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[–] 26 pts

She fits the profile of a kike.

Jumps out of an extremely expensive vehicle to make aggressively rapid motor-mouthing assumptions and accusations, all while claiming victimhood, making threats, and calling the police, without ever giving anyone else a chance to speak, then when exposed as a fucking moron, immediately disengages and flees the scene without any humility, decency or apology.

[–] 27 pts

I thought the title said "young woman has a huge nose" and was watching her nose during the video.

[–] 5 pts

I actually read it that way, myself. I only just now realized it says "hose."

[–] 3 pts

Same, thought it was nose until i read this dudes comment and checked.

[–] 3 pts

I read it as hose, was still expecting a jew.

[–] 0 pt

That's weird, I was staring at her crotch the entire video.

[–] 0 pt

Nah. Just being a hysterical woman. Thought this said nose. I like a long pointed nose

[–] 11 pts

IMO, staged.

How did she not see the hose hanging alongside her car when she got out of the car to berate the guy.

[–] 12 pts

Because she's a dumb fucking cunt high on her horse, and all she could think about was how white men are the worst thing on the planet.

[–] 4 pts

Or...orrr....hear me out..... it’s fake...

[–] 1 pt

It could honestly be either... dumb cunts are dumb.

[–] 5 pts

Women are incredibly unobservant. If its not something theyre actively looking for or expect to see, its invisible to them.

[–] 0 pt

Exactly. She had tunnel vision on the car behind her when she got out of her car. That's why she didn't see the hose. She was locked in on the idea that she was being harassed but instead got man-splained.

[–] 3 pts

No question. Her little diatribe was so rehearsed.

[–] 2 pts

Her little diatribe was so rehearsed.

Yes, but you forget that the ragey feminist types do actually rehearse this stuff. She probably played that encounter in her head (shouting down a creepy stalker male) a thousand times in her head until finally it actually happened.

[–] 2 pts

yeah in her head. she's been practicing that speech since metoo wanting to be a victim but only to be proven a typical woman driver.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

You think it's fake? Probably also gay.

I did actually see a dude pull out of a gas station with the line in his tank though. I actually thought these were all fake until I saw a MAN do this.

EDIT: Watched it again. Fake and gay. She puts a gas hose into the front seat of a merced. Bullshit.

Women are emotional beings. When they are threatened, their vision becomes extremely limited to the point they sometimes don't see the real danger in front of their eyes.

[–] 0 pt

Honestly, I've missed bigger things than that when I'm distracted. She hopped out of her car all adrenalised and squaring up for a verbal fight and walked right past it.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

Yeah I've had that happen. Honking like hell to get the cars attention, then they jump out at me like they want to fight.


<me pointing> "Your wife's purse is on the trunk"


Anytime I hear a horn honk or similar thing trying to get someone's attention on the road, I'm immediately looking around my truck, thinking oh god what did I forget to do...

[–] 1 pt

I've stopped drivers a few times for having their lights out at night (and been stopped once). In my case I just felt embarrassed, but I figured they had a good reason to be walking out on the road in front of me and flagging me down. Didn't occur to me to be angry.

The woman I stopped looked kind of annoyed I was bothering her, didn't even say thanks. The guy I stopped was too scare of the coof to roll his window down more than an inch, but at least he said thanks.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Typical Sloppy Joe or Kamaltoe voter out of the real 800 thousand or so.

[–] 2 pts

It's fake, they weren't wearing masks or social distancing.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Fake. But I'm going to spread it around anyway.

[–] 2 pts

She got out and walked past it?

[–] 2 pts (edited )

I chalk this up to everyone on the road today being tense, sensitive fucks. Not that I can blame them. Everyone else is a tense, sensitive fuck. I am on the side of the helpful people here, don't get me wrong, but put yourself in the woman's shoes. If you didn't realize you had this problem going on, then she is suspicious like we all have been before about somebody following closely behind her for a bit too long.

I think her approach was imbalanced, but if these guys had been tailgating her at the same time, I'd probably be irritated as fuck too. Frankly, I think it's a bit opportunistic that they filmed her reaction when she obviously didn't know what the fuck was going on.

She was humiliated. All is fair.

I read that title as huge nose, damnit

[–] 1 pt

Self absorbed cunt can't think outside her box.

"iM sOo iRrEsIsTaBlE"

"eVeRyOnE wAnTs To rApE mE!"

[–] 1 pt

This is the funniest shit i've seen in a while and depicts what it's like to be the average man in 2021.

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