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[–] 3 pts

14 years old and while watching TV while my dad was out working I took his Ruger Blackhawk out of it's sheep skin case and pulled the hammer back. I'm just messing about like a dumb teenager. Suddenly I realized that that I had no way known to me to return it to a safe position. It had a trigger interlock system and by pulling the hammer back the interlock system had gone down into firing position. It was now cocked and ready to fire. WTF? What the hell did I just do? How can I return it to a safe position and get the safety interlock system to come back up to protect the firing pin from accidental discharge. As I stared in horror at what I had done I finally decided to replace it to it's sheep skin case and return it to the shelf I had taken it from.

So, I sat there with my brother beside me on the couch to my right pondering my problem. No solution came to mind but I had to do something. If my father found out I would be in serious trouble. I'd only been allowed to fire it once in my father's presence and knew very little of it's function.

So, not saying anything to my older brother I took down the case once more and carefully unzipped it. The heavy revolver slid out and landed on the floor hammer first. It went off. A huge blast of flame shot up past the right side of my face. I was so glad nothing had happened to me. So lucky. Then I noticed the tear in the right thigh of my pants. "Oh" I thought, well, thankfully it had only ripped my pants. Looking closer I saw a bit of blood. So it's just a scratch I thought. Maybe just a light graze? Then pulled the rip open a bit and saw a gaping hole down into the meat of my thigh. "Oh shit, oh damn, I'm really in trouble" I thought. My brother looked over and said, "What did you do!!!???". Me: " I shot myself". I was in a state of shock. He offered to load me up on his motorcycle and take me to hospital. There was a chance we could keep this quiet and get me out of trouble and I jumped up at the chance and followed him out the door. As I stepped out the door a large hamburger glob of meat squirted out the back of my leg with all wet and bloody. It was surreal. Still, I felt no pain at all, not even a small sensation. How odd was that. Not at all like the movies where the people cry out in pain and agony straight away.

As I got on the back of his motorbike I felt a bit woozy. I told my brother I might fall off and get really injured, I was scared. In reality, I would have been fine as there was very little bleeding, just a bit of blood ooze but being scared I got off and laid down on the ground and waited till the came back a half hour later with my grandmother and her station wagon. In the meantime a neighbor came over and asked me if I was alright. I was angry and told him "Ya, I'm fine, I like to lay about bleeding man. If you can't help me get lost!". I'm surprised he didn't kick me for that but he calmly walked off to leave me to it.

In the hospital after laying about on a gurney for about an hour my grandmother gave them permission to use me for education purposes. They split open the wound from entry to exit to show off the fantastic trajectory of the .44 magnum hollow point and the damage it left. Then the stuffed it with gauze or some sort of packing material and let me be for a day or so. When next a group of medical students showed up with a couple doctors they just ripped that gauze out with no pain killers at all. I'm gonna tell you, it was the most horrific pain I have ever had in my life. Nothing compares to it, not even having a root canal with no anesthetics and I've been through that also. Don't ask me how that happened, because it's inconceivable that the dentist wouldn't realize she totally missed my nerve and went ahead anyway the whole time telling me it doesn't hurt.

Anyway, other than the severed nerves, my leg healed up fairly well and I have a lovely scar and a huge dent in my leg to this day to remind me why fire arm safety is important and why you shouldn't handle a weapon you know nothing about.

[–] 1 pt

the dentist wouldn't realize she

Explains everything.

Fascinating story about the revolver. The old Westerns make it look easy to slowly ride the hammer home with your thumb while you pull the trigger, but it's suddenly a lot less easy when the gun is in your hand.

[–] 0 pt

Fuck, I once went to a different mercury-free dentist that happened to be a woman. Total crap, from start to finish. They fucked up the x-rays so had to retake the mouth. They fucked up the filling. The whole time they were shooting the breeze and I had no confidence. Went back to my old dentist (male) and he was asking what the hell I had done. Should have stuck with him. NEVER was I ever worried or uneasy with him, since childhood. An artisan. Sadly he died several years ago. Should have had more of the needed work done with him while he was alive.

[–] 0 pt

I think what happened was, the shock of the revolver landing on the hammer was about the same as if it had been released by the trigger to hit the pin. If I had realized how slippery that revolver was in the case and how it could easily slide out on it's own I would have tilted the case to prevent that when I opened it the second time.

[–] 1 pt

Yikes! Lucky, I guess.

[–] 1 pt

In the months and years after that accident I thought much of how narrowly my head was missed. I refused to touch a pistol for about five years and made sure I knew how it worked. Fortunately my cousin got me over it with his revolver but it wasn't easy. I'm fine with a shotgun.

So did your dad ever find out about it?

[–] 1 pt

Within minutes. He wasn't even mad at me. He was more worried though about going to jail for leaving his weapon out on his lampstand. The police asked my Grandmother to find him so they could ask some questions. An officer came and bitched me out for messing about with his revolver. I was like, "Yes sir", "No sir" , "I won't do it again sir" . At that point I was in enough pain I just wanted the lecture to stop. I really didn't need anyone to explain how stupid I had been.