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[–] 11 pts

Depends on how much sugar you are having around that egg. Is it my diet that is wrong? No. Of course not. Must be the eggs fault.

Waiter: How would you like you're egg?

Fatties: Baked in a cake, please

[–] 2 pts

You're not that too far off. IHOP puts pancake batter into their omelets.

[–] 0 pt

No way, fuck off

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

never believe anything a kike says. the were bred to be liars and thieves.

[–] 5 pts

In this case the problem is jew academia. The media is just reporting the results of peer reviewed "studies" which have no quality control. The peer review process really only makes sure you format your study correctly, they don't verify your data or the conclusions you draw from that data. That's how you get shit like nazis being the biggest terrorism threat in the US.

[–] 4 pts

The peer review process really only makes sure you format your study correctly, they don't verify your data or the conclusions you draw from that data.

Pretty sure they also filter out wrongthink. For example, if I submitted a correctly formatted paper showing that global warming isn't a real problem, I've a feeling they'd suddenly develop an attention for detail and find something wrong with it.

[–] 1 pt

Even before they filtered wrongthink peer review was meaningless. You can replace the term with "proof read." If I write a book about gay dragon sex and send it to the game of thrones guy for proof reading then it's "peer reviewed."

[–] 1 pt

Tertiary sources (like Daily Mail) do not know how to read scientific papers. I guarantee you neither study makes the conclusion the media jews are claiming.

[–] 2 pts

They probably do. Many of the studies are bait for this kind of article. "Eggs were shown to increase the cancer risk by 1% in rats during this one study of 100 rats" becomes "EGGS CAUSE CANCER!" Attention whore academics intentionally write their articles so the media can cite them in this way. "I was cited by CNN" becomes a credential for them.

Wat?? I was told alt-right white nationalists are the greatest threat to our Democracy!!!

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I heard that jews are hatched, and not birthed. Its why they have a beak.

[–] 6 pts

(((Dr. Kellogg))) started that so he could sell more Corn Flakes. The sugar industry is behind the "fats are bad" craze that started in the 60s/70s and has continued.

[–] 4 pts

Precisely. It is amazing that I have ecountered enough people that realized the industry turned on fat to protect sugar but are oblivious that it is still happening to this day

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Yeah, eggs and red meat became the devil and then processed "light" boxed shit became the "healthy" option. Balanced diet, limit your processed sugars. Not that hard to grasp

[–] 2 pts

Unfortunately it is hard because of bullshit like this. Most people dont have the time or interest to research shit like this. They get their information from (((trusted sources))) and hearsay. The worst part is though when they make an honest attempt to find the truth they are bombarded with schizo information like this.

The problem, as always, is the jews. Till people recognize how vile those serpents are they will be tricked for eternity

[–] 2 pts

Anything described as "low fat", "skim" or "light" you can assume that they've taken the fat out of it and just replaced it with something else which is extremely bad for you.

There was a documentary about this (sugar industry) I found awhile back that was mind blowing. I wish I knew what it was called because I'd love to watch it again.

[–] 0 pt

The sugar industry

What sugar industry? The USA sadly has not had a sugar industry since, what, 1959? All because if you don't eat your all-American* high-fructose corn syrup then you're aiding evil Fidel Castro.

Lefties love to tell me about how Brazil turns its sugar crop into ethanol. If the USA were to use sugar instead of HFCS, the Brazilians wouldn't have any sugar cane to spare to turn into retarded fake gas as Murica would be buying that cane faster than they could grow it.

[–] 0 pt

We didn't always use HFCS. Foods switched from sugar because HFCS mixed better and was cheaper because of subsidies.

[–] 0 pt

He was a Baptist puritan that advocated for Jewish circumcision because he thought it would reduce masturbation, the same reason he invented corn flakes to stop people have sex and masturbating.

Also, some fats are bad, LDL ruins you, HDL is good for you.

[–] 6 pts

The Onion back in 1999

Eggs Good For You This Week (theonion.com)

[–] 1 pt

Today's satire is tomorrow's reality.

