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[–] [deleted] 11 pts

If you could weigh/measure the brains, the heavier/larger one is more likely to be the white brain.

[–] 9 pts (edited )

This is actually correct. The heavier/larger one is more likely to be the white brain, if both the same gender.

Also the White brain has vastly more wrinkles on outer sides to increase thinking surface area. There are about 6 IQ boosting brain folding genes.

Niggers lack most brain folding genes and their brain from 20 feet away on a lab bench is noticeably smoother! See?:


Its all about brain folding genes!

Many many "brain folding genes" exist, and other morphology brain genes. Mammals have some marsupials lack, primates have more, Hominids have more, and Caucasians and others that have Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA admixtures have even more IQ bestowing brain folding genes.

Of the 538 genes for above 100 IQ intelligence, which can 80% predict your IQ, west african Negroes and Australian aborigines LACK most of the smart genes!

ALL humans on earth except blacks have brain folding genes from RECENT cross breeding with NEANDERTHALS (yes even everyone in south america), and the asians have these genes by breeding with DENISOVIANS (who also had bred earlier with NEANDERTHALS).

Except for negroes, in latest studies of massive DNA databases, all humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) alive have 1% to 2.9% Neanderthal DNA on average per nation.

All Whites ALSO have lots of proven Cro-Magnon DNA too!:

Europe's Ancestors: Cro-Magnon 28,000 Years Old Had DNA Like Modern Humans:


Brain folding of outer layers of brain, and going through puberty latest, allowing wider bell curve of IQ shape.

You can tell the puberty rate of a brain in cross section by looking for hemisphere specialization, and that too can be seen over 20 feet away from brain specimen. (Yes, it is that visible).

[–] 2 pts

Holy shit some real information, thank you

[–] 3 pts (edited )

More details :

I talked about three topics , one was specialization of brain hemispheres.


Puberty affects IQ, and females, besides having smaller brains, go through puberty sooner.

Myelinically sheathed cells dramatically different in females vs males, if a male has a stroke or hit in head with hammer, the male adult never may talk again. A female can learn to talk again no matter which brain half gets damaged.

2018: Prenatal and pubertal testosterone affect brain lateralization : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.10.027

The PHOTOS of male vs female actual brains is about one of the most censored things on the internet, but one of the most DRAMATIC striking things you will ever see. A female and male brain are DRAMATICALLY different in cross sections.

The Photos of Asian vs White vs Mestizo (Hispanic) vs Negro cross sections are rarely ever shared online.

Basically the onset of puberty affects the brains IQ and affects its bell curve shape for averages, and blacks suffer from going through puberty first.

second topic :


mammals got "TRNP1 brain folding" that marsupials lack for intelligence; thick science paper: Trnp1 Regulates Expansion and Folding of the Mammalian Cerebral Cortex by Control of Radial Glial Fate:

Humanoids got"ARHGAP11B brain folding" that other hominids lack for intelligence; thick science paper: 2015 : A gene for brain size - only found in humans (ARHGAP11B):

A Brain Folding primer - Discrete domains of gene expression in germinal layers distinguish the development of gyrencephaly:

Whites have brain fat metabolism genes no africans have:
Neanderthal ancestry drives evolution of lipid catabolism in contemporary Europeans:

Race Differences In Average IQ Are Mostly Genetic:

TOPIC 3 : Larger brain is related to IQ:

Brain size related to IQ is proven:
brain size still proven relevant - External measures of cognition:

[–] 1 pt

Yah you go into the saved folder.

[–] 0 pt

bro catbox doesnt open images more than half the time with

"This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in files.catbox.moe. If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN"

I've flushed DNS on CMD but still catbox doesn't work most the time

[–] 2 pts (edited )

catbox? I have never EVER had an issue from north america using genuine https path.

also that one is a simple GIF

I am not using VPN to catbox. maybe catbox started blocking VPNS or banning people they think traffic types of porn via them?


If its DNS then your kiked DNS is trying to make catbox glitchy and being subvesrive like they sometimes do to nazi sites, USE THIS DNS server (its in europe but has a USA point of presence) :

TRY for DNS and reboot

then set your dns in future in this order of hunting : < Quad9 public DNS in europe, not yet kiked < google spy < verisign (censors rarely, but also intercepts) < OpenDNS (censors sometimes)

Catbox only went down one time in a year without notice, and that was only half a day.

Jews hate catbox, they really hate it.

[–] 0 pt

Love the way you write and break shit down. Thank for this

It’s the equivalent of saying computing power is equal because the tower case is the same size.

It’s a little more complicated than that.

[–] 0 pt

I'm suspicious of that stuff because a lot of the old "brain examination" claims from 1800s have been proven false.

[–] 4 pts

Proven false by whom? The same people who proved 13/50 false?

[–] 2 pts

What about prefrontal cortex size?

[–] 3 pts (edited )


Prefrontal is DRAMATICALLY less volume in apes and in Negros. In fact nordic Whites have tallest foreheads, other caucasians and jews have slopy foreheads, as do slavs and asians and hispanics, but negros have the least forehead volume.

NO IQ AT ALL comes from forehead volume ratio

Its just empathy (winter resource sharing) and long range winter planning part of a brain.


HELL YES! Foreheads are all about empathy in Humans!

Empathy in humans is RACIAL not cultural, and demonstrated mainly by animal abuse and crime statistics.

Disregarding halal and kosher practices, Caucasians, as a demographic are over 800% less likely per recorded arrest incident, to commit animal abuse.

Asians, Blacks, Arabs and Muslims, Hispanics, and practically all other racial groups EXCEPT northern European descent, ABUSE ANIMALS THE MOST!

Some think animal abuse is correlated with a different "empathy level", caused by far less pre-frontal cortex brain tissue. That part of brain is correlated with Nordic over-empathy, honesty in psych studies, and overall tribal altruism.

But LOW IQ also causes lack of empathy! This does NOT explain many asians, even koreans and their treatment of pigs and dogs at "harvest", but pre-frontal cortex does. There are special chemical studies of empathy in asians in general.

The internet is packed with videos of Black teens kicking kittens to death, summoning dogs and kicking them to death, lighting bound animals on fire, tossing animals onto highways and over cliffs, and from bridges into water.

The internet has countless videos of asians SKINNING DOGS ALIVE! Boiling dogs alive in big kettles, PAR-boling dogs in boiling water just to make skin slip off easier of LIVING CRYING DOGS, beating dogs to death slowly with long wooden rods, chopping off a front leg of a dog just to punish a dog:

17 QUICK chinese empathy video examples out of hundreds:

china 1 - Scalded multilated dog runs away after skin boiled off and plucked.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/4ybnq8.mp4

china 2 - Dog blowtorched to death alive suspended in air in China - other chinese wait in line https://files.catbox.moe/4w3atw.mp4

china 3 - Vietnam Woman Hacks Off Her Neighbors Dog’s Leg https://files.catbox.moe/hzvpuv.mp4

china 4 - Chinese trying to boil off live dog skin in small bucket https://files.catbox.moe/t3isvv.mp4

china 5 - Chinese skin suspended dog alive, stolen neighbors pet, pitiful crying of maimed dog - face intact https://files.catbox.moe/tfjwd9.mp4

china 6 - Chinese man tricks a cute dog by feeding it on sidewalk cafe, only to beat dogs skull in with metal rod https://files.catbox.moe/885ycr.mp4

china 7 - Dog Skinned while Alive In Water in China - Face and eyelids last - Li Qidao lives in Gaochun District Brick Town Jiagouli Village, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province https://files.catbox.moe/7v7z9p.mp4

china 8 - Chinese Dog nappers takes a family dog in 2 seconds - boiled alive offscreen https://files.catbox.moe/87kfmz.mp4

china 9 - Chinese Dog nappers takes two family dogs by invading their fenced in property - boiled alive offscreen https://files.catbox.moe/1a3pd7.webm

china 10 - THOUSANDS of Chinese Dogs Skinned Alive !- Turned Into Leather In China - mostly all stolen family pets https://files.catbox.moe/v0r2hk.mp4

china 11 - Dozens of Chinese Pigs Squeal in Pain in massive Fire Pit - chinese love torture - meat was condemned https://files.catbox.moe/iqr7qi.mp4

china 12 - Hundreds of Pigs Buried Alive - not on fire though - Laughing Chinks watch with Delight https://files.catbox.moe/834arv.mp4

china 13 - Dozens of baby Male Piglets being "taken care of" by sadistic Chinese women https://files.catbox.moe/r37iz1.mp4

china 14 - Asian Dog Theives stick metal rod through two Dogs hearts while stealing pets for meat! Poor Dogs! https://files.catbox.moe/6a14d4.mp4

china 15 - Chinese Dog boiled alive slowly in Chinese Restaurant kettle by cook in 2020. Dog's spinal column cut near neck to prevent kicking. https://files.catbox.moe/2sw1g7.mp4

china 16 - Chinese Stolen Pet Dog Killed. Dog's skull slowly punched in and Crushed. Poor trusting pet Suffers immensely. https://files.catbox.moe/tj0wu3.mp4

china 17 - Chinese Dog's face burned off by blowtorch, being slowly burned alive. Eyes burned out first! https://files.catbox.moe/32tkdl.mp4

Asian animal depravity is revolting for a White person to observe.

NORDIC european high forehead (found in half of all northern europe, USA, canada, australia) adds additional EMPATHY, and empathy for animals.

The height of the forehead does not bestow any IQ, but does dramatically increase altruism actions in psychology tests, though skeletal total height does correlate a little (overall brain volume correlates to IQ).

From brain damage studies, surgery anecdote studies, and primate studies, prefrontal brain is mainly the source of empathy.

Less prefrontal cortex : more selfish , less empathy, and evil :


Here is but one of countless papers reiterating that part of brain is empathy center :

Empathy is associated with dynamic change in prefrontal brain electrical activity:


Self survey tests over the internet to guage "empathy" are wildly innaccrate as ironically the MOST empathetic humans rate themselves as least helpful and least sharing. Its similar to "Dunning-Kruger" , but for empathy , not IQ : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

Nordic skull has highest forehead and combined total brain volume, but also had thousands of years of winter planning and winter group survival that genetically pre-selected for over-empathy.

Over-empathy results in dramatically LESS crime, rape, murder, corruption, assault, etc. Over-empathy results in open border unlimited welfare for invaders too though.

Under-empathy typically appears in cultures with low sloping foreheads (to conserve calories, the brain uses 1/5 of all calories, and the prefrontal cortex is not IQ related). Hunter gatherer societies can also afford less long range planning.

This chart based on hard science facts of HONESTY proves areas inhabited with high foreheads are the least plagiaristic based on millions of data points :

rs53576 OXTR Oxytocin love receptor gene is defective in most asians and causes extreme lack of empathy


rs53576 has a defect of a G to A change that shows up in hundreds of DNA empathy studies, chinese and koreans have a defect.

Many other genes in asians also contribute to lack of empathy. Note : not all gene differences are merely related to oxytocin, endorphins, and vasopressin differences, other neurological genes also have been shown to affect hominid empathy.

Chinese Cultural Lack of Empathy in Development : Professor Stephen Myler Phd



How can I be proud of my China if we are a nation of 1.4bn cold hearts? - Lijia Zhang:


The Unbearable Coldness of Being Chinese :


Evil Chinese woman in Singapore filmed taped puppy's mouth shut, stubbing out a cigarette into puppy's EYES, and BREAKING puppy's legs... for entertainment!


genes :



2018: Genes have a role in empathy, study says: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-43343807

2015: A Genetic Marker for Empathy?: https://www.unz.com/pfrost/a-genetic-marker-for-empathy/

TL/DR : Prefrontal cortex size matters in animal torture. After watching the 17 arbitrary Chinese Dog Torture videos from the internet, The lack of Chinese Empathy vs Caucasian is quickly realized.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

The quantity and depth of the convolutions would be the main indicator.