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[–] 21 pts

Sadly, that was probably after they restocked. Diabetes Whites can never stop drinking that poison.

[–] 8 pts

I haven't drank a soda since I was like 15 and a high school chemistry teacher showed us how much sugar was in soda by dumping an equivalent amount of raw sugar on the table.

[–] 9 pts

Real teachers are rare these days.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

it's not even real sugar now.

I know it was weird the front row had a lot of energy after 30 seconds. There was a weird cloud of dust that came off the pile of sugar. He repeatedly corrected himself from saying nose candy to sugar.....odd.

[–] 3 pts

That’s why I switched to meth. You barely need any food when you’re doing it. No sleep. You have all this energy and focus. I lost so much weight with meth. Lost my mind a few times too many but that’s ok.

Did you take any dick pics while you were looking for your mind?

[–] 2 pts

Did he show how much sugar was in orange juice, by comparison?

[–] 3 pts

That's about the most inane and ridiculous argument I've heard from people who say fruit juice contains sugar also. Blah blah.

It's NOT the same thing at all and just lumping all sugars together to conflate the issue is a non argument.

"Unlike table sugar, which only provides calories, the natural sugar in 100% orange juice comes with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Orange juice is one of nature’s nutrient-rich foods! And a convenient way to reach one’s daily fruit intake recommendations."

The main sugar is fructose which doesn't have near the same effect on metabolism and doesn't cause type two diabetes. As well, if you juice your own oranges you get fiber. Let's not forget about all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements contained in natural juices.

Most soda contains sucrose which has been processed from sugar beets or cane. It's been treated to remove any "contaminants" such as vitamins and minerals and trace elements. To use the sugar your body must use it's own stores of vitamins and minerals so it's basically causing you to be malnourished.

[–] 1 pt

My chemistry teacher wild have then mixed the sugar with Potassium Nitrate and made a sugar rocket.

[–] 2 pts

My English teacher would stop traffic.

[–] 0 pt

If only it were raw sugar, instead of HFCS.

Only the kikes get the real sugar in their Coke.

[–] 2 pts

gotta get that loxism in there

While true, there are other brands to go for, so your anti-White addition is quite retarded.

[–] 2 pts

Fuck off, it wasn't anti-White. I don't give a shit about niggers, and fat Whites are a fucking disgrace to the White race.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

Maybe they finally figured out how to dump 90 grams of sugar into their glass of water themselves. Could you imagine that? Everyone watching them would recoil in disgust and tap their friends on the shoulder to witness the display, yet they drink this crap every day.

[–] 1 pt

Reminds me of this - https://youtu.be/mftHSnHjhhQ?t=43

I know, I'm being lazy linking to jewtube but I don't care at the moment.

[–] 1 pt

Just replace the words youtu.be with yewtu.be

[–] 2 pts

It's true that many are addicted to that stuff.

But it's also true that there is more than one brand.

I think that it could be true that no one is buying Coke products. They're still buying their flavored sugar water, it just has a different label now.

[–] 9 pts


[–] 1 pt

Hah! Yup!



The goddamned anti-white woke president of Coke said basically, that a few angry White people (right wing nut-jobs) CANNOT HURT COKES BOTTOM LINE!!!!

I think Whites need to switch to a third cola. Pepsi gave hundreds of millions to BLM and jews, and now coke wants no White employees.


[–] 4 pts

We should short coke stocks and keep it up fuck them and their obesity producing shit.. need to avoid all coke products

[–] 2 pts

Do not short stocks. That's even worse than WSB-tardom. If you buy a stock it can go to zero and you lose your money. If you short a stock there's no limit to your liability. (That's what happened the the GME-shorting mutual funds).

[–] 0 pt (edited )

No limit is true... unless you have money to hold on a long time, hoping you are correct.

Most investors are 15% short, 85% long.

Its just so hard to short a sinking stock from so many rules.

Most do NOT have enough money to hold on long enough.

GME was different than consumer short selling, it was re-short selling ALREADY SHORT shares , allowed for 2 days float max and only allowed by hedge funds. This resulted in GME being 143% shorted of the float.... so fucking illegal, and yet allowed.

GME never then got 40% of short after hedgies lost billions from reddit diamond hands. Its still shorted too much, and r/wallstreetbets can make the jews rip their faces off again , like last week.

[–] 3 pts

Fuck all Coca Cola related brands. I have boycotted them from my household and when I see packages of them in stores I "accidentally" drop or puncture them with my shopping cart.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Nike, gillette, coke. Fuuuuck youuuu!!!!! on any of them again.

I'll never spend a dime on them

[–] 2 pts

TF is up with that background music?

[–] 6 pts

This is the shit they play in stores now.

Used to be like "lite radio" elevator music playing in stores. Seems like over the last year they've really moved towards "R+B" and this weird "lite hip hop" nigger noise.

Get used to dem hot beats, homie.

[–] 6 pts

They don't play that in stores, that is popular as music on Tic-Toc and other sites/apps that feature short videos like the one linked.

[–] 3 pts

That's not "hot beats", that's the old song "Walking in the Sand" (youtube.com), chipmunk version.

[–] 0 pt

I'm so glad you gave me a name. You'd think the lyrics would make it easy to find...but no.

[–] 1 pt

I do like the occasional (and I do mean occasional) Dr. Pepper or 7 UP (if I have the flu) But don't really grasp how people can make the conscious decision to drink more than a can of soda in a day...let alone multiple cans/cups EVERY single day.