[–] 4 pts

Always do the opposite of what the (((experts))) suggest.

[–] 1 pt

Woody Allen did a joke like this in Sleepers where the future doctors were shocked he wasn't eating beef fat, butter, and smoking tobacco regularly. I know, Woody Allen. It was a long time ago man I was still inside the matrix.

[–] 2 pts

Sometimes (((they))) tell us the truth though, Jerry Seinfeld told the world about ZOG and that whenever a Jew cries "anti-semetism", he is a liar who just wants to hustle you.

[–] 0 pt

Brother Nathanael is a huge kike, but he’s constantly calling them out. He’s shilling for Russia, but that’s better than being pro-technocracy.

[–] 3 pts

I had a long comment all written out about, "should we even call this a disease", because the vast majority of people that have diabetes today have brought it on themselves from eating huge quantities of sugar and never exercising! Then I looked up "disease" in today's dictionary and found that EVERYTHING is considered a disease nowadays!

Yes. I know why to!

I absolutely hate this clown world!

[–] 0 pt

eating huge quantities of sugar

Nowadays, I would not be surprised if there were millions of 'Muricans who had never eaten any sugar in their entire lives.

[–] 3 pts

wine and eggs they've been going back and forth on my entire life.

I eat a grapefruit and one or two eggs in the morning during the week and ive had no issues.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

A lot of times you can sort of figure if something is good for your body based on how you feel mentally and physically several hours after you eat. The processed shit might taste good at first but then you feel like shit hours later. You eating fruit and eggs is way healthier in the morning than 2 bowls of sugar cereal and a cup juice.

[–] 3 pts

Eggs are actually beneficial for you and are nutrient dense. It is the staple food of a keto life style. This is the same eating plan that people follow to reverse type 2 diabetes. You know it is very successful at what it does when keto and eggs get shat on by the legacy media.

[–] 0 pt

Been looking into keto recently, eggs afaik really are the only staple food,almost all filler foods are carbs so its a hassle trying to find the food you need.

[–] 2 pts

Growing up, I was always told to not eat boxed or canned foods if avoidable, and to never eat anything that has an ingredient list that contains words you either cannot pronounce, or have no idea what they truly are. In short, fresh veggies and meats are the way to go unless they're pumped with additives (this is mostly the problem in large grocery stores).

I refuse to believe that eating eggs every morning for breakfast causes, or otherwise increases the risk of diabetes. The more and more I see articles of this nature, the more and more I am convinced they're trying to confuse people into eating the wrong types of foods, in which actually cause harm in the long-term.

[–] 0 pt

The more and more I see articles of this nature, the more and more I am convinced they're trying to confuse people into eating the wrong types of foods, in which actually cause harm in the long-term.


It's the same with diets - the only thing one needs to do is eat less. You could have the shittiest food choices ever (though this is not something that I'd advise anyway) and still lose weight, because you're eating much smaller portions. Fact is, people are lazy and entitled and lie through their teeth, claim they're eating less but they're eating just as much as before, or they're drinking copious amounts of alcohol/drinks full of sugar - and then bitch because they're not losing weight, or they claim "it's all too hard!"

[–] 0 pt

they're drinking copious amounts of alcohol/drinks full of sugar

Back in "the day", when 'Murica was still pretty great, people were drinking booze and sugar and there was no obesity crisis. Then we switched to literally Jewish artificial sweeteners, HFCS, and promoted extra-hoppy beer as the most "masculine" beverage around.

While I'm loath to smoke, there is an odd association between smoking going down and obesity going up, on a society-wide scale.

[–] 0 pt

Pretty much every smoker i see is an obeast. Like 90+% minimum. I associate cigarettes with lardasses. Physically active peopke typically dont put down 3 packs of camels per day.

Big Pharma gotta eat bro.

[–] 2 pts

They can go fuck themselves. Eggs are awesome, and they're loaded with nutrients.

[–] 1 pt

Another example of why it is nicknamed The Daily Fail

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