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[–] [deleted] 8 pts

Picture is wrong, WTC7 also had a mast on top, it was the first thing i noticed in the video of its collapse. If you watch carefully the mast starts to drop before the outer walls meaning the building core was taken out first forcing it to collapse on itself rather than falling over.

[–] 9 pts

WTC7 | Controlled Demolition - Side By Side

Not so obvious from that video however there is one from a different angle and much closer where you can see the core collapse inwards before the outer structure.

[–] 8 pts

"a plane hit it we swear it looks like the smoothest building demolition in history but that's an illusion"

[–] 0 pt

No planes hit the other towers either, and the video(s) that people think shows it also looks completely unrealistic, and is also physically impossible.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

For those that were not alive or aware on this day that the jews attacked America and murdered Americans (one of several times they've attacked and murdered Americans), this might help to better understand that day. And for those that were alive and/or aware on that day, this might help bring back some memories of it and possibly help with noticing some things that went by too quickly while it was all happening live (including 'the news' reporting WTC7 'collapsing' while the building is still standing and completely visible in the background, followed by it eventually 'collapsing' several minutes later).

Manhattan on 911 in Real-Time (2hrs, 421mb) (By Blackpilled)

IDK I remember. I watched it live on TV when it happened.

[–] 3 pts

The BBC reported the collapse of wtc 7 while it was still visible on the live feeds.

[–] -2 pt

News broadcaster makes mistake during most chaotic news event of the century.

More at 11.

[–] 1 pt

Are you mentally retarded?

[–] 1 pt

Wahahaaa, News reporter reads from a pre-written script (from the person who wrote the item for reporting and then the studio news editor who approved it) imputed into a tele-prompter of a building collapse that at that particular moment had not even occurred, nor in the general course of things should it had been expected to collapse from a 'simple office fire' ....

[–] 1 pt

I remember the live feed of “firemen” saying they have to pull it because building 7 wasn’t collapsing fast enough or something.

God damn the kikes to hell.

[–] 0 pt

You are remembering incorrectly.

[–] 0 pt

I love how the towers have stripes now. Gotta love the Mandela Effect.

Should highlight WTC 3,4,5,6 since they all went down as well.