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[–] [deleted] 4 pts

BAHAHAHAHAH The NIGGER gave her genital warts but she fails to mention the Herpes some other nog gave her. Oh I love stories like these. They deserve the hell they live in.

[–] 4 pts

If it wasn't for the sob/empathy articles she is writing to try to sway other white women to do the same, I would laugh at this slut too.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Imagine all the niggers who have warty dicks now though kek

[–] 2 pts

You mean they don't come out like that?

[–] 1 pt

Over 50% of black women have herpes.

They all already have shit. The chances of this mistake giving them anything new is very low.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

This is what Amelia "Amy" Horton actually looks like:


The Truth Behind My HPV Diagnosis And How It Turned My Life Into Unnecessary Chaos

By Amy Horton

Updated October 3, 2019

I stared at the doctor unblinkingly. It was a mistake—I had to have heard her wrong. Even as the thought flitted through my mind, I knew I hadn’t.

It didn’t look like a textbook case of genital warts. I’d only noticed a few small, persistent bumps that refused to go away. Even when my Pap smear came back abnormal and the clinic informed me that I may very well have contracted HPV, it didn’t occur to me that I had the strain that also caused those bumps. I felt dirty and ashamed. Though the outbreak didn’t look like anything much, I felt the specific heaviness that goes along with the STI stigma that is socially widespread in the United States. How could I tell anyone?

I’d not slept with that many partners. My relationships were most often long and monogamous. I did not think of myself as a likely candidate to have any type of sexual issue. Because of all this, my knowledge of HPV (and other STIs) was little to none.

As I learned more about it, I was surprised. Before my diagnosis, I’d had no idea that HPV was so common and widespread. It can stay dormant in the body for years and never present any symptoms. I could’ve contracted it from any one of my partners. If I hadn’t displayed the outbreak of bumps or had an abnormal Pap smear, I might’ve never known I had it at all. When I haltingly revealed my news to a brashly honest friend of mine, her response was,

“Oh, no big deal – I had those when I was 19. They go away. Everyone gets HPV.”

I was shocked by her cavalier attitude, but it also made me feel slightly relieved. Maybe it really wasn’t a big deal. Still, despite everything I’d read about its widespread prevalence, despite learning that my immune system would clear the virus from my body eventually, I had no idea how to break the news to a romantic partner without feeling disgusting.

I’d just begun dating someone new, fairly soon after a tumultuous breakup. We hadn’t slept together yet, but I was wrestling some complicated feelings regarding my previous boyfriend. My new problem made everything else feel overwhelmingly unmanageable. I decided that I had to talk to my ex about what I’d learned. I would wait and figure out what to tell this new guy later. It wasn’t a pressing issue so I pushed that particular stress away for the moment.

My self-esteem was already floundering and the feeling that I was somehow tainted only made it worse. I called my ex to discuss what I’d learned. I figured it was the right thing to do, as he was the last person I’d slept with prior to the knowledge. My heart in my throat, I blurted everything out awkwardly. I didn’t know how to approach it any better. There was silence, and my stomach churned. Then he responded.

“Are you okay?”

That was my undoing. That moment of kindness, that concern for me instead of an angry reaction, was the catalyst for the drama of several months thereafter. I didn’t tell the man I’d begun dating. I couldn’t. I felt horrible about myself as it was. Instead, I made excuses for not getting more physically intimate with him. I used any and every reason I could think of not to go further. Meanwhile, I began spending time with my ex again in secret.

I couldn’t sleep, or eat, or stop crying. I developed a facial tic from the stress of hiding my condition and the fact that I was dating two people who didn’t know about each other. I couldn’t stop seeing my former boyfriend, he was the only one who knew the truth and he still treated me normally. I became addicted to spending time with him. It allowed me to forget everything for a while.

I’m not proud of the way I behaved during this time period. I hurt a very decent man, who eventually found me out and stopped seeing me. We weren’t officially a couple, but I knew that it would hurt him if he learned that I was dating another guy behind his back. I didn’t exactly lie to him about my HPV, but I definitely omitted the truth.

I do believe that if there was not such a heavy stigma around STIs and the idea of having HPV, especially genital warts, I would’ve had an easier time coming clean and telling everyone the truth. I could’ve avoided so much pain, stress, and shame. I didn’t want anyone to know. If we took the embarrassment out of the conversation so that everyone who struggles with HPV or any other STI could feel okay about it, the world would be a happier place. We must spread facts and eliminate the harmful myths that shroud sexual infections in shame and secrecy.


[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 1 pt

thank God it didn't happen to an attractive girl

[–] 1 pt

So, instead of being upfront and honest, she lies over and over again to someone - not just about having a sexually transmitted disease but also by fucking others behind his back, thereby wasting his time which he could be using to get to know someone who isn't a lying, cheating whore. This cunt fucking disgusts me, as loyalty is always #1 to me. Yet so many think this sort of disgusting behaviour is not only acceptable, but glorified.

[–] 1 pt

Ahhhh, I clicked on that image link and she could be the sister of Biden's ugly press secretary. Same worn out look, same creepiness.

you must actually think someone on poal gives a complete rats ass about this...

[–] 4 pts

Whores get paid. I'm willing to bet she's just a slut.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

no maybe about it . she's a whore 😂

[–] 2 pts

I think I would kill myself if I got warts or herpes. I would never fuck a dude if I knew he was a dirty whore or had any of this shit.

That shit causes cancer too, cervical and colon, asshole cancers. The black panther actor died of some sort of asshole cancer which I assume was from putting dicks in his ass.

Holy crap

[–] 0 pt

You mean the Black Panther thing? People just dont die of colon cancer at 38 without reasons. It had to be hpv.

[–] 0 pt

Yep, the Black Panther guy's death seemed like it was caused by sexual degeneracy, just as Farrah Fawcett's was rumored to have been.

I wonder if Milo Yiannopoulos is still around. If anyone would know if a nigger were "on the down-low", it'd be he.

[–] 0 pt

Milo is still active on telegram . Dont know if he positted a theory on the BP actor. I just dont know of any other reason that a healthy young person could get colon cancer. He is an actor after all.

[–] 0 pt

Searching around on this, I've found that there is a totally-not-gay baseball player who is being used to defend the Black Panther's backdoor as this MLBer caught colon cancer despite not using it as a prison wallet. I doubt anyone doubts that Farrah Fawcett died of anal cancer because she was blown out the back six ways to Sunday.

So maybe it is possible...or maybe this well-adjusted White(ish) baseball player who has been photographed with a blonde girlfriend does/has moonlit as a catcher for the other team?

I would be surprised if Milo didn't have an opinion on BP being taken out by gay cancer as he wrote at least one article for Breitbart strongly implying that he had heard from the homo community that Marco Rubio was a total faggot.


[–] [deleted] 2 pts

She is a bad role model for young girls. I am wondering why she is not cancelled citing being a bad role model for young girls as a reason.

These women should be ashamed of themselves. They not only exhibit a despicable behaviour, but also justify them in a public platform. If we need a cancel culture, we really need something like this for women like these. If all the men refuse to date such despicable women, especially cheaters like her who running around sleeping with random men, then this world would be a better place. unfortunately, nowadays men have no unity. they are slaves to their own junk.

[–] 3 pts

These women should be ashamed of themselves.

There is no shame anymore only tolerance. Calling someone out on their despicable behaviour means you have hate in your heart. This is a clown world.

[–] 1 pt

She was such a whore that nature had to put a braille warning on her so even blind guys could avoid

Why are there no niggers in this advertisement?...they're the biggest culprits for infidelity/ STD's

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