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[–] 4 pts

After seeing videos of the Jews in NJ who are forcing out the nigs they planted in order to get cheap real estate, I can understand the negro's rage in this case because these kikes have lived their entire lives in that area yet they are less fluent in English than the niggers they are displacing.

How can yids live with the reality that they are worse than their schvartze?

[–] 0 pt

After seeing videos of the Jews in NJ who are forcing out the nigs they planted in order to get cheap real estate

I'm old enough to remember when East New York, Brooklyn was a nice place to live. The same thing went on there but it got out of control and no one wants the real estate anymore.

[–] 0 pt

After seeing videos of the Jews in NJ who are forcing out the nigs

I missed that one. Link?

[–] 0 pt

Here is one. The whole 5 minute video sheds light on the situation, but I have linked it to ~3:29 where you can see a kike spokesman attempt to speak in English and he stutters like Porky Pig.

Notice how all of the papers up on the wall in his building, and on all the kike buildings, are in hebrew. Also, his grasp of English is so tenuous that he almost accidentally tells the truth to the interviewer.


[–] 0 pt

My maintenance guy lived in one of those communities. He claims that they would hire prostitutes to walk the neighborhood and harass his children at the bus stop. The community harassment got so bad that some towns passed "no knock" laws that prohibit door to door solicitation. He was born and raised in that neighborhood, and worked hard to keep his kids living there. He used to say that the black man needs to live somewhere, the jews have no right to take it away from us.

[–] 0 pt

Sometimes I wonder what a based black is to do as while it irks me that he will always vote Democrat (even when the dem is a Jew...), I know that voting for the "Israel First/Muh Chosen People" GOP is less likely to solve his Jewish Problem.

I'm not sure what the Jewish real estate game plan truly is. Going back some 60 to 80 years, the Jews have moved blacks into White areas, and turned them into low-cost slums. Now, after letting the blacks be there for decades, the jews come knocking and tell the schvartze that they need to move out, or else. Why do the kikes want the "chocolate towns" all of the sudden?

So long as the blacks are still here, it seems to me that they need to have their space, as they used to when we were a semi-civilized nation. Seems to me that the kike is the odd man out, he's moving out Whitey and the darkies in a real estate hustle here, when he has all of Israel to go live in.

[–] 0 pt

Maintenance guy told me about this awesome restaurant on his neighborhood. One day I go to check it out. There a groups of black men just standing on the sidewalk. Black momma with a stroller+2 kids comes by, none of them move. She has to take her kids into the street to get around.

An orthodox jew comes through and the seas part like it was moses. I was shocked. It's worse than we realize. I think they're just trying to make money today without thinking of the long game.