[–] 4 pts

So many people are sugar addicts. One of my friends goes on sugar binges where he will buy a box of sweet rolls and just live on that stuff all day or go through three quarts of ice cream in a week. He thinks this is a normal sort of diet. We share a place and he frequently does this but to counteract this he will buy some healthy vegetables and prepared salads. Then he lets the stuff sit in the fridge and rot. Sometimes he will try to "share" with me but long after the stuff has gone off. I tried making a few healthy meals but then he complained it was too spicy. So I made a meal that to me was bland thinking I can add some chili when I eat my share but then he will have a quart of ice cream before eating and say he's not hungry. I finally just gave up and only cook for myself.

Healthy food he buys sits and rots while his sweet stuff get's eaten. He's got a cupboard of high protein drinks 'cause he intends on losing weight and getting in shape but then, never seems to follow through.

I go through the checkout in the stores and I see the same behavior in other people. Carts loaded with sweet stuff, pies, sodas and other junk and then some greasy potato chips to balance it all out.

It's no wonder our nation is full of overweight and unhealthy people.

[–] 3 pts

No, I understand addiction quite well (and know that processed sugars are more addictive than pure cocaine).

I get that, my question is why do people consistently and KNOWINGLY put these poisons into their bodies at such great volume before they become addicted ?

I have 5 or 6 sodas in a year. Maybe fewer as I've gotten older, as I make a conscious effort to have a diet of actual foods. It's not anymore expensive and I know what goes into my body.

Are people so conditioned that they no longer see themselves as human beings ?

People seem so fucking lost and angry and calloused that it boggles my mind into understanding how they can't time figuring out what the actual problem is.

[–] 2 pts

Are people so conditioned that they no longer see themselves as human beings ?

The problem is that people don't see themselves as animals. Would you pour a can of Coke into your dog's bowl? Hell no.

[–] 1 pt

I'm just going on what my observations are. I've told my friend what he is doing to his health and he gets it, or says he does but he can't seem to connect his actions to reality. It's like he puts on a show to impress me with what he's learned but he gets to the store and comes back with total crap. He makes excuses trying to say he doesn't do it that often but the reality is totally opposite.

He prefers to go to a fast food venue to get food any time he gets hungry for something real and uses coupons. Well, then he's getting very poor value for his money and it's crap tasting food to begin with. Taco Bell, Arby's, etc. It's almost like he lives in a fog of make believe and I'm guessing that's what most people are doing.

[–] 1 pt

Many reasons. It is normalized. I remember a decade ago when taco bell advertised 24 hour drive through and made referencing to inventing yet another meal time to our arsenal.

Social factors: People use food as tools of compliance, reject their food and they get offended. It gets even worse when they tie food to culture, then all of a sudden by eating responsibly you are genociding your heritage.

We are in that smoking/drinking phase where we know the stuff ingested is poison and we do it anyway knowing full well of the ramifications.

I would argue there is less urgency to call out this nonsense which is why people gleefully do it irrespective of the consequences.

It is hard to call it out without being cancelled.

Another big point I would make is people have no cause-and-effect understanding when it comes to the relationship between sugar and every problem it causes. They will decry their obesity, their lack of energy, their increased disease rate, their anxiety, their insomnia, their depression, while ignoring sugar as a possible culprit.

Even looking at the DSM 5 for substance abuse shows significant overlaps with sugar addiction but people just cannot make the connection.

and know that processed sugars are more addictive than pure cocaine

Having tried both cocaine and sugar, have to say my eyes grow weary of reading this kind of statement. Not true in any stretch of the imagination. People don't turn violent after a few hits of sugar and suddenly being cut-off. I've seen some shit back in the day.

[–] 1 pt

Ginger ale shits all over 7-Up for stomach comfort.

[–] 2 pts

I enjoyed it in my youth. Now it's far to carbonated and every one of them seem to be owned by coca-cola anyways.

[–] 1 pt

They damn near ruined 7up, it used to be marketed as the "un cola" because its lack of added sugar.

I'm not sure when but I had some last year for an upset stomach, damn was I not expecting how sweet its become.

[–] 1 pt

Honestly, I never loved 7 UP Bubble Up. But those days are long long gone. It's just the carbonation and light citrus taste that helps with that nauseous feeling.

[–] 0 pt

Same here, my family drank it for the fizz and because it wasn't loaded with sugar. Now I buy my elderly mother the mini six packs of ginger ale.

I'm fighting an energy drink addition right now, but even then I do not understand how people drink a whole 2 litter in one day. I've already promised myself that I was going to hit the gym hard this year. Now that my local ones are finally open again.

[–] 1 pt

He probably restocked the coke first so he could capture that. Wish it was real.

[–] 0 pt

This makes sense. He sounds black and the full shelves assume he is in an all-white neighborhood. As far as I am aware, the communists made white-exclusive neighborhoods extinct. On top of that, I doubt every single white person is even aware of the be less white propaganda. There are also a few white sheep that are so into the blue pill that I am sure they would buy it as a sign of loyalty to the system and to spite whites.

Too many people are addicted to that shit, so I find it hard to believe all of them decided to tell coca cola to fuck off when even the most determined of boycotts only ever shows changes in frequency of such purchases rather than the elimination of such purchases.

Coke just swallowed it's own cock. Went full Trent Reznor.

This is the best type of protest. Nobody gets hurt except the corporate retards.