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[–] 7 pts (edited )

Judging by the comments here it's easy to assume I'm more proud of my Irish heritage than the average citizen of Ireland. Most Irish Americans I've met are. I guess Ireland sent their best over here. The children pictured still don't deserve that mess. Send us back and I bet this issue would be resolved quickly..

[–] 4 pts

Don't ever make the mistake of telling someone in Ireland you are of Irish heritage. They mock you and act like you are an idiot. Learned the hard way. But he was a worthless fat fuck so fuck him. I'm sure he lets his wife fuck niggers.

[–] 2 pts

Don't ever make the mistake of telling someone in Ireland you are of Irish heritage. They mock you and act like you are an idiot.

Then fuck every last one of them. They're basically worthless whiskey-niggers who want to feel superior because Brits dominated them, cut down all their trees, and stole half their island, so they ridicule their overseas cousins who return to the homeland and try to connect with their ancestral culture. Like yea, no shit fucker, we're Americans and we know that, but our grandparents weren't and it would be cool to connect.

If that's how they behave, I get why West Europeans think of Irish as barely above niggers.

[–] 0 pt

Sadly it's true, Ireland is full of morons. However, it's certainly not all of us, don't forget that.

[–] 0 pt

I'm 100% Irish and I can tell you that Ireland is full of suckers. These gobshites who hate on Americans claiming their Irish heritage are also the same cunts to say that anybody can become Irish.

[–] 0 pt

Ha don’t take things so personally. We mock Irish Americans because they’re Irish. If you tell someone from Cork you’re from Kerry, or someone from Dublin you’re from Meath etc. you’ll be mocked and treated like an idiot. Grow a thicker skin and learn mocking each other over stupid things is a cornerstone of Irish culture.

[–] 0 pt

So by that logic Irish deservingly have full license to call niggers niggers and jews jews.

[–] 1 pt

Most Irish Americans I've met are.

That's an unfortunate observation I've made as well, that the Irish and the Italian American are the two White groups of immigrants that refuse to assimilate and instead keep using the hyphenation and/or outright claim "I'm Italian" or "I'm Irish".

Since the spics do this exact same thing, it helps fuel the longstanding "Irish/Italians Aren't White" notion. Frustratingly, even the niggers don't do this, even chief golem MLK insisted that blacks not be called "African-American".

The Founding Fathers weren't keen on Irish and Italians coming over here, perhaps they were right. If they could have foreseen the latter half of the 19th Century then they would've banned bogtrotters and dagoes outright.

[–] 0 pt

America was built mainly by Irish, Germans, and Italians.