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[–] 0 pt

Nobody really gives a shit about the Brits other than the loyalists these days. Most of the nationalists in the north got what they want (the united Ireland ideals of SF enjoyed scant support during the troubles, while the civil rights ideals of the SDLP enjoyed massive support). They’ve got their civil rights now and while the louder voices still obsess about uniting the island most nationalists are happy enough with their current constitutional situation, and the vast majority south of the border don’t particularly give a fuck what the nordies do as long as they cease the bombing. The loyalists are pissed off at the Brits cos they threw them under a bus during brexit. They should’ve seen that coming though so little sympathy.

Ireland became independent from the U.K. in 1922. We joined the EU in the 1973, the exact same time as the British joined. Your “salty Brit” sounds like a poorly informed moron.

And back to your salty Brit - their country is fucking overrun with south Asians and Caribbean negroes. Go to Birmingham, Bradford, even London and you'd never believe you were in European city let alone an English one. A lot of Brits are retards who really need to understand the message of the parable about the speck in their brother’s eye (Matthew 7.3)

[–] 0 pt

The loyalists are pissed off at the Brits cos they threw them under a bus during brexit.

Kinda weird to be mad about something that was decided, what, 5 years ago and still hasn't really actually happened yet? As if (((BoJo))) would ever let the goyim go and be great again.

To let the salty Brit speak for himself here, I found his old post (banned for wrongthink):

The Irish 'fight' against the British is little more opportunistic cowardice over a list of trumped up 'crimes'. To be "Irish" is to be a raging hypocrite.

The Ancient Romans didn't know Ireland as it is now, they knew it as Hibernia and their experience of the Irish was through the discovery of the wake left from Irish raids along the coastline. Entire communities would be ransacked, destroyed and slaughtered. The Irish only taking what they wanted, food stock, child slaves. One of those slaves, would become Ireland's Patron Saint. The Romans ca lled the Irish "Scotti" meaning "Pirate/Raider".

The Dalariada clan of Scotti settled on the Western shores of Pictland, at first they were welcomed by the Pict, even fought side by side in raids against the Romans. Eventually Pictland had no more Picts, all that was left, was Scotti.

The so-called 'invasion' of the 1100's, was led by one of Ireland's own Kings. Diarmaid MacMurchada, was ousted by high King Ruaidri Ua Conchobair (Rory O'Connor), fled to England then to France to kneel before King Henry II, swearing fealty in order to hire mercenaries to fight for him, regain his 'kingdom' and then some. Since he had no resources to pay, he promised them land upon a successful campaign, entire Irish counties, like Meath, Wexford, Kildare, etc, to the Lieutenants. To their leader and commander, Richard "Strongbow" DeClare MacMurchada promised his Daughter's hand in marriage and by extension, the Kingdom of Leinster and Dublin to Strongbow. Around this time, Henry II was ordered by the Pope by Papal Bull, to lead the NORMAN Invasion Fleet into Ireland and convert the Irish to Roman Catholicism. Those who refused to kneel and convert, were felled and then replaced with Catholic families from Scotland, England, France... Which is why in the depths of the Irish farming countryside, ancient 'Irish' families have names like Brown, Smith, English, Miller.....

The famine of the 1800's would not have even happened if the Irish could keep it in their shorts. But when the Church tells you that 'safe sex' is a sin and that a good Catholic should always be producing MORE good Catholics... What are you to do?

King William of Orange (King Billy) was sent to England to reign in his uncle, James II from persecuting those of the Protestant faith, James was Catholic and William, Protestant. Even when pushed, William refrained from even talking about invading England without an 'invitation' from English nobles.

The invitation was sent and William planned to invade, Upon arriving at Dover, James fled. Throwing the Great Seal into the Thames River. Captured, James was allowed to leave for France peacefully as William didn't want to make a martyr of him to the Catholic people. Instead James fled to Scotland, he was captured and again allowed to leave for France peacefully. Instead James fled to Ireland, being wholly Catholic (see above) and loyal to James, the Irish protected him, French-Irish Jacobites and French troops arrived from France in 1689 to bolster the troops in contention of Williams forces at the Siege of Derry.

William followed when progress had stalled and led the armies through successful campaigns ending with the Battle of t he Boyne on July 1 1690. Defeated, James fled to France.

Approx. 100 years before the famine arrived in Ireland, the population was close to what it is today, about 4-4.5 Million people. When the Blight arrived, Ireland had nearly NINE MILLION people. With more than DOUBLE what Ireland can safely sustain and manage before systems start collapsing today, there weren't just more mouths to feed, the entire countries population doubled the number of hungry mouths. No matter what was done, there would just never be enough food.

For decades after this En gland is looking to 'give Ireland back'. Parnell is aided to push a Home Rule Bill, which not only has Ireland bickering with England over what it wants, it's also bickering with Northern Ireland who want nothing to do with "Rome Rule". This carries on, Home Rule bill after Home Rule bill is re-written and put through the democratic process. Something the South likes the North will block and vice versa.

Eventually War breaks out with Germany and the Home Rule bill, with the agreement of the Irish representatives, is postponed until after the war. The Irish, in their fragile state, would not enter the war, or take a side, instead they remained OUT of the war under a flag of Neutrality.

Except the Irish had their fingers crossed the entire time.

With the bulk of the British military in Germany, the Irish saw this as the perfect opportunity for a violent insurrection. Envoys of the Rising had been travelling to Germany and the US to meet with German diplomats to secure German backing for an armed 'rebellion', in exchange for a boat full of weapons and a million rounds of ammunition, the Irish offered the Germans a clear path from Cork and neighbouring harbours through to Dublin and neighbouring harbours onto an undefended and exposed Western UK Shoreline.

That boat, The Aud, was a stolen English steam ship called the SS Castro. The British Navy easily intercepted the Aud and it's german Captain scuttled the boat just outside of Tralee Harbour. Some scavenged weapons from the sea bed and the ships anchor sit proudly in some Irish Museums.

Even with the British military being hundreds of miles away the "Rising" or the act of opportunistic cowardice claimed it's first victim, an unarmed Irish Security Guard for refusing to let them into the building (Bowland's Flour Mill) he was paid to guard. If not for the rising and the following conflict, Ireland would have gotten Home Rule peacefully, Democratically and completely by 1920, 25 at the very latest. But like clockwork, the Irish wanted what they wanted when they wanted it and preferred to shoot men in the back for what they want rather than employing peaceful means.

The Second World War was much of the same, except this time, the Irish were emboldened by their "newly gained" sovereignty, The same deal was offered to Germany again, this time with sweeteners. The moment England sent her troops out, The Irish S-Plan was executed. "S" or Sabotage was a bombing campaign up and down England's infrastructure in a bid to weaken England for Nazi Invasion/Occupation. (Clearly the Irish thought they would come out of this unscathed - they didn't), An invasion of Northern Ireland was also off ered, presented as a 'shooting gallery' for the Germans called Plan Kathleen.

Anytime there's a fight or battle worth fighting, you won't find many, if any Irishmen.

Yet they still push the narrative that they're the "Fighting Irish" yet they're nowhere to be seen when there's a fight worth fighting.

[–] 0 pt

The loyalists are pissed off cos the British agreed in 1998 to not maintain border infrastructure on the island of Ireland, and this has been made more difficult now cos of Brexit. So instead of setting the EU/U.K. border in Ireland it’s now down the Irish Sea in practical terms. In reality the Brits have just cut off Northern Ireland from mainland Britain in economic terms. This has come as a surprise to absolutely nobody but loyalists - the Brits would give us back Northern Ireland tomorrow if they thought for second we’d take it, place is an economic basket case constantly on the brink of conflict.

Your Brit mate’s understanding of Irish history is actually very good for a brit, but there are some glaring errors. He claims we hid under the flag of neutrality during the war, but he has his wars confused. We couldn’t claim neutrality during WW1 cos we weren’t a country then, we were still a constituent part of the U.K. For some reason I’ve never fully understood the Irish couldn’t be drafted into the British forces during this war though. But the arguments relating to home rule between north and south was actually between loyalists and nationalists, both of whom set up their own volunteer armies to resist each other and/or the British depending on what decision they made. But when the war broke out both the loyalist UVF and nationalist IVF sent their volunteers to the war, so over 300k Irishmen fought in that war, with over 150k of those of the nationalist persuasion. We did support German efforts against the British during WW2 though.

His waffle about the famine is just that. There has never been a famine in Ireland, to the point many won’t even describe it as such and it is never described as such in Irish (an gorta mor - the great hunger). A famine occurs when there is not enough food to feed the population. With our agricultural land a famine here is near impossible. At the moment I think we produce something like 20 times more food than we need and it’s not even our primary economic sector. The famine in Ireland was caused by landlords (both British and Irish, a lot of people here like to pretend it was just the Brits) exporting food produced here to more profitable regions and leaving us to starve. We could easily have supported our population even at mid-19 century levels if we held our own lands.

He’s making the rising out as though it was ever supposed to be some genuine military effort. The rising was launched by about 1,000 IRB volunteers. No mention of an upcoming rising to the over 150k IVF volunteers who had gone to the continent. The rising was more about glorious death for the participants than anything else. It’s only become so central in Irish history since then because the Brits were stupid enough to execute the leaders. They had enjoyed no support from the natives and were even spat on when they were arrested, but a foreign force executing our people was always going to attract a violent response, and that violent response won us our freedom in 1921.

[–] 0 pt

Are you saying the Irish should have fought on the side of the British? WW1 was a Jewish war also