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[–] 0 pt

Milo is still active on telegram . Dont know if he positted a theory on the BP actor. I just dont know of any other reason that a healthy young person could get colon cancer. He is an actor after all.

[–] 0 pt

Searching around on this, I've found that there is a totally-not-gay baseball player who is being used to defend the Black Panther's backdoor as this MLBer caught colon cancer despite not using it as a prison wallet. I doubt anyone doubts that Farrah Fawcett died of anal cancer because she was blown out the back six ways to Sunday.

So maybe it is possible...or maybe this well-adjusted White(ish) baseball player who has been photographed with a blonde girlfriend does/has moonlit as a catcher for the other team?

I would be surprised if Milo didn't have an opinion on BP being taken out by gay cancer as he wrote at least one article for Breitbart strongly implying that he had heard from the homo community that Marco Rubio was a total faggot.


[–] 0 pt

Homos are not always the best people to judge who’s a homo. They inevitably think everyone is a homo. I think young ballplayers and actors with colon cancer look pretty good for hpv— i read a study when the panther kid kicked it and there is a very high correlation of hpv and butt tumors in young cancer patients. Homos have terrible butt cancer and so do blacks. Two groups with a ton of disease.

I guess if you liked having girls finger your ass it might increase the likelihood. But I still say faggotry is the most likely explaination. Occams razor.

A lot of people know michael douglas has throat cancer from hpv, because he tells everyone. Lol.

[–] 0 pt

They inevitably think everyone is a homo.

That's a good point, part of their affliction is to try and normalize their deviancy by claiming that everyone is a deviant. Although I'd trust Milo more than the average fag in this regard as Milo did at one point drop his "gay supremacy" claims and concede that everything of note and of worth in life was invented by a straight White man.

Homos have terrible butt cancer and so do blacks.

I believe there's a lot of overlap between those two groups. niggers are extremely gay, but they'll adamantly deny it. I've noticed this in my day-to-day observation and interaction with them over the years, as well as when Ben Carson took a ton of flak from pearl-clutching mainstream media types for pointing out the basic truth that niggers become "gay for stay" when they are incarcerated.

Bearing in mind your first point, as I believe it was made by a black homosexual, the old show The Boondocks had recurring subthemes of pointing out how so many blacks, especially in the entertainment and prison industries, were flaming homos; "Jail nigga, you gay!".