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First, for clarity, I'm German, there's not an ounce of anything else in me that I'm aware of. Both my parents were German, and their parents and as far back as I can find, it's german all the way down. So the only gym in town is Planet Fitness. I like it because it's open 24/7 unlike most. We have to wear masks. So I walk past the front with my mask at half mast, then pull it fully under my chin when the lifting begins like I've been doing the last 8 months. An antifa looking skinny faggot employee comes up and motions with his hands to pull up the mask. Without a word I just pull it back to half mast (nose fully out), he hesitates then walks away. After he walks away I put it back under my chin. 15 minutes later a tap on the shoulder from behind, it's him, he motions to pull it up. Again I go half mast. He leaves. A third time he comes, then he says if I have to tell you again its in the rules that we can throw you out. I snap. I tell him "Listen, look, I get it, I'm a jew, I have a big fucking nose, I've been jew shamed my whole life, this stupid fucking mask doesn't stay over my nose, why are you targeting me? Do you hate the jews? Is this an anti-semetic organization? Should I inform corporate we got a jew hater targeting me? He actually apologizes and hasn't bugged me since. I'm as white as it gets and my last name is clearly German. Play the jew card sometime, it gets results.

First, for clarity, I'm German, there's not an ounce of anything else in me that I'm aware of. Both my parents were German, and their parents and as far back as I can find, it's german all the way down. So the only gym in town is Planet Fitness. I like it because it's open 24/7 unlike most. We have to wear masks. So I walk past the front with my mask at half mast, then pull it fully under my chin when the lifting begins like I've been doing the last 8 months. An antifa looking skinny faggot employee comes up and motions with his hands to pull up the mask. Without a word I just pull it back to half mast (nose fully out), he hesitates then walks away. After he walks away I put it back under my chin. 15 minutes later a tap on the shoulder from behind, it's him, he motions to pull it up. Again I go half mast. He leaves. A third time he comes, then he says if I have to tell you again its in the rules that we can throw you out. I snap. I tell him "Listen, look, I get it, I'm a jew, I have a big fucking nose, I've been jew shamed my whole life, this stupid fucking mask doesn't stay over my nose, why are you targeting me? Do you hate the jews? Is this an anti-semetic organization? Should I inform corporate we got a jew hater targeting me? He actually apologizes and hasn't bugged me since. I'm as white as it gets and my last name is clearly German. Play the jew card sometime, it gets results.

(post is archived)

[–] 59 pts

To beat the jews system, you must become the jew.

[–] 29 pts

I have a whole script in my mind if my last name is ever challenged. "Listen, my father Abraham Cohen-Stein was a progressive jew who married my German mother in the 80's, he spearheaded the anti-loxism movement and to prove his undying loyalty against loxism, it he kept her beautiful German last name. I'm half Jew half German, you have no idea how hard it is being a half German half Jewish son and I don't need any anti-semetic bullshit from you". I like this script because it forces people to learn what the fuck loxism is.

[+] [deleted] 6 pts
[–] 5 pts

My name was changed to hide from the nazis

[–] 0 pt

Nazis don't exist. That's a racism epithet and slur given by the commie kikes. It's like in 80 years they'll be referring to all liberals as libtards. The libtard party

[–] 3 pts

A lot of good German names were co-opted by jews anyway so you probably won't even get questioned there.

[–] 2 pts

Yep, my married name is "Jewish" (it's German but is ONLY associated with Jews now) but I assure you that my husband nor any of his family are Jewish. So I could absolutely get away screaming about antisemitism & killingsixmillionofmypeopleintheholocaust

[–] 2 pts

If true keep it going, you are fucking savage.

Also shows that Germans or all Europeans dont know shit about jews (and they aren't supposed to) they just react to conditioned refelxes.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt

OK... go run this experiment in the real world for a day. Reply later letting us know how many people looked up loxism without you grabbing them by the hair and hooking them up to a Clockwork Orange style re-education system. No one cares to look up words relating to a topic they're actually interested in. You expect them to go read about loxism?

I guess this is possible with maybe 20% of the population depending on how interesting you make it seem. In practice, 5% would probably be a good day.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

One must jew the jew or the jew will jew you.

[–] 2 pts

I always said that, to the rebuke of my fellowa, we need to play and excel at their games so we can then turn the board on them. Outjew the jew

[–] 1 pt

Sorry but I just cant fuck my "cousin", will that be a problem?

Also I am herpes free, that would give me away.