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[–] 6 pts

It's nice having 'like-minded' neighbors in your community. We still have social gatherings, around nice bonfires, without masks. And only one of us has gotten WuFlu and it was totally mild.

[–] 4 pts

I got it, and it was nothing. 1 day of mild cold-like symptoms. BUT - I did have H1N1 in 2009, so that may have helped.

My brother, on the other hand, did not ever contract H1N1, but he did come down with the Chink AIDs recently. He is not a healthy guy to being with so I was somewhat concerned.....he was over it in 3 days. Said he had a couple days of feeling weak and phlegmy, then a day of being tired.....that was it.

Trump is a 70-something year old fatass who gloms down coke and McDonalds and he got over it in less than a week. Why the fuck did we tank the global economy for this shit again?

Oh right....because it made orange man look bad.

[–] 3 pts

It also helped bring about election fraud and the Dems goal of Marxism/Socialism/Communism.

I'm convinced it's literally just the flu. Flu cases are somehow magically non-existent while "the dreaded coronavirus" case are going up and up and up? hmmmm.

[–] 0 pt

I got covid and all that happen is I lost my sense of smell for five days. I was worried I lost my sense of smell permanently but once it started coming back I was relieved

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Sis in law worked a shift in medical ICU(in the last couple of days) at some hospital in sac, says about 3 to 4 die each shift due to covid. All 40 and above, all fat & with their BFF Beetus(or one of his inbred cousins), mostly black or hispanic and obeasts.

[–] 0 pt

trump made the executive orders and state of emergency which was the legal basis for the lockdowns.

did your brother take a PCR test?

[–] 0 pt

I believe he did yes. I know he took some sort of test, I assume it was PCR

[–] 0 pt

@Glenn007 That's awesome! the chillaxing i mean. If i was home right now would be doing the same thing. Some of these summer days have been cold enough for a bonfire and theres nothing better than sitting by a fire with friends and family as the sun goes down.

Wonder if people who got the wuflu are gonna be more resilient against wuflu 2: kungflugaloo (mutated strain) and the one after that, and after that :P by then the WHO will probably have us in These (pic8.co) with 3 masks after getting one of These (dailymail.co.uk)

[–] 1 pt

Just had the workplace talk about how even if everyone is vaccinated, they won't know for a fact that we can't spread it to each other. So current mask and social distancing protocols will be through the end of 2021. Oh and they expect us to not have a personal life at all in case we catch covid and bring it in. It's obvious they just intend on ratcheting up the fear and turning the screws as much as little are willing to take.

[–] 0 pt

You may already know, but All the medical literature for the covid vaccine i've seen doesn't even state the vaccine actually stops transmission or gives immunity. The phrase they use in documents is " ... may prevent ", so may standing in my closet with my finger up my tootsie. On the publicly accessible Pfizer- biotech website, a highlighted disclaimer box actually says ' ... this vaccine is NOT FDA approved but is operating under an EAO (emergency authorisation order)...', meaning it does not need to undergo/ pass the usual long term vaccine safety studies (8 - 10 years to less than 12 months from manufacture to market for the covid ) . Finally, it is also described as a new biotechnology and 'experimental' in their literature as well, 'Experimental !! ' , anyone taking this vaccine has had enough opportunity to avail themselves of all the info they need to make an informed decision, and those unlucky to suffer 'severe adverse reaction events' get no sympathy from me.

[–] 0 pt

If you don't want to take it fine, but it's just legalese for liability, not the product of legitimate concern

[–] -1 pt

Lol, Just the legalese for liability ??. Um, you don't know that though, cause there's certainly no proof of this product as it's entirely new to market, aside from they're telling you to your face it's not FDA approved, it's 'experimental' and rushed to market without passing usual long term safety protocols, those pregnant, under 16, or suffer allergies are told to stay away, on top of ALL vaccine manufacturers already having indemnity from lawsuits since the mid 80's ... So yeah, jump right in ...i dare ya, plus eating bugs and plant meat has been proven to be 'safe' ...

[–] 0 pt

Yesterday I got a notice that they where fast tracking the vaccine to veterans through the V.A. and to reply so I could be scheduled to receive it immediately. This morning I got a follow up, they changed their mind. We will not be getting it after all, please stand by.

[–] 0 pt

Lol, please stand by for our franken-shot, yeah i think i'll pass thanks ...

[–] 0 pt

They want us to riot i swear

[–] 1 pt

Homer needs a nazi flag on the back of his garage

Neighbor on my left quit talking to me because when he was telling me how serious this "pandemic" is, I explained the difference between "dying WITH covid" vs "dying OF covid".

Neighbor on my right asked my wife if she was "getting the shot." She told him hell no. It's not even a vaccine legally. It's DNA altering gene therapy.

[–] 0 pt

I haven’t associated with any of my neighbors, their mindset was obvious before the plandemic.

I still belly laugh at the tard that drives by everyday masked up, alone in the car.

[–] 0 pt

If a neighbor who voted for Biden trys to talk to me I reply, no matter what they were saying, with "Biden fucks kids". Keeping the awkward staredown going until they try to say something else and then interrupting with the same message is important. It makes dealing with retarded neighbors so much easier.

[–] 0 pt

There should be the "do always the opposite of what the boy /jew says"

[–] 0 pt

If you believe covid is a serious pandemic, please keep your social distance from me.