surgery to replace both knees but it's been delayed because of covid.

His teeth are all gone so he has to gum all his food down and he was told by the doctors that he'd have to lose weight to get his knees done. He did lose some weight but was still needing to shed another ten pounds.

He thinks he's a conservative but when the covid bullshit came he right away started wearing a mask, then would wear a plastic shield and end up having me go back into houses because he kept leaving it behind.

There was quite a bit of separation between his work quality and what he claimed his work quality was. He told me when he soldered copper pipes he'd only had about two leaks in his life but every job we went on he'd end up with a leak on the last joint or two and on ABS piping he'd sometimes forget to glue a joint. Once I almost freaked out because he was hooking up a sink with pipe only to one side. He totally forgot about the sink being a double kitchen sink. Early onset dementia? Imagine trying to squeeze in next to him in a small bathroom?

The worst was when one day his ass reeked so bad I almost vomited. Honestly, it was worse than opening a septic tank. That pissed me off. I mean, how fucking hard can it be to take a damned shower at least once or twice a week? Greasy hair, three day old clothes and always wearing sweat pants that have a hole in the ass and no underwear. He did call me up for Christmas and say he missed me. Yeh, I bet he did. Only other guys who would work with him at his wages were drunks and losers. One day I worked from 7 in the morning until 11 at night and partly because of his errors. On that job I was exhausted and he's up on the ladder doing work I could have and should have been allowed to do and he asks me to hand him his screwdriver. I did. Then he sets it down within reach and asks for it again. I handed it to him but now I'm puzzled. He sets it down and once more asks for it. This time I snapped, reminded him it's the third time he can't find a screwdriver I just put in his hand and he needs to keep track of his things. "Calm down, calm down!" was his response. Sure, I'm supposed to be patient like an angel.

Oh, and his truck? I'd try to organize it and maybe on Saturday he'd take one of his drunks with him and I'd come back on Monday to find it in shambles. Over and over. Every week. On one level I liked the guy but on other issues he and his other guys drove me nuts.

[–] 1 pt

Many reasons. It is normalized. I remember a decade ago when taco bell advertised 24 hour drive through and made referencing to inventing yet another meal time to our arsenal.

Social factors: People use food as tools of compliance, reject their food and they get offended. It gets even worse when they tie food to culture, then all of a sudden by eating responsibly you are genociding your heritage.

We are in that smoking/drinking phase where we know the stuff ingested is poison and we do it anyway knowing full well of the ramifications.

I would argue there is less urgency to call out this nonsense which is why people gleefully do it irrespective of the consequences.

It is hard to call it out without being cancelled.

Another big point I would make is people have no cause-and-effect understanding when it comes to the relationship between sugar and every problem it causes. They will decry their obesity, their lack of energy, their increased disease rate, their anxiety, their insomnia, their depression, while ignoring sugar as a possible culprit.

Even looking at the DSM 5 for substance abuse shows significant overlaps with sugar addiction but people just cannot make the connection.

[–] 0 pt

Very solid points.

I'd also add the acidic levels in pop contribute to enamel decay/erosion....especially in candies that are pushed as "fruit" like those gummie candies/treats.

I'd bet a few hundred grand that it was a (then) current or former dentist who helped create them. SOOOOOO many kids (12 and under) who had their 1st set of teeth destroyed by those is incredible.

and know that processed sugars are more addictive than pure cocaine

Having tried both cocaine and sugar, have to say my eyes grow weary of reading this kind of statement. Not true in any stretch of the imagination. People don't turn violent after a few hits of sugar and suddenly being cut-off. I've seen some shit back in the day.

[–] 1 pt


It's an interesting topic. I'd bet that the factors used in determining it reach further than potency.

I was using it as an example , not sure if they came off like my words or not.

Sure, both substances work on the same reward system in your brain. Fact.

While sugar tickles your dopamine receptors with a feather and then runs away giggling like a faggot.. cocaine picks them up over it's head, body slams them, hog ties them, and rapes them all raw and un-lubed.