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[–] 2 pts

According to a salty Brit I encountered, the Irish are the niggers of northwestern europe and that they were only brought up to speed and civilized because the British went over there and pumped their superior genetics into the Irish gene pool.

Thus the Irish hate the Brits for the same reason that 'Murican halfricans hate Whites.

This explanation does not quite jibe with the Christian claim that both the Brits and the Irish are Israelites, and is rivaled by the counterclaim that the Irish hate the Brits for tribal reasons because the Brits are of a different tribe ever since the Norman Conquest, but I dunno.

What I do know is that I agree with your position, that the Irish fought--and fight--tooth and nail against the Brits but celebrate that they are awash with [actual] niggers and ruled over by an Indian faggot, and this needs to stop yesterday.

[–] 7 pts

My view is that all of us Whites should stop fighting eachother, even if temporarely, and fight the ones that are killing our nations.

The Brits and the Irish are not so different as they may think, and certainly more similar than the non-Whites invading both of their countries. If we can put our energy into freeing all of our countries, well by that point there may not even be reason to fight amongst ourselves afterwards.

[–] 3 pts

Nowadays, "Fighting the British" seems to be the end-all, be-all of the Irish Identity.

I'd be all for pivoting it to fighting pakis, kikes, and the like, but how do we get that to happen?

The salty Brit I encountered explained that the Irish are brash but cowardly, which is why they take the easy approach of fighting the Brits instead of their real enemies, and why their first move after granting independence was to try and secure another "big daddy" foreign government to rule them.

[–] 0 pt

Nobody really gives a shit about the Brits other than the loyalists these days. Most of the nationalists in the north got what they want (the united Ireland ideals of SF enjoyed scant support during the troubles, while the civil rights ideals of the SDLP enjoyed massive support). They’ve got their civil rights now and while the louder voices still obsess about uniting the island most nationalists are happy enough with their current constitutional situation, and the vast majority south of the border don’t particularly give a fuck what the nordies do as long as they cease the bombing. The loyalists are pissed off at the Brits cos they threw them under a bus during brexit. They should’ve seen that coming though so little sympathy.

Ireland became independent from the U.K. in 1922. We joined the EU in the 1973, the exact same time as the British joined. Your “salty Brit” sounds like a poorly informed moron.

And back to your salty Brit - their country is fucking overrun with south Asians and Caribbean negroes. Go to Birmingham, Bradford, even London and you'd never believe you were in European city let alone an English one. A lot of Brits are retards who really need to understand the message of the parable about the speck in their brother’s eye (Matthew 7.3)

[–] 1 pt

Christcuckery is why the white race will fail. English are a tribe of Israel? Seriously?

A foreign ethnicity's spirituality erased and replaced our own and now our world is full of cucks who will abandon all reason and fight to the death insisting that Judaism for Goys is the one true religion.

[–] 0 pt

Judaism for Goys

No, Judaism has nothing to do with Christ, it is Babylonian mysticism codified centuries after Christ.

The modern kike is a LARPer, a hook-nosed goblin pulling a "We Wuz Kangz" by claiming to be the descendant of King David when they are in actuality the spawn of a man so odious that God outright stated that he hated.

English are a tribe of Israel? Seriously?

Yep. Everyone knows Whites came from that region of the world.

[–] 0 pt

No, Judaism has nothing to do with Christ, it is Babylonian mysticism codified centuries after Christ.

Judaism has everything to do with Yeshua ben Yosef. He's the Jewish Messiah. If you don't believe the underlying Judaism then him fulfilling Jewish prophecy is pointless, and him fulfilling Jewish prophecy is what makes him the Messiah. It's kinda fucking important.

Yep. Everyone knows Whites came from that region of the world.

Literally the only people who believe this are a rare subset of Christcucks that hate Judaism but still want to be Yahweh's new Chosen Ones.

[–] 0 pt

You're talking out your shit pipe, half of America was built by the Irish. Irish arrived to America with about the same level of respect and freedom as black slaves but worked hard and integrated into the American identity. The scar on our history of our need for mass emigration during the British induced famine has caused Irish people to be very slow to condemn mass immigration into our country as they're afraid of been hypocritical even as it pulls our country apart, all the time being lead to the slaughter pit by a childless Indian globo hobo and his stooge Martin.

[–] 0 pt

I find this attitude to be so stupid though. The famine was a dark period and all that, but if you’re still in Ireland it means your ancestors survived it and didn’t have to flee. I don’t see any hypocrisy in Irish whose people stayed the course in Ireland not wanting mass immigration just because other Irish people who for whatever reason perished or fled during the famine went to foreign lands. We also went places where on a macro level at least they wanted low skilled immigrants (brits and yanks had shit needed building, aussies just needed people to populate the land). This again is very different to Africans or Arabs for whom we have no practical use coming to Ireland en masse.

[–] 0 pt

Mate, I agree. I'd allow the eastern Europeans in through a legal migration system as they're based, white, and hardworking. But our immigration policy is insane and will destroy our country.

[–] 0 pt

half of America was built by the Irish

You'll have to take that up with the niggers, as Frederick Douglass claimed that niggers built all of America, while no White man ever broke a sweat.

during the British induced famine

Which ended a long time ago, and the Irish lost respect because they were refugees who did not go back once the famine ended. Just like all the other refugees in the USA.

Though the biggest problem with the Irish is that they supposedly hate the British and their colonialism, yet they came to the USA and fought to do to the USA what the British did to Ireland, and they've been voting leftist ever since.

The Irishman has unfortunately been the tool, and literal foot soldier, of (((communists))) in the USA for over 150 years.