Heh. This is just fashion. People choose to wear their religions like they choose to wear their fashions.
The more I keep on learning about left vs right them more I am convinced that there is no left vs right. What there is just a bunch of people that understand reality and basic economics and then there is a bunch of confused people running around trying on make up, fashion, religion, mysticism, scientific fantasy and so forth like children in kindergarden.
The former is fully aware of how tough life is and are just happy to be left alone and the latter ONLY exists because the former has built an economy of such wealth that the latter can spend time on bullshit.
In a manner of speaking, the solution to the latters psychological problems is sticking them all on farms for a few years and have them earn a real living. They wouldn't last 2 weeks, but I would gulag them to farmwork for a long enough perioud for serious behavioural change to happen.
All the Trumpers here are gonna ignore this lol
(post is archived)