So, why is there an An Frank memorial in Idaho?
Because America is also under jewish occupation.
We can fight the Jews pm me I’ll tell you how
Oh Shit look a Penny! Hey did You know Israel is more than 60% Arab? Why Are Jewish Girls Hair Curly and White Womans is Blond? Is It True that Jewish Woman shave their heads after getting Married? Why do your head kikes put their mouths on baby penises? like wtf You Beard niggers are... Oy vey gafilta fish
Ann loved baked potatoes and tossed some russets into the ovens every time she passed them for a handy lunch.
we tax payers are forced to fund memorials and museums in our country even though we had nothing to do with the bullshit.
Because people are growing older so they need to ensure the upcoming generations feel guilty to ensure the flow of shekels to all the survivors, their immediate family and the families they never had. Remember its all whities fault.
I agree. Whites are evil. Non-whites should leave all white countries to avoid us.
(post is archived